Perhaps nothing spoils the face of a person (and especially a woman) as herpes has appeared. Of course, the question of aesthetic attractiveness is far from the last thing that comes to mind when faced with such misfortune, but not only this is the reason for the acute desire to get rid of herpes. The bubbles formed in the affected area cause unbearable itching and burning sensation, literally driving their “victim” crazy.
Herpes is a viral disease in which many colonies of grouped vesicles are located on the mucous membranes and skin. Such rashes caused by a special type of virus can expand the attack zone, affecting cells one after another. Moreover, herpes is usually located in the gene apparatus of the cell, which only exacerbates the problem.
Herpes on the nose is caused by the very type of virus that can “walk around” the body, which is why it is dangerous. Therefore, if there is a cold sore on the nose, treatment is necessary! And it should be appointed by a qualified specialist (this is the area of work of the immunologist).
How to cure cold sores on the nose? General recommendations:
· Keep the area affected by herpes clean;
Do not touch herpetic eruptions with your hands so as not to transfer the infection;
· Try to ignore itching and burning;
· Use a separate towel;
Drink more fluids and consume more fruits.
You can distinguish between drug treatment and treatment through traditional medicine.
Herpes on the nose. Drug treatment
Treatment process should be comprehensive, that is, you need to get rid of not only herpes, but also from concomitant infections. To do this, use various antiviral, antihistamines, immunomodulators, adaptogens, and local remedies.
Herpes drugs can be in the form of tablets, ointments, creams, ampoules for injection. External medicines, such as Castellani liquid or Fucorcin solution, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Herpeblock, Celestoderm B ointment, are very popular. Widely used are also Larifin, Virazol, Metisazon, Kutizon, Cycloferon, Helepin and other drugs.
The disease manifests itself almost instantly, and the desired drug is not always at hand. What to do in this case? You can turn to non-medication treatments. If herpes suddenly appeared on the nose, treatment can be started using folk remedies:
· Lubricate vials with fir oil every two hours;
· Crush a clove of garlic and wrap it in gauze, apply gauze to herpetic eruptions;
· Do the same with a piece of ice wrapped in gauze;
· Wipe the affected areas of the skin with tincture of birch buds.
According to scientists, 95% of humanity is a carrier of herpes infection, but they themselves may not be able to observe herpes for many years. What can provoke the manifestation of herpes? Decreased immunity, illness and the use of antibiotics, and in addition, pregnancy.
Herpes on the nose during pregnancy is not a frequent but dangerous phenomenon. As already mentioned, herpetic eruptions on the nose caused by a special type of virus are able to move through the body, and this, to put it mildly, is undesirable.
It is important to know at what period of pregnancy a woman caught a cold sore. The most dangerous occurrence of herpes in the first trimester, since during this period the virus can provoke (with a high degree of probability) a miscarriage. The appearance of herpetic rashes in the third trimester of pregnancy is not so dangerous for the baby’s life, but can cause transmission of the infection from mother to baby.
What to do: to treat or not to treat? Definitely a treat! The main ally of a pregnant woman in the fight against herpes is Panavir. The drug can be used externally and internally. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use the ointment "Acyclovir" ("Tetracycline", "Erythromycin"). Do not ignore the methods of traditional medicine (fir oil, chamomile cream, ointment from calendula flowers, tea with viburnum and honey).
If you have encountered a problem such as cold sores on the nose, treatment should not cause you anxiety and stress. Nowadays, a huge number of drugs fighting herpes have been developed. The only caveat is the limitation of "amateur activity" and trust in specialists, the implementation of medical recommendations.