Instructions "Antitusin". Reviews about tablets "Antitusin"

Doctors often prescribe appropriate medications to treat cough. It is worth noting that most often this symptom is not an independent disease. Therefore, for its correct correction, you need to see a doctor and find out the reason that causes reflex contractions of the bronchi. One of the remedies for cough correction is Antitusin. Instructions, consumer reviews about the work of the medicine will be presented to your attention in this article.

antitusin instruction

General description and cost

What does the instruction tell the consumer about the drug? "Antitusin" is a pill. They contribute to the dilution of sputum, reducing its viscosity. The medicine has a bronchocretory and expectorant effect. The drug is produced in 10 tablets in one package.

The average cost of a medicine is within 100 rubles. Moreover, it is most often appointed in Ukraine, since it is there that it is produced. The tablets are white or grayish in color and at risk, by which the pill can be divided in half.

antitusin instruction

Prescribing medication

In what situations do doctors recommend taking Antitusin tablets? The instruction says that the indications for use are various diseases of the respiratory tract. It can be bronchitis or pneumonia, laryngitis or tracheitis and so on. Sometimes the composition is prescribed for otitis media and sinusitis in order to thin the mucus.

Before using the "Antitusin" medication, the instructions for use advise you to carefully read the contraindications. Tablets should not be prescribed to children under the age of 12 years. The drug is not recommended for expectant mothers and women during lactation. With increased sensitivity to the components of the tablets, treatment is contraindicated. Gastric ulcer, hemoptysis and some intestinal diseases are grounds for refusing therapy with the described medicine.

"Antitusin": instructions for use

Tablets are always taken orally. In this case, the meal time does not matter. For children after 12 years and adult patients, a single dose is one tablet. The multiplicity of application is three.

Children in some situations are prescribed the described medicine in half a tablet three times a day. The duration of therapy is from three to five days. If after the specified time there is no improvement, then you need to see a doctor.

antitusin instructions for use

Doctors' opinions on the effect of the drug

Experts say that before using any medication, including Antitusin tablets, the instructions should be carefully studied. Focus on side effects and contraindications.

Specialists report that the drug is usually well tolerated by patients. The medicine dilutes viscous mucus, causing an irritating effect. In this case, the person begins to cough intensely. As a result of this action, sputum is fairly well expectorated after a day of regular use. To achieve a greater effect, it is worth consuming a sufficient amount of liquid. An adult needs to drink at least two liters of water per day.

Negative opinions

Some consumers report that the drug "Antitusin" instructions are not fully described. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is highlighted. The manufacturer also says that sometimes with an overdose, nausea is possible. However, some patients experienced different reactions.

Cases of seeking medical help with complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting have been recorded. In especially severe situations, loss of consciousness or impairment was observed. At the same time, many patients needed additional correction aimed at removing the active substance from their body.

antitusin tablets

What can be said in conclusion?

You have learned that the Antitusin medication helps cough well. Instructions for use are described for you in the article. Please note that during treatment it is not possible to independently increase the dosage and frequency of use of the drug. This can lead to the development of adverse reactions. After all, most negative reviews are registered from those consumers who used the tablets on their own, without first consulting a doctor.

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