Ketosteril: analogues. "Ketosteril": instructions for use, analogues

“Ketosteril” is a medicine containing in its composition amino acids necessary for life, with a deficiency of which the human body simply cannot function normally. Let's see what leads to this violation, how to deal with it, and also does Ketosteril have analogues?

Ketosteril analogue

Indications for use

There are not so many indications for the use of this drug, namely:

  • Protein-energy deficiency. This medical term refers to energy deficiency caused by a lack of macro and micronutrients. Failure can develop both gradually and abruptly, as a result of starvation. Depending on the degree of the disease, patients may experience edema, skin atrophy, hair loss. Often, the occurrence of violations in several systems of internal organs at the same time.
  • Prevention and treatment of disorders caused by a change in protein metabolism due to chronic renal failure, as well as protein deficiency in the diet. As a rule, a similar phenomenon is observed in adults and children from three years. Violation of protein metabolism gradually leads to the accumulation of poisonous products (residual nitrogen and its components) in the body and the loss of vital amino acids. The prescribed treatment to relieve the toxic load on the body (a diet with a limited intake of protein) inevitably leads to protein starvation. And, therefore, to the gradually developing protein-energy deficiency described earlier. That is why the Ketosteril preparation, which replenishes the deficiency of essential amino acids, is irreplaceable in this case: while removing toxic metabolic products, it helps to improve the metabolism of protein and minerals in the body.

It should be noted that the use of the drug is justified in reducing glomerular filtration to indications of 25 ml / min and below. However, it is not excluded and the use in patients in whom this indicator is slightly higher than indicated. Normally, the glomerular filtration rate is in the range of 100-120 ml / min. In order to find out this value, a laboratory study of serum albumin is sufficient.

Ketosteril analogues


The use of the drug is prohibited with:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components.
  2. Disruption of amino acid metabolism.
  3. High blood calcium.
  4. Children under three years old.

The use of "Ketosteril" during pregnancy and lactation is shown with caution, since the necessary studies to assess the potential threat of the drug in this case have not been conducted.

Side effect

The only side effect of the use of the drug is hypercalcemia, that is, an increased content of calcium in the blood. Hypercalcemia can be recognized by the presence of weakness, nausea and vomiting, as well as by an increase in blood pressure. In addition, constant thirst, excretion of a large amount of urine, and the formation of kidney stones are a cause for concern.

Ketosteril instructions analogues

What else should I learn before buying and taking Ketosteril? Instructions, analogues of the drug - this is the important information that is given below.

Drug benefits

The benefits of Ketosteril are:

  1. Significant reduction in symptoms of uremia.
  2. Correction and maintenance of nutritional status.
  3. Decrease in metabolic manifestations.
  4. Preservation of residual renal function.
  5. Normal growth and development of children with chronic renal failure.

Drug cost

Ketosteril is a fairly expensive drug. Its cost (per pack of 100 tablets) varies on average from 2250 to 3500 rubles.

Ketosteril: similar drugs

So, as you can understand, the medicine is quite expensive. Therefore, many are interested in whether Ketosteril has analogues. And if so, what is their value? And does Ketosteril have a Russian analogue? Unfortunately, neither the Russian market, nor the international drugs offer similar to Ketosteril.

Why do manufacturers see no reason to create an alternative to the tool in question? The fact is that the drug itself is unique. The supply of the necessary, important amino acids for protein synthesis with the simultaneous removal of toxic protein metabolism products from the blood composition is achieved by a well-chosen composition of the Ketosteril agent. An analogue does not take place, since none of the components in the composition can be replaced by another. So, there is nothing that could reduce the price of a commercially available drug.

"Ketosteril": instructions for use

Analogues of this tool, as we have already found out, do not exist. Therefore, it remains only to accept that the medicine is quite expensive, and it should be used strictly according to the instructions, despite the fact that more than one package is required for effective treatment.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed based on the weight of the patient: 1 tablet of Ketosteril per day is relied on 5 kg of weight. The average daily dose of medication for an adult is from 12 to 24 tablets. At one time, it is quite difficult to master such an amount of the drug, so doctors recommend dividing it into 3-4 doses. To use during meal, washing down tablets with a large amount of liquid. For better absorption, the medicine should be washed down with water (and not tea, coffee, compote, etc.).

Ketosteril instructions for use analogues

The course of treatment depends on how quickly the glomerular filtration rate is restored, that is, there are no specific dates. Everything is individual, depending on the organism of a particular patient. Doctors usually prescribe a diet with reduced protein intake while taking the drug.

Drug Interactions

Before use, it is worthwhile to carefully study with which medicines Ketosteril should not be used. Its analogue does not exist, there is nothing to replace this tool. Therefore, it is worth taking the warnings on the package about the "incompatibility" with some other medicines seriously. Namely:

  1. With calcium preparations. The simultaneous use in this case will inevitably lead to hypercalcemia.
  2. Antibiotic tetracycline group.
  3. Antibacterial drugs (quinolone group).
  4. Iron-containing medicines.
  5. Drugs containing estramustine.
  6. Medications containing fluoride.

Ketosteril similar drugs

However, the use of the above funds (except calcium-containing) is allowed in cases where their intake is vital. In this case, a gap of at least two hours between the doses of these drugs and Ketosteril should be maintained.

Terms of sale

The drug is dispensed in all pharmacies strictly by prescription. Self-administration of funds without consulting an experienced specialist is prohibited.

Ketosteril analogue Russian

To summarize what we learned about the Ketosteril preparation. Similar drugs of this remedy do not exist - this is firstly. And secondly, the medicine itself is unique, since it simultaneously heals the main pathology and blocks the manifestation of possible side effects from treatment.

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