Decompensation - what is this process?

Health is the basis of working capacity and carefree life. Unfortunately, various pathological conditions are recorded in almost all people. Causes can be congenital and acquired throughout life. Some diseases are chronic and develop gradually. Pathologies such as arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, heart failure, accompany a person throughout his life. If the patient takes care of himself, avoids the influence of harmful factors and receives treatment on time, then his disease most often remains at a certain level and has no tendency to develop. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all cases, and some pathologies are inevitably burdened. When the phrase “in the stage of decompensation” is added to the main diagnosis, the patient is interested in what this means. It is necessary to know that all chronic pathologies have certain forms of their development. Decompensation - what is it? This term means the final stage of disease progression.

decompensation what is it

Decompensation - what is it?

From the Latin language, this word is translated as “lack of compensation” or “imbalance”. It is known that in our body everything is interconnected, therefore, when any disease occurs, compensatory mechanisms begin to act. They are present in all organs and systems, and, if necessary, begin to use their stocks, which were not previously needed. Decompensation - what is it? This state indicates that the mechanisms of the body have been exhausted, and he is already unable to balance himself.

Stage of development of chronic pathologies

So decompensation - what is it? The answer to the question will allow the classification of diseases, based on the stage of their progression. There are 3 degrees characterizing the development of pathology:

cardiac decompensation

  1. Compensation stage - in this case, the body is able to independently compensate for the damage caused by the pathology. This form is characterized by the fact that the patient does not feel any special changes in his condition.
  2. Stage of subcompensation - the body can no longer cope with the pathology completely, and can only compensate for the damage caused to it, partially. The patient notices deterioration.
  3. The decompensation stage is final, it occurs when the body has completely used up its forces and can no longer work to compensate for the harm caused by the pathology. In this case, the patient is extremely weak, does not feel well, in addition to the underlying disease, notes general weakness and disability.

Heart decompensation

decompensation of diabetes
Diseases such as essential hypertension, rheumatism, myocarditis, often have a chronic course. Patients are registered with a cardiologist and constantly receive the necessary treatment. Since these pathologies require increased work on the part of the cardiovascular system, in most cases, CHF still develops. This is due to the fact that the body directs all its forces to redress. However, chronic heart failure often results in decompensation. It is manifested by constant shortness of breath, tachycardia, the appearance of edema on the lower leg, increased blood pressure and severe weakness.

The final stage of diabetes

An increase in glucose in the body is manifested by severe hormonal disorder. Diabetes mellitus inevitably leads to complications from the vascular system of the whole organism. The most common of them are: nephro-, neuro-, retinopathy, atherosclerosis, foot ulcers. Decompensation of diabetes is manifested not only by the appearance of these signs, but also by their progression and the inability of the body to cope with them independently.

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