Diroton: instructions for use

The medicine "Lisinopril" (or otherwise, "Diroton"), the instructions for use of which are brought to your attention, is an extremely effective drug for lowering blood pressure. Its antihypertensive effect has been proven by numerous studies. This drug is used as monotherapy or in combination with other similar drugs for hypertension. This drug is also used when a person has chronic heart failure. It is especially effective in treating this disease if it is combined with diuretics and / or digitalis preparations.

If a person has essential hypertension, the doctor can prescribe only one diroton to him. The instruction for use states that in this case, the patient should take these tablets at 10 milligrams per day at the starting dose and 20 milligrams per day at the maintenance dose. It is possible that the doctor may prescribe lisinopril for a period of two to four weeks to achieve a greater effect. This is taken into account when determining the daily dose. There are cases when the use of diroton for hypertension does not give a sufficiently good result. Then the doctor can supplement the treatment with another drug that also has an antihypertensive effect. More than 40 milligrams per day is not prescribed diroton. Its use is usually designed for a period of two to four weeks. Only in this case, with its constant use in the dose prescribed by the doctor, the maximum effect occurs. Therefore, do not rush to increase the dosage, even if you do not see a quick improvement in health. The medicine must accumulate in the body in sufficient quantity to then act on it.

If a person took diuretics before prescribing lisinopril, they are canceled two to three days before starting to use the drug Diroton. The instructions for use contain information that if such cancellation is not possible, diroton is prescribed in a minimum dose of 5 milligrams per day, not more and then under strict medical supervision for six hours (it is during this time that the maximum effect of lisinopril on the body is achieved) . Diroton is usually taken once a day. It is desirable that this happens at one time, preferably in the morning before or after breakfast.

If a diroton is prescribed for a pregnant woman, the instructions for use should be studied by her especially carefully. During this period, doctors prescribe this medication only for health reasons. During lactation, if necessary, take diroton, the instructions for use say that you need to stop breastfeeding in order to avoid harm to the baby.

Unfortunately, an effective drug like Lisinopril has side effects. So, when taking it, dizziness, chest pain, headache, tachycardia, dry cough may occur. Possible disturbances in the digestive system: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. The reception of dirothoa at the work of the circulatory system is reflected. With its use, ESR increases (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), stenosis of the aortic orifice can develop. With prolonged use, the level of hematocrit, hemoglobin decreases. The urinary system reacts to lisinopril with hyperkalemia, an increase in creatinine, urea nitrogen. There are other contraindications. Therefore, if you are prescribed diroton, the instructions for use should be thoroughly studied by you. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages while taking this drug.

Diroton, a drug for lowering high blood pressure, is a complex synthetic drug whose active ingredient is lisinopril, is available in tablet form of 20, 10, 5, or 2.5 g. The package usually contains fourteen tablets. Diroton is used only if prescribed by a doctor. You can not start taking this medication yourself.

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