"Lugol": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Lugol", named after its inventor Jean Lugol, refers to antiseptics with pronounced antimicrobial properties that stop the growth and development of microorganisms. For the first time, its effect was tested on patients with tuberculosis. Today, the drug is recommended for dispensing from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. The tool has a wide spectrum of action, but is not recommended for use by certain categories of patients belonging to the risk zone.

Composition and form of release

The drug contains iodine, potassium iodide, glycerin and purified water, which allows it to be attributed to the group of halogens.

Iodine in the periodic table

The product has a dark orange tint and is available as a solution in glass bottles of 25, 30, 50 and 60 grams. The form of release of the solution without a spray requires prior application to a cotton swab. With the existing spray nozzle, the preparatory phase is excluded. In addition, it is possible to evenly spray the drug in hard to reach places.

Drug action

In accordance with the instructions for use, "Lugol" is often prescribed for inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx, accompanied by infection. Thanks to molecular iodine with an appropriate crystal lattice, the drug acts on pathogens. If serious health problems are diagnosed, in addition to antibiotics, doctors recommend Lugol. The instructions also reflect the local irritant effect of the drug, increasing sneezing, coughing and increasing mucus production, which effectively flushes out germs and fungi.

Indications for use

As an antiseptic, the drug is used for:

  • muscle hypertonicity, accompanied by pain - in the form of local application to problem areas;
  • relief of otitis media with purulent discharge - by introducing a nebulizer into the external auditory canal and irrigation once a day;
  • skin lesions complicated by purulent wounds - "cauterization", that is, the application of a cotton swab with medicine to a problem place;
  • burns of various genesis - by wetting a gauze cloth and applying to the skin 2-3 times a day;
  • ulcers of a trophic and varicose nature - by applying dry wipes to ulcers, subsequently treated by uniform spraying;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis - taken orally for individual doctor's prescriptions;
  • laryngitis and pharyngitis - by spraying 4 to 5 times a day, irrigating the mucous membrane;
  • tonsillitis and tonsillitis - by injection on the affected mucosa for 5 days.
Solution "Lugol" with glycerin

Treatment of angina as a serious infectious disease involves the use of not only a solution of "Lugol" with glycerin. The instruction allows you to use the drug as an adjuvant, but you must not forget about the basic rules of diagnosis and disposal of infection, namely:

  1. Diagnose a sore throat can only be a specialist. In case of fever or sore throat, you should consult a doctor, since painful sensations are sometimes a manifestation of acute respiratory infections or occur reflexively due to inflammation in the lymph nodes or muscles of the neck.
  2. The lack of close contact with the sick cannot be the basis for ignoring treatment when the first signs of infection appear.
  3. In order not to encounter complications, it is necessary to observe bed rest.
  4. To stop the development of pathogenic flora in the tonsils is possible only in the integrated use of the prescribed antibiotics and the drug "Lugol". Instruction spray is recommended as an accelerator in the fight against illness.
  5. The appointment of antibiotics is possible after examination of a smear with tonsils, and its use is necessary for at least 7 days with equal intervals of time.
  6. Removal of tonsils is not only not a panacea for tonsillitis, but can also lead to a decrease in immunity.

Rules for taking the drug

"Lugol" in the form of a spray

In the instructions for use of "Lugol" you can familiarize yourself with the rules of its use. The main ones are the following:

  1. Before use, remove the cap from the bottle, put on the nozzle-sprayer and carry out a few blank clicks for the solution to enter the tube.
  2. When injected, the bottle is held upright, directing the sprayer to the desired treatment area.
  3. For impressive affected surfaces, several napkins or tampons are used.
  4. Do not reuse material in the form of a napkin, tampon, or cotton pad that has already been in contact with the affected surface.
  5. In order to avoid getting the medicine into the bronchi, it is necessary to hold your breath by injection into the oral cavity.
  6. When treating the throat for half an hour after spraying, you need to refuse food and liquid.
  7. Avoid contact with eyes.
  8. After the first use of the drug, it is not recommended to remove the spray nozzle in order to avoid drying of the solution in the tube.

Treatment with the drug and the selection of the necessary dosages is carried out in accordance with the instructions for use. The Lugol solution is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which can ambiguously affect patients with endocrine problems.

Endocrine system diseases


Like any medicine, the drug is not recommended for use in case of intolerance to one or more components. According to the instructions, the Lugol solution is used with caution when:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pregnancy
  • sensitivity to iodine;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • dermatological problems of unknown etiology.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The medicine is absolutely safe in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it is absorbed into the bloodstream to a minimum. Due to the presence of iodine, there is a danger of a negative effect of the active substance on the unborn baby. Therefore, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the drug is used with extreme caution. In order to prescribe the right medicine, it is better to consult a specialist.

Pregnant treatment

When recommending the use of an iodine-containing drug, the medicine should be used strictly according to the instructions. "Lugol" in this case is prescribed in the same doses and in the same ways as for the remaining patients. An exception is the use of a solution inside, which is extremely rarely prescribed to pregnant women.

Since the main substance of the drug can pass into breast milk, taking the solution during lactation is not recommended.

