History of pancakes. A brief excursion into the distant past

For many years now, experts have been arguing about when people first learned how to make pancakes. The history of this product is still not fully understood. Scientists put forward a number of assumptions, but none of them has convincing evidence. Therefore, to date, the history of pancakes remains a mystery. A final decision requires time and reasonably strong arguments.

A look into the past

Experts believe that pancakes were the first dish that people began to cook after they learned how to make flour. This is indicated even by the name of the product.

pancake story

According to the well-known coryphaeus in the field of culinary William Pokhlebkin, it came from the word β€œmlyn”, which means β€œgrind” in Ukrainian. That is why the device with which flour is made is called a "mill". From this we can conclude that the history of pancakes is directly related to the life of the Eastern Slavs. It all began many centuries ago. Even before the baptism of Russia, in every house, the mistresses, using flour and water, were able to cook the dough, from which magnificent and rosy pancakes were then baked. There is also an opinion that the history of pancakes is not at all connected with flour. Just once, a person decided to warm the oatmeal jelly cooked the day before. He was probably very busy at that time, so he was distracted for a while. As a result, the liquid baked and turned into a cake. And so the first pancake appeared. However, all this is just an assumption.

Multinational dish

Different countries, competing with each other, are trying to prove that they should be considered the birthplace of the famous product. Everyone is confident in his innocence and convinced that the opinions of all applicants are fundamentally wrong. Each state has its own history of pancakes and special rules for their preparation. So, Americans believe that these products should be small and magnificent. They are called pancakes and baked in special pans, and then served in a plate of 2-3 pieces, abundantly watered with maple syrup. And in South America, pancakes are made from cornmeal and eaten with various bitter or sour sauces. Buryats and Mongols present this dish in the form of large dense cakes, which are called "gambir". They are served with soup or boiled hot meat. In India, pancakes are called dosa. They are crispy cakes made from wholemeal flour (oat, rice, wheat or lentil). Dosas are usually made with filling and served with pre-made sauce or fresh vegetables. But no matter how cooked this product is, it still remains a round, fragrant and beloved dish.

Interesting Assumptions

Until now, no one can explain where the first pancakes came from. The history of the origin of this product, according to many scientists, has its roots in the distant past. There is even an assumption that they were first baked back in Ancient Egypt. True, if you look closely, such products at that time looked more like cakes. In addition, in eastern countries, special ovens were first used to make pancakes. Dough blanks were simply molded onto the inner surface, and then removed using special tools. Therefore, given the pun, it was more like cakes than pancakes. Chinese culinary masters have their own attitude to this product. For them, pancakes are dough, dried in a dry hot pan. After that, they simply wrap different foods (meat or vegetables).

pancakes origin story

In fact, these are not pancakes. The history of their origin is also incomprehensible. And they themselves remind themselves of rice paper for rolls, and are completely not perceived as an independent dish.

Russian kitchen

The history of pancakes in Russia has more than a thousand years. During this time, an entire era has passed, during which a popular product performed in a variety of qualities. Initially, it was a dish that was used for mourning rites. He was prepared for the dead, escorting them to the last journey. In those years, people believed that in this way they could feed the souls of their deceased ancestors. So that native people could eat in the next world, fresh pancakes were laid in a coffin at a funeral. They were baked in large quantities, and then distributed to the poor and wanderers, who were considered intermediaries between the world of the living and the dead. But the history of pancakes in Russia does not end there. For a long time this dish was given special significance. Each mistress had her own recipe for the test, which she kept in great secrecy and passed on to her relatives from generation to generation. Pancake was usually placed late in the evening, when all the household members were already asleep. It was believed that such a process should have taken place without prying eyes. Over the years, this habit has persisted, and the occasion has become quite common.

history of pancakes in Russia

Now pancakes in every family are prepared just like that - as a main course or as a sweet dessert.

Assumptions and Reality

Now it’s hard to say how it really began. The history of pancakes to this day has not been studied.

The assumptions of historians of different years sometimes contradict each other. At one time, experts claimed that ancient people, worshiping pagan gods, baked round pancakes as a symbol of the sun. With this donation they wanted to please the god Perun in order to enlist his support. However, over time this assumption was completely refuted. The version of sacrificial bread was replaced by ritual symbolism, which exists at present.

pancake history

Often you can watch how in the days of commemoration of the dead in many Slavic families, the housewives bake pancakes and put them on a plate near the icon, lighting a candle next to it. With this gesture, they invite their relatives to a meal and make it clear that they have not been forgotten. Even in our enlightened age, many still believe that on certain days, coming to the cemetery, you must always take freshly baked pancakes with you and, leaving, leave them on the grave of the deceased.

Food for a bright holiday

The habit of using a popular dish as a means of remembrance has been preserved not only for people. This is also the story of pancakes. On Shrovetide in the villages arranged real fun. In the houses, the tables were simply bursting with an abundance of festive dishes. However, pancakes still remained the main treat. They were baked in whole piles, carefully coating each layer with fragrant butter. It was with pancakes that the festive feast began. They treated everyone who accidentally entered the house. According to legend, Maslenitsa is the day when winter meets spring and gives way to it. To honorably spend the passing cold season, a scarecrow was installed on the street and burned under general glee.

pancake story at Shrovetide

Such an event was usually celebrated in the company. People gathered on the street and staged a real mass walk. It was believed that such an event should be celebrated on a grand scale, because in addition to winter, people also saw off the old year. As you know, until the 14th century, New Year's holidays came precisely in March.

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