In the article, we consider cough syrups without sugar.
The body of patients suffering from diabetes is weakened and highly susceptible to attacks of viruses in the offseason. Doctors often face the need to prescribe drug therapy to such patients in order to stop a cough - the main manifestation of a cold, as well as to facilitate the patient's general well-being. Many medicines are contraindicated for use in pathologies of the endocrine system. In order to choose the right antitussive syrup in which there is no sugar for a diabetic, several factors should be taken into account - the presence of concomitant pathologies, the patient's age, an accurate diagnosis, the nature of the cough, and the composition of the medication.
Features of coughing in patients with diabetes
It is often difficult to find a cough syrup for diabetics. Any process of an infectious-inflammatory nature that develops in the body can lead to disruption of cellular biochemical processes. Often this leads to an increase in blood sugar concentration. As a result, the likelihood of developing complications increases.
The development of cough in diabetes is fraught with the fact that such a condition is the cause of the release of active biological substances into the body, which begin to fight the infection. This process disrupts the process of reducing glucose concentration under the influence of insulin.
If a patient is ill with diabetes, he is strictly forbidden to choose medications intended for cough therapy on his own. In particular, this applies to syrups, which often contain nutritional supplements and sugar that can increase glucose levels.
If a diabetic has a fever, intoxication, intense cough, experts recommend that he, using a glucometer, measure his glucose level every 3-4 hours. If the indicators are steadily increased, you should immediately seek medical help.
A cough of viral origin in diabetes is often accompanied by disorders of the stool, vomiting, nausea, and blood clotting. The reason for everything is intoxication of the body. To prevent such consequences and reduce the severity of the disease, a person should drink large amounts of liquid. This will prevent dehydration.
During cough therapy, it is important to continue the use of antidiabetic drugs, to inject insulin.
Consider the most effective sugar-free cough syrups.
Sugar-free cough preparations
Pharmaceutical companies have developed special formulas that exclude the use of sugar in the manufacture of cough syrups. Moreover, the pharmacological activity of such agents is not reduced. Such drugs are relatively safe, can be used as an element of the complex treatment of viral lesions of the respiratory organs in patients suffering from diabetes. Each of these drugs in its pharmacotherapeutic group belongs to mucolytic agents that can dilute viscous and thick sputum, facilitate its rapid evacuation and respiratory tract.
In the composition of the medicinal syrup for cough without sugar there is a 70% solution of sorbitol. The product is a colorless liquid, sweet in taste, with no tendency to crystallize. Moreover, the drug is not a carbohydrate, it does not contain glucose. For this reason, it is a safe medicine for patients diagnosed with diabetes.
This is a chemical-based agent. The main active ingredient in Lazolvan cough syrup is ambroxol, which can enhance the release of surface-active substances in the lungs and the secretion of glands. As a result of such exposure, sputum exit from the respiratory tract is facilitated, and the strength of the cough decreases.
The medication has no age restrictions in use. Also, pregnant women in 2-3 trimesters can take it. There are no clinically registered cases of an overdose during therapy with Lazolvan.
Consider another sugar-free cough syrup.
Gedelix is a natural product based on herbal ingredients. The main active ingredient is an extract extracted from ivy leaves. In the list of excipients there is a solution of sorbitol having a concentration of 70%. This ingredient makes the syrup sweet.
The main properties of the drug is the ability to reduce the production of sputum, thin it, eliminate spasms and tension of the respiratory muscles. That is, it has an antispasmodic and secretolytic effect.
As indicated by the instructions for Gedelix cough syrup, which contains no sugar, it can be used to treat patients with diabetes. 1.75 grams of sorbitol is present in 5 ml of syrup. This corresponds to 0.44 grams of fructose.
The medicine can be used during pregnancy, in the lactation period. Contraindication is the age of up to 2 years. In other cases, syrup can be used in the treatment of children.
Syrup "Linkas" for adults and children
“Linkas” is a medicinal syrup, the basis of which is herbal components - extracts of jujube, medicinal hyssop, flowering onosma, paprika, violets, marshmallow, licorice.
The syrup is sweetened with the sodium saccharinate in its composition. It is an artificial analogue of sugar, a food supplement whose sweetness is several hundred times the sweetness of regular sugar. Specialists often recommend the use of sodium saccharinate for diabetics.
In the body, the substance is not absorbed, excreted in an unchanged state. This means that it does not adversely affect the processes of biochemical metabolism, does not cause an increase in blood glucose levels.
"Linkas" is an expectorant drug, which is used if there is difficult to separate thick sputum in the bronchi. You can use the medicine from six months of age. Therapy, as a rule, takes 5-7 days. Patients tolerate it well. In some cases, the development of allergic responses can be observed - angioedema, itching, rash, urticaria.
What else is on the sugarless cough syrup list?
Tussamag is a syrup based on thyme extract. Sweetness gives it a 70% sorbitol solution.
Herbal medicine acts as an expectorant, coughing against the background of its use becomes moist, productive, bronchial mucus liquefies, its excretion is facilitated.
The drug has certain contraindications:
- Age up to 1 year.
- Decompensated form of heart failure.
- Renal, liver failure.
- Lactation period, pregnancy.
When using the drug by diabetics, they should take into account that each teaspoon of syrup contains 1.85 grams of sorbitol or 0.15 XE (bread units).
Consider a brief instruction for Prospan cough syrup for children and adults.
“Prospan” is an expectorant syrup, the main active ingredient of which is an extract extracted from ivy leaves. Instead of sugar, sorbitol solution is used in the manufacture of the drug. 2.5 ml of the drug include 0.963 grams of sweetener. This is equivalent to 0.8 XE.
Medicinal syrup is indicated for use in the treatment of acute forms of infectious and inflammatory pathologies localized in the airways and accompanied by the development of cough.
How to use Prospan cough syrup for children according to the instructions?
You can take it from 2 years. In some cases, its use in infancy is allowed, but therapy should be monitored by a physician.
If the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations and the advice indicated in the manufacturer’s annotation, the drug can provoke side symptoms - nervousness, increased irritability, upset stool, vomiting, nausea.
"Doctor Tyss" with plantain extract
The medicine has a natural base, has an expectorant effect. It contains vitamin C, which helps to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. The medicine is often used as an element of the complex therapy of bronchitis, tracheitis, characterized by difficult separation of sputum.
Sorbitol syrup gives sweetness to the medicine. It is a dietary supplement, a non-carbohydrate sweetener.
Take dry cough syrup without sugar should be washed down with water in a small amount. Keep an open bottle of medicine in the refrigerator. Therapy usually takes a couple of weeks.
Contraindications to its use are functional disorders of the digestive tract, individual susceptibility, pregnancy.
Medicinal antitussive syrups that do not contain sugar are indispensable therapeutic agents for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. They are effective, affordable, do not affect metabolism and biochemical processes, do not lead to an increase in glucose concentration, rarely provoke side symptoms - that is, they are almost completely safe.