Place of birth Kolobok. Where he was born?

One of the first tales that little readers of our country get to know is “The Gingerbread Man”. Its meaning can be independently determined by a child of about three years: be careful, do not boast in vain. However, the request to name the place of birth of Kolobok will certainly cause many bewilderment. So, let's try to find the answer to this question.

Place of birth Kolobok by text

Many of those who are asked this question try to recall a fairy tale and say that the "homeland" of the protagonist is a stove. The situation changes when there is text in front of my eyes. What is the birthplace of Kolobok in this case? This makes us take the issue more seriously, and a more or less attentive reader will surely say that Kolobok was born in a barn or gangway.

The tale "Gingerbread Man", the text of which is known to everyone, repeatedly recalls the birthplace of the main character with a song that he performs the Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. It is worth noting that modern versions of the publication of this tale are different from each other. In particular, for Fox in different instances Kolobok sings a song one, two or three times.

place of birth

Geography of fairy-tale characters

In 2011, a project was launched in our country to create a geographical map, which marked the birthplace of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. Thanks to this project, it became known that Alyosha Popovich and the Frog Princess are from the Rostov Region, and the Snow Maiden is from Kostroma. The birthplace of the beloved fairy-tale character of all children, Santa Claus, is considered to be Great Ustyug, Moscow, Vologda Oblast.

Place of birth Kolobok

Studies by local historian Sergei Petrov helped establish that the homeland of Kolobok is the Ulyanovsk Region. Now there appeared a manor of the hero. Having gone to Ulyanovsk, you will be able to purchase wooden vibrations (koloboks) as a souvenir.

Sergey Petrov analyzed a lot of information about koloboks. As it became known, koloboks are creatures of different sexes: the female henchman is a female, the male henchman.

The tale "Kolobok", the text of which every child can retell, does not contain information that Kolobok's homeland is the middle Volga. Apparently, it was in those parts that the grandmother, obeying the will of her husband, baked this culinary product.

So, the birthplace of Kolobok from a fairy tale, if you rely on data from scientific research, is the Ulyanovsk region.

name the place of birth of the bun

Gingerbread man as a dish

The gingerbread man is an original Russian dish that went out of use around the 17th century. This fact again confirms the origin of our hero. Kolobok's birthplace is the vastness of our country.

Dishes in the form of koloboks are popular today. They are stuffed with meat, cottage cheese, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Literally, according to the data obtained by Sergey Petrov, the bun is “the last dough from the sour pot”. It must be assumed that few modern residents understand what it is. It is even more difficult to imagine that someone bakes them according to a traditional recipe.

fairy tale gingerbread man text

A deeper understanding of the meaning of a fairy tale

Attempts to determine the meaning of this tale continue to this day. For preschoolers, it is obvious, but older people begin to think and understand that the meaning of this simple story is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. There are, for example, assumptions that Kolobok from this tale can also be called "round fool." However, this does not bring us closer to understanding where Kolobok was born.

Attempts to interpret this tale led researchers to very unusual conclusions. They do not fit in with the traditional understanding of this work. It is believed that the tale of Kolobok is a peculiar analogy of the fact that our wise ancestors in ancient times, who lived in a civilization different from ours, created a semblance of the Solar system. Having left its creators, this system chose a special path of development, but became a victim of cunning and deceit, having paid for the pride of its death. This understanding makes you think deeply. It turns out that Kolobok is the center of the system, and his birthplace is the whole Universe. However, this understanding can be simplified to the point that Kolobok is not akin to the solar system, but to civilization. In this case, the meaning of the tale becomes simpler. So it is: any, even the most perfect civilization inevitably dies.

place of birth kolobok from a fairy tale

Now let's try to address the sacred meaning of the tale "Gingerbread Man". An old man with an old woman is the personification of male and female energy, from which all life comes. The expression "scoop over the gophers" has a very interesting meaning. Ancient legends say that the body is recreated from the dust and leaves again in the dust. Flour is dust, and "place-scrape" is creation. The word "colo" in translation from Old Slavonic means "circle" - a symbol of infinity, eternity, soul. This understanding completely breaks all the traditional ideas about where Kolobok was born. This point of view has a deep philosophical meaning.

Summing up, we can say that it is impossible to understand clearly where Kolobok was born. Nevertheless, if you read this article to the end, then when you hear the request: “What is the place of birth of the kolobok”, you can definitely give some interesting answers.

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