Pain in the perineum during pregnancy. What is the reason for this?

Probably, there is hardly a woman who could say that during pregnancy she was not bothered by anything. Although it is believed that pregnancy is not a disease, nevertheless, nature is designed so that during this period significant changes occur in the body, and they are often not too comfortable for the expectant mother.
Often pain in the perineum is felt during pregnancy, and immediately the question arises - how normal is it? Is there any cause for concern or is it better to "endure"? Let's try to figure out why they even arise and how to behave in such situations.
It is important to pay attention not only to the pain in the perineum during pregnancy, but to how often and for how long they occur. This will help to accurately determine the causes of pain.
Please note that if they occur after 35 weeks or a little later, then this is a signal that the body is preparing for an early birth. And they really are just around the corner, since the usual gestation period is from 38 to 42 weeks.
Pain in the perineum during pregnancy means that the pelvic bones begin to move apart under the weight of the fetus, whose weight is already about 3 kilograms, and sometimes more! The pelvic bones move apart, and the ligaments do not stretch so fast and do not keep up with them, which is why there is a feeling of discomfort.
It happens that the fetus compresses some nerve, most often the sciatic. This can be not only the cause of pain in the perineum, but also in the tailbone, and even in the back.
There are more serious reasons. Pain in the perineum during pregnancy can mean varicose veins of the perineum or other diseases. After the examination, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.
If the pain is caused by natural causes during pregnancy - pressure on the ligaments from the growing fetus, then no medication is required in such cases. Of course, this is unpleasant and very painful, but you will have to endure and relieve pain, for example, with a special massage for pregnant women or, say, going to the pool, which is very beneficial not only for general well-being, but also relieves tension in the muscles.
But it is necessary to be more attentive to one’s condition and not to strive to β€œendure” at all costs. It happens that tingling in the perineum during pregnancy, turning into mild pain, is a symptom of a threat of miscarriage in those cases if it occurs in the early stages. Or it may be a signal of premature birth, at a later date after 20 weeks.
Pay attention to the selection. If they have acquired a brown or yellowish tint, or pink, then this means that blood clots are present in them. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Most often, women characterize this condition as lumbago in the perineum. During pregnancy, there are tremendous changes in the body, so if you have doubts, then you should not pull.

By the way, this condition can persist for some time after pregnancy, and not only during it. All this is due to changes in the body, when the pelvic bones converge after childbirth, which also causes a not very pleasant sensation. There is also a contraction of the uterus, and the woman feels it. But these manifestations in the postpartum stage are not as strong as during pregnancy. If they do not pass within the first month after the birth, then it is worth being wary. Especially if there were tears during childbirth and the woman was stitched.
In any case, only your doctor will determine the exact cause. Trust in professionals, do not endure and do not try to diagnose yourself.

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