Omnitus Cough Syrup: instructions for use

Omnitus cough syrup is a medication that is used to eliminate dry cough of various origins (influenza, acute respiratory diseases, whooping cough), as well as to suppress the cough reflex at the pre- and postoperative stage, during surgery preparation for instrumental studies of the respiratory system.

how to take omnitus cough syrup

Composition, dosage form and packaging

According to the instructions, Omnitus Cough Syrup is a clear, colorless, viscous liquid with the smell of vanilla. Butamyrate citrate is used as the main active substance in its production. As additional components in the Omnitus syrup there are: glycerol, sorbitol 70% (non-crystallizing), sodium saccharin, vanillin, benzoic acid, ethanol 96%, anise oil, sodium hydroxide, distilled water.

The syrup is packaged in dark glass bottles, in addition, a measuring spoon is included in the kit (with a risk for a volume of 2.5 ml, a total volume of 5 ml). The medicine is packed in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

As indicated by the instruction, cough syrup Omnitus is an antitussive medication of a central type of action. The active element (butamirate citrate) is neither pharmacologically nor chemically related to opium alkaloids. It has a direct effect on the cough center. It also has expectorant, moderate bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory properties. Improves blood oxygenation and spirometry.

omnitus cough syrup for children instructions


In accordance with the instructions for use for Omnitus cough syrup, the absorption of this medication after ingestion is quite high. The maximum level of the active substance, as well as its main metabolite (2-phenylbutyric acid) in the plasma is observed after about 1.5 hours and is equal to 6.4 μg / ml.

Butamyrate citrate in plasma is hydrolyzed to its main metabolite, as well as to diethylaminoethoxyethanol. Both of these substances, which also have an antitussive effect, significantly bind to plasma proteins, which explains their prolonged presence in plasma. Subsequently, the main metabolite, 2-phenylbutyric acid, begins to oxidize to 14C-p-hydroxy-2-phenylbutyric acid.

The half-life of butamirate when taking Omnitus in syrup is 6 hours. All three metabolites are excreted from the body via the kidneys, with acid metabolites mainly in the form of glucuronides. The drug is well tolerated, rarely causes adverse reactions.

cough syrup omnitus instructions

Indications for appointment

According to the instructions, cough syrup Omnitus is prescribed in such cases:

  • dry cough of various etiologies (during colds, flu, whooping cough, and other conditions);
  • in order to suppress cough in the postoperative or preoperative period, during bronchoscopy, surgical interventions.

For the treatment of wet cough, this medication is not prescribed.

Dosage regimen

For adult patients, the medication is prescribed for 6 measured spoons (volume - 30 ml) 3 times a day. So it says in the instructions. Omnitus cough syrup for children after 9 years of age (weighing more than 40 kg) is prescribed in 3 scoops (volume - 15 ml) 4 times a day. At the age of 6 to 9 years (weight - 22-30 kg) - 3 scoops 3 times a day. At the age of 3-6 years (weight - 15-22 kg) - 2 scoops (volume -10 ml) 3 times a day.

instructions for use omnitus syrup dry cough

Side effects

What else can you learn from the instructions for Omnitus Cough Syrup?

A medicine may cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Digestive system: dyspeptic disorders, diarrhea.
  2. Other: dizziness, allergic reactions, exanthema.

List of contraindications

This medication is contraindicated with high sensitivity to the components present in its composition, during lactation, in the first trimester of pregnancy, at the age of less than 3 years. This must be considered before the appointment.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

According to the instructions for Omnitus dry cough syrup, no medicine is prescribed at the initial stage of the gestation process. If necessary, its use in the lactation period should decide on the temporary cessation of feeding.

cough syrup omnitus instructions for use

Special recommendations

As indicated by the instructions for use of Omnitus syrup for dry cough, during the treatment with this medication it is not recommended to prescribe drugs that depress the central nervous system (including antipsychotic and hypnotics, tranquilizers), patients are forbidden to drink alcohol.

For people with diabetes, the drug can be prescribed, since saccharin and sorbitol are present in the syrup as a sweetener.

In addition, approximately 0.003 ml of ethanol is contained in 1 ml of drug syrup. While taking the recommended single dose in 10 ml of syrup, the patient receives 0.03 ml of ethanol. It must be borne in mind that this poses some danger for people with liver diseases, epilepsy, alcoholism, brain pathologies, as well as for children and pregnant women.

Butamirate contributes to the inhibition of cough activity, therefore, preparations based on this component are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with expectorants, since it is possible to accumulate sputum in the respiratory tract with a high probability of bronchospasm or infection of the respiratory system. In addition, butamirate can cause excessive drowsiness, as a result of which, when using it, it is recommended to refuse to drive vehicles and perform activities associated with complex mechanisms. How to take Omnitus Cough Syrup is important to find out in advance.

cough syrup omnitus reviews instruction

Overdose Symptoms and Treatment

When ingested high doses of syrup, signs of an overdose may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, diarrhea, dizziness, lowering blood pressure.

To eliminate such conditions, it is recommended to take salt laxatives, activated carbon, if necessary, symptomatic therapy.


Analogues of the Omnitus medicament for the active substance have different dosage forms, bioequivalence and volume. They also differ in the list of auxiliary components. In Russia, the following drugs are registered on the basis of butamirate:

  1. "Codelac Neo" is a medication that is produced in 3 forms: long-acting tablets, drops and syrup. This tool differs from Omnitus in the dosage of the main component and the method of administration. The Russian company Pharmstandard-Leksredstva produces this medicine.
  2. Sinecode is a cough suppressant. It is produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis Consumer Health in the form of dragees, drops and syrup. This remedy is prescribed not only for adult patients, but also for children. The dosage of the active element - butamirate - in 5 ml of syrup is 7.5 mg.
  3. Panatus is a medicine made by KRKA from Slovenia. This medication is presented in tablets for adults and syrup for children and is an absolute structural analogue of Omnitus.
  4. "Stoptussin" - a combination medicine based on butamirate. It is produced in combination with guaifenesin in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Guaifenesin stimulates the bronchial glands and reduces the viscosity of sputum. In this case, the functionality of the ciliary epithelium is activated and mucus is evacuated from the respiratory canals. This medication is suitable for eliminating not only dry, but also wet cough. Omnitus syrup cannot boast of this.
    omnitus dry cough syrup instructions


On the cough medicine "Omnitus" on the medical sites left a lot of positive reviews. Medical experts note that this drug is allowed to be used only on the basis of medical prescription, since its effect is aimed at inhibiting the work of the cough center. If taken incorrectly, complications can occur. Thus, according to doctors, Omnitus in the form of a syrup is prescribed exclusively for dry cough. A wet cough cannot be treated with this medication, because it requires expectoration of sputum, which stops through its action. In the future, sputum remains in the bronchi, where it causes inflammation.

Patients who used this medication characterize it as an inexpensive and effective means to eliminate an obsessive cough, including one that occurs at night. Often this pathological condition is observed in children, and parents in the reviews noted that the Omnitus syrup helped to quickly alleviate the condition of the child. Adult patients also noted its rapid action and good therapeutic effect.

As for the side effects in the use of this medication, patients noted the frequent occurrence of weakness, drowsiness, dyspeptic conditions, which were manifested by indigestion and nausea. Often there was a violation of the intestines, diarrhea. In children, a frequent adverse reaction to taking the medication was nervous excitement or, conversely, excessive drowsiness.

We reviewed the instructions and reviews for Omnitus Cough Syrup.

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