Use in childhood

Dosages and treatment methods for children are selected individually, but in the total mass of prescriptions do not have any features. The instruction to "Lugol" does not allow the use of the medicine by very small patients. Due to their age, they will not be able to breathe correctly when irrigating the oral cavity, which will negatively affect the overall picture of the disease.

Treating children

Side effects

In the instructions for use, the spray "Lugol" is designated as a means of provoking the appearance of adverse reactions. So, with external use, problems of the following nature are possible:

  • uncontrolled reactions of the skin;
  • excessive salivation;
  • lacrimation
  • Quincke's edema.

When using the drug inside, the instructions for use of Lugol with glycerin warns the patient about a possible increase in nervousness, increased heart rate, and disturbed sleep patterns. The appearance of any of the symptoms is the reason for the withdrawal of the drug.

In the instructions of "Lugol" it is noted that overdose can be caused by frequent, prolonged or uncontrolled use of the drug.

In case of complications in the form of burns of the respiratory tract or mucous membrane, gastric lavage is prescribed. The procedure is carried out using sodium thiosulfate. When life threatens, it is used intravenously.

Features of application and storage

Lugol irritates the throat and drains the mucous membrane. If unpleasant symptoms appear after treatment with a solution, it is necessary to lubricate the place of application with sea buckthorn oil or rinse with a herbal softening decoction. If the discomfort does not go away within a few hours, then they talk about a burn of the mucosa. You can correct the situation by treating the affected area with a weak solution of soda, and by absorbing softening lozenges for the throat.

It is not recommended to leave the drug in the light or at high temperatures. The optimal storage temperature is 25 degrees.

Reviews of doctors and patients

An annotation to any drug involves the use of the drug in accordance with the appointment of the attending physician and with instructions for use. Reviews about the spray "Lugol" are mixed. Some observe the effect only from using the solution “the old fashioned way” without a nozzle - spray, wetting the gauze base and coating the problem areas. Others, using the drug with special fanaticism, burn already damaged surfaces. Still others are happy with the result to such an extent that they repeatedly return to this particular remedy. Fourth assess the spray in terms of the ratio of low price and effectiveness and recommend it to their friends and relatives.

In the bulk of the negative reviews, the percentage of negative is high due to the unpleasant taste, the characteristic smell of the drug, as well as burning sensations and desiccation of the mucous membranes.

Since medicine of the 21st century does not stand still, analogues appear. New drugs contain the same active substance as described in the instructions for the spray "Lugol". Reviews of doctors on the drug and its analogues are radically different. Specialists of the older generation, given their experience and knowledge, consider this composition to be effective and recommend it as a powerful antiseptic with a destructive effect on microbes. The new generation is categorically against the appointment of a spray. Despite the reasonable price and effectiveness, there is still a high probability of getting burns and related complications.

Two generations of doctors


Preparations - analogues of "Lugol" are divided into two types:

1. Means having iodine as an active substance.

"Yoks" contains iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone. The medicine is used for the same symptomatic manifestations of diseases as the Lugol solution. Instructions for use spray "Yoks" designated as an anesthetic, due to the presence of levomenthol.

Since the medicine contains alcohol, disinfection of the skin is also prescribed if necessary.

Iodinol. Like Lugol, it consists of iodine and potassium iodide, but additionally contains polyvinyl alcohol, which enhances the antiseptic. In addition, it does not have an unpleasant specific taste, does not cause irritation of the integument, and can be used for rinsing. Therefore, patients often give him preference, especially in cases of treatment of diseases in children.

2. Means that have a similar effect and are used in the treatment of diseases of the same symptoms.

"Chlorophyllipt" - a herbal preparation used in diseases of the throat, has an extract from the eucalyptus leaf. Available in several versions, namely: tablets, spray, oil and alcohol solutions. An oil solution is preferably used to treat children, since it stays on the mucous membranes longer and is not washed off by saliva. It is possible to spray tonsils with a spray, as in the case of Lugol. Tablets also have a prolonged action, when taken, they are deeply absorbed into the tonsils. The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to the eucalyptus component.

Miramistin will be able to replace the drug Lugol and Chlorophyllipt in relieving problems in the field of otorhinolaryngology, and is also used:

  • in the treatment of gynecological and urological symptoms;
  • to improve dental conditions;
  • in the treatment of burn surfaces;
  • in the field of dermatology and venereology;
  • in the surgical treatment of inflammatory processes and purulent wounds.

"Malavit." It is a homeopathic remedy and contains a large number of plant components. Unlike Lugol, it is approved for use by children and pregnant women. It can be used both for treatment and for prevention. Like Lugol and Miramistin, it has a positive effect not only on throat problems, but also on hematomas, insect bites, dermatological manifestations, wounds and burns.

"Panthenol" is used for burns of various nature, wounds and suppurations. In the form of a spray foam, the drug is easily applied to damaged areas. It has a high speed of analgesic action and contributes to the speedy healing.

Drug interaction

Preparations with sodium thiosulfate deactivate the effect of the Lugol solution. In addition, the drug is not compatible with metal compounds, ammonia solution and essential oils. When taken orally, it reduces the effect of drugs tuned to suppress thyroid function.

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