"Devil's Gorge": summary, plot, characters

"Devil's Gorge" is a little-known novel written by Dumas the father from 1850 to 1851. The work at first glance seems simple and superficial; it does not at all resemble the traditional style of a brilliant French author. But a page after page in front of the reader reveals an intricate plot and complex, multifaceted, contradictory characters.

"Devil's Gorge", France, 1855

"Devil's Gorge": a summary

The novel takes place in Germany in the early 1810s. Samuel Gelb is a self-confident and impudent young man who imagines himself to be the arbiter of fate and intends to challenge God. He planned the attempt on the life of Napoleon himself, meanwhile mercilessly destroying the happiness of his best friend. The young man plays human destinies, and at first it seems that all these actions are performed only for fun. However, in every act of Samuel there is a sense and purpose. The novel by Alexander Dumas "Devil's Gorge" is the first book in a dilogy, followed by a continuation under the title "God Disposes".

Alexander Dumas father

The main characters of the novel

Julius and Samuel are best friends and stepbrothers. Julius is the legitimate son of a brilliant scientist, the German baron Germelinfeld. Samuel is his bastard, who grew up in a poor Jewish quarter. This is a very controversial character, but he is likable to both the author of Devil's Gorge and his readers, despite all the disgusting deeds. Samuel is a wonderful example of a charming villain. At the beginning of the story, he appears in the image of a harmless bully with outstanding leadership qualities. The victorious military campaigns of the French army prevent the young man from sleeping soundly, and Napoleon's triumph causes burning envy. This hero is attractive in that, finding himself in a difficult position, he always finds an excellent way out of it. The young man is not handsome in the usual sense of the word, but he is bright, stunning, effective. Due to these characteristics, Samuel was elected king of the student community.

The book "Devil's Gorge"

Julius is the exact opposite of his half brother. A kind, honest, bold and noble character, exactly the way the main character should be in the traditional novels of Dumas. In Devil's Gorge, however, he completely faded against his antagonist brother. Julius is gentle and obedient, but he is not an ideal “good boy”: he knows how to fight well, spent time in a university cell for hooligan tricks, imagines himself a non-conformist, like most young people of his age. At the same time, he is a dreamer, a romantic, a little naive and impeccably honest.

Most writers present the heroes of their novels uniquely positive or negative. But was Samuel a completely negative character? Unusually smart, bold, inventive, with a strong character, he often causes the reader more respect than the faint-hearted, constantly doubting and changing opinion of Julius. Due to his weakness, the family had to endure many troubles.


Two friends, Julius and Samuel are the main characters of the book "Devil's Gorge", they are complete opposites of each other both in character and in appearance. Young people are stepbrothers, but this fact is known only to Samuel and his father, the famous scientist, Baron Hermelinfeld. The self-confident Samuel imagines himself to be the arbiter of human destinies, joined the ranks of the secret society of Tugendbund and began to prepare a cunning crime: the murder of Napoleon.

Once Julius and Samuel go for a walk, but a thunderstorm overtakes them on the way. The young men are saved by a charming shepherd named Gretchen and brings them to the pastor’s home, where they meet Christina, the youngest daughter of the priest. Gretchen liked Samuel, and Christina liked Julius. This could have ended, but instead a grand drama unfolds on the pages of the novel: Samuel decides to seduce both girls.

Events develop exactly according to Samuel’s plan, reveal the extraordinary talents of the young man: he shows himself to be a brilliant chemist, architect, physician, duelist. He succeeds in literally everything. Julius is married to Christina, but as a result, Samuel succeeds. The girl dies, as does her newborn child.

Portrait of Alexander Dumas

Motives of Samuel's actions

In the novel by Alexander Dumas "Devil's Gorge", the motives for the actions of the main characters are very ambiguous. Despite his insidiousness, Samuel involuntarily evokes the sympathy of readers, presenting himself in front of them in the image of an unhappy boy born not of love. He dreams of being loved, his own father to recognize him. Wanting to amaze him, Samuel took up science and was very successful in it. He makes great plans, strives for fame, succeeds in everything he undertakes, hoping only for one thing - that one day he will be loved.

Continuation of a story

"God has" - the continuation of the novel "Devil's Gorge", the second and final book of dilogy. The plot unfolds in France 17 years after the first events. Julius and Samuel matured, but their characters remained the same. Some characters that were lost in the first book return again, so the novel is definitely worth reading.

"God disposes"

Brief Review

The novel is easy to read and captures attention from the first pages. Complex and interesting characters, unusual and strange, make you think about the reasons for their actions, reflect on the twists of fate, and monitor the development of relationships. Although the plot of the work is not new, Dumas the father beat him in a new way, presenting an original and entertaining story. There was a place in it for love and tenderness, fears, envy, jealousy, and indifference. The end of the novel is quite predictable, but the continuation of the dilogy can surprise.

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