How many grams in a can of condensed milk? Useful information for consumers.

Often we are interested in the question of how many grams of condensed milk in the bank, when we begin to check the price ratio in all the variety of assortment on the shelves of stores. Often the manufacturer goes to a small commercial trick, reducing the declared mass of the product, thereby automatically lowering the price in the competition for the consumer.

The original composition of a quality product

Based on the original recipe, only concentrated milk and sugar are fillers of the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers have long learned how to make goods from cheaper raw materials - vegetable fat with the addition of various preservatives and flavorings. However, the composition of the product must be indicated on the product packaging, having carefully studied which, the buyer will insure himself against a cheap fake.

How many grams in a can of condensed milk
Also, each manufacturer indicates on the label how many grams are in the jar of condensed milk, the calorie content of the product and certification according to GOST.

Caution! Vegetable protein

Normal (not fat-free) condensed milk has a fat content of 8.5%. Its composition includes milk, cream, granulated sugar and water. According to GOST standards, only antioxidant and certain stabilizers (potassium and sodium derivatives) are allowed in the product. These substances do not affect the reduction in the cost and quality of the goods. But vegetable oils, soy protein and other similar components that may contain a can of condensed milk (400 grams of standard weight) indicate the low cost of raw materials. A person who is poorly versed in product brands can be attracted by the relatively low price of the product. The quality of this product is poor. "Vegetable" condensed milk is liquid, sugar, has an unpleasant aftertaste. The color of condensed milk made from low-grade substitutes is also not at all characteristic. The original high-quality product is white, with a light pleasant cream tint.

1 can of condensed milk how many grams

It's a shame that the cost of cheap raw materials pays off many times due to the fact that the price of goods of all kinds of "Condensed milk", "Varenok" and "Toffee" is not very different from the price of a product that has passed certification.

1 can of condensed milk: how many grams according to GOST?

As we know, in addition to the composition, the label indicates the calorie content of the product, as well as the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

  • 100 grams of product contains 320 kcal.
  • The shelf life of condensed milk released in a tin can is 1 year from the date of production.

Many consumers are interested in how many grams in a can of condensed milk, according to the approved GOST standards? Answer: 400 grams.

Jar of condensed milk grams

In addition to 8.5% fat, 100 g of the product contains 7.2% protein and 53.9% carbohydrates.

Is there any benefit to the product?

It is believed that after prolonged heat treatment, milk loses its beneficial properties. This is not entirely true. Of course, not all vitamins can withstand high temperatures. However, the concentration of milk in the product is so high that calcium alone in condensed milk is 2.5 times more than in ordinary raw milk. It is recommended to use this product to people of mental labor for recovery processes after active brain activity. The daily norm is 2 teaspoons per day. Do not get involved in the product.

Noticing how much milk comes from a nursing mother after drinking a cup of tea with the addition of condensed milk, some women try to actively absorb this product, despite the prohibitions of doctors. This is fraught with negative consequences, because the baby risks getting diathesis, which at a very early age is very difficult to treat.

Cooking Application

Very often, we use boiled condensed milk in the preparation of desserts, whether it is bought in the store whether it is ready-made, or whether it is cooked independently. For example, to lubricate biscuit cakes (especially if there are more than two), a whole can of boiled condensed milk can go at a time . How many grams are in the product? One jar also contains 400 grams.

Bank of boiled condensed milk how many grams

Marketing move

We have already talked about unscrupulous manufacturers seeking to skillfully mask vegetable fat with high-quality raw materials. Now it's time to talk about the so-called underweight. The manufacturer does not do anything criminal and openly writes on the label how many grams are in the can of condensed milk. So do not be surprised if, instead of the prescribed 400 grams, you find the declared 370. Carefully read the composition and trust only the trusted manufacturer that has passed certification, and leave cunning marketing moves for uninformed consumers.

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