Wake - an indispensable component of the funeral ceremony - this is an event that allows you to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. A funeral meal is a rite, a symbolic phenomenon and implies the observance of a number of rules.
The selection of dishes for this meal is not random. So, first of all, Kutia is served, previously blessed by a priest in the temple. The grains from which it is prepared symbolize a rebirth to eternal life.
There are several recipes for colivo or kutia. For example, oven-baked wheat mixed with honey or jam can be used for this dish. No less popular is colo made from potted wheat with poppy, minced in a mortar, sugar, chopped nuts and pre-soaked raisins.
At the beginning of the commemoration, pancakes are also traditionally served, the round shape of which is a symbol of continuity and infinity of being. Regardless of whether restaurant wake or at home, on the table there may be salads from beets with garlic, from cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes, cold fish snacks, stuffed peppers, fried eggplant.
On ordinary days, the menu may include βcoulibiacsβ, fries, homemade noodles with chicken. Wake in the post suggest the presence on the table only meatless dishes. Examples of the latter are cabbage rolls with vegetables and champignons, oat cutlets, fish baked with vegetables, potato and rice cutlets.
Pies are prepared from lean yeast dough, the ingredients of which are yeast, vegetable oil, flour, warm water and salt. Yeast is dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water and wait until they froth. Then from these products knead the dough. As a filling, apples, potatoes, fish, rice with mushrooms, cabbage are suitable.
An obligatory dish of the memorial meal is jelly, which is prepared from oatmeal, diluted with cold water in a 1: 1 ratio. In the resulting mixture, put yeast or a piece of brown bread and leave it in a warm place for about a day. Then the excess water is drained, and the remaining mass is brought to a boil.
To prepare cranberry jelly, the berries are sorted, wiped through a sieve, squeezed juice. Squeezes should be poured with hot water (1: 5), boil and strain. In the chilled half of the broth, you need to add potato starch, and the remaining part of the broth needs to be boiled, adding sugar. The two parts of the dish are combined, the juice is added and cooled.
Employees of a cafe or restaurant can offer their own menu option for a memorial meal, in which the relatives of the deceased decide to hold a mournful event. On the website www.pominkivrestorane.ru you can find a list of institutions providing such services.
It is important to remember that a memorial table is not customary to decorate. The characteristic features of such a meal are the modesty of dishes and the severity of their design. After all, those present gathered not to enjoy food, but to remember the deceased with prayers and kind words, to express words of condolences to his relatives.