Solid oil ointment is the first assistant in the treatment of a rather unpleasant disease called psoriasis. This drug has been tested for many years of use and has proven itself to be the best. Despite the fact that the disease can not be completely cured, solidol helps to forget about its manifestations for a long time. And although the treatment lasts a long time, and the very use of solidol-based products does not bring much joy, nevertheless, you can completely get rid of all external symptoms for a rather long time. All this will be discussed in this article. To begin with, we offer to get acquainted with the disease itself.
Psoriasis is commonly called squamous versicolor; its peculiarity lies in the fact that a person suffering from an ailment is completely harmless to others, since this is not an infectious disease. Psoriasis spreads to the skin, nails and hair.
This disease is periodic. There are moments of exacerbation, but there are periods when the symptoms are practically not manifested. At the time of relapse, a person feels very severe tiredness, drowsiness and depression. Solid oil ointment helps to get rid of symptoms for a long period of time.
This disease affects people with pale skin. There are the following statistics - every twenty fifth person on our planet suffers from scaly lichen. This is about four percent of the inhabitants of developed countries.
This disease is the most studied, it is now officially accepted that psoriasis is an incurable disease. But it has not been fully studied, and a lot of questions remain about this. At the moment, it is known that scaly lichen is not an acquired disease, it is provoked by its own immune cells.
Visually, psoriasis can be detected due to the presence of red spots on the skin (they are commonly called plaques). When felt, they are dry, covered with a coating. It is important to clarify that suffering from psoriasis:
- joints
- tendons;
- spine;
- immune, nervous, endocrine systems;
- kidneys
- liver;
- thyroid.
Solid oil ointment, as you might guess, is made on the basis of the component of the same name. Do not confuse the substance that is used to lubricate spare parts on equipment from a medical analogue. The latter is thoroughly cleaned before use for medical purposes. The result of treatment with technical solidol may have the opposite effect. In this section you will learn what medical solidol is.
It is a homogeneous grease based on fatty acids and texel. And to be more precise - the oil thickens with acids. Medicinal solidol may have a brownish color. In medical raw materials we can detect:
It was previously said that treatment with solid oil ointments does not bring pleasure. This is primarily due to a specific smell. Secondly, with the fact that such an ointment is quite difficult to wash off from the surface of the skin.
Beneficial features
Solid oil ointment is a fairly popular and effective remedy for psoriasis. It has been tested by several generations of patients, all reviews are positive. And all thanks to the beneficial properties of medical solidol. We list them.
- reduces peeling;
- resists the formation of wounds;
- eliminates irritation;
- relieves itching and burning in the affected areas;
- reduces the affected surface;
- promotes healing and keratinization of the skin;
- increases the rate of formation of a healthy layer of the epidermis.
The combination of properties helps to get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis for a rather long time. With the disappearance of signs, a general improvement in the patient's condition is noted.
In this section, we will talk about different solidol ointments, we also note their side effects. It is important to clarify that modern products often contain impurities of minerals and plant components, which further increases the therapeutic effect. The following is a list of the most popular drugs based on solidol:
- "Kartalin";
- Magnispor;
- "Antipsoriasis";
- "Cytospore";
- Ointment Rybakova.
In addition to purified solidol, the following components are present in their composition:
- succession and chamomile extracts;
- lysozyme;
- vitamins A and D;
- lavender and eucalyptus oil;
- salicylic acid;
- Bee Honey;
- mineral components;
- herbs of the Far East;
- extracts from Pacific mollusks;
- crab chitin and so on.
Pay attention to the composition of the ointment when buying in a pharmacy. In addition, you can make it yourself. Of course, the latter option is highly not recommended, because finding a purified solidol is quite difficult.
Ointment Rybakova
In this section we will talk about an affordable and effective remedy for psoriasis - it is a solidol ointment (Rybakova ointment). It is applied twice a day in a small amount to all affected areas. It is important to note that you need to rub along the hair growth. Mandatory information for the user - it is necessary to take a bath with soap every three days.
When using, folliculitis may appear, in which case you need to see a doctor. He should give you a bath with soap every other day. The course of treatment lasts only ten days. After treatment, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with brilliant green.
Please note that it is recommended to store the ointment in the refrigerator. Shelf life is four years. You can buy Rybakov ointment in any pharmacy without a prescription.
How to use
For each solidol ointment, instructions for use are attached. Before use, it is imperative to consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions for use. Solid oil ointment, the side effects of which are indicated in the instructions, can cause the appearance of oily acne. They occur in direct contact with the drug. This happens due to blockage with the solidol of the sebaceous glands. In this case, the doctor allows you to wash the ointment with soap once every two days.
The course of treatment with solid oil ointments does not exceed two weeks. Before applying directly to the affected area, do a test. Apply a small amount to the skin and wait thirty minutes. If irritation does not appear, then you can safely use it as a remedy for psoriasis. It is recommended to apply the product after the bath, then the effect is much better, because the plaques are softened. Taking a shower often is not recommended. However, daily washing is not a contraindication. It is better to use ointments before bedtime, while it is impossible to bandage the affected areas. Use old but clean clothes for sleeping. A morning shower will relieve a specific smell and discomfort on the skin.
Ointment for psoriasis is used only as directed by a doctor. This group of ointments has only one indication - psoriasis. Before use, consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions. Do not forget to test the individual intolerance of the components, so as not to aggravate the situation. Even if the test does not give a result, do not distribute the ointment throughout the body. Start gradually: legs, after a while connect the body, arms and so on. For the face, it is better not to use solid oil ointments.
Solid oil ointment for psoriasis can not be used in the following cases:
- intolerance;
- tendency to allergies;
- childhood;
- pregnancy;
- lactation.
To detect a negative reaction, apply a small amount of ointment to the back of your hand. If there is an allergy to the component, then after a few minutes it will manifest itself.
And what do patients say about such a simple but effective remedy as solid oil ointment? Reviews are overwhelmingly positive. This is due to the fact that the composition of the preparations contains only natural components. Before use, a sensitivity test must be performed.