Why do nails peel?

Too many women are regularly interested in the question of why the nails exfoliate. Indeed, in the modern world there are many aggressive factors that affect not only the condition of the nails, but also on human health in general. In order to understand how to cope with this problem, it is necessary to determine the causes that affect a particular person. Indeed, in each case, they are different, so a detailed analysis of the lifestyle is required.

Why do nails peel? We will try to highlight the most common causes of this violation. First of all, thoughts come about a lack of vitamins in the body. Vitamins A, C, E are especially important for the strength of the nail plate. In order to get rid of this problem, just drink the complex of the corresponding vitamins, as well as change your diet. More precisely, add certain foods saturated with useful trace elements, for example, nuts, fresh cabbage, fish products, cheese. Traditional medicine recipes recommend regularly drinking decoctions of dandelion or burdock.

It should be understood that often the question of why the nails are folded, you can give a simple answer - the lack of calcium in the body. In large quantities, it is found in fermented milk products. If you drink this substance, acquired in capsules at a pharmacy, it is worth remembering that it is well absorbed only in combination with vitamin D. Thanks to the development of modern medicine, a person got the opportunity to purchase a complex of special vitamins in any pharmacy that are aimed at restoring and strengthening the nail plate .

All women have to do standard housework daily, as this is part of their responsibilities. But most of them clean and wash dishes using household chemicals, and their hands remain unprotected. As a rule, nails suffer, but ordinary rubber gloves will help to change this state of affairs . Do not forget about the influence of weather conditions and about the care of the skin of hands and nails, therefore, in winter or during periods of high humidity, a protective cream should be applied before going outside.

To the question why the nails are folded, a person who is professionally engaged in manicure can answer in detail. It is known that the frequent use of nail files can greatly destroy the structure of the plate. Therefore, you should cut your nails as rarely as possible and you need to choose a special tool with a special coating. After all, a metal device has the most destructive effect on the plate, especially if you cut even wet nails. In addition, the profession of a woman can affect the health of hands and nails. For example, most often, exfoliating nails can be found among chemists, since they constantly work with harmful compounds, as well as seamstresses and teachers, since they are forced to work with chalk, which puts the nails at considerable risk. Such people have to pay special attention to their hands and draw up a special care program.

Any mechanical damage to the nail plate leads to its stratification in the future. The procedure for nail extension, popular among women, can lead to the same result. Even the use of gentle materials greatly destroys the nail. Therefore, after removing the artificial plate, it will take some time for a complete recovery, and of course, during this period, you need to protect your hands as much as possible.

Our life can no longer be imagined without a computer and other equipment. However, the constant work at the computer creates an additional load on the nails, which can lead to their delamination. In this case, it is better to choose a keyboard with low buttons in order to avoid additional injury.

What to do if the nails peel? It is best to use natural oils, for example, olive oil, to restore the structure of the plate, because it contains a huge amount of useful trace elements. Among cosmetics, you can highlight a special varnish called smart enamel. It really restores the nail, gives it strength and a healthy shade.

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