Brain ischemia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Brain ischemia is a violation of blood flow in a particular area of ​​the brain or in the entire organ as a whole. At the same time, along with blood, oxygen and nutrients necessary for full functioning cease to flow into it stably. Subsequently, oxygen starvation can lead to a stroke, disruption of the brain, the death of its tissues, cause motor impairment, paralysis, loss of ability to feel, speak.

Causes of cerebral ischemia

The main cause of ischemia in an adult in the modern world is atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain. Fat deposits, accumulating on the inner wall of the vessel, gradually clog it and block the blood flow. Another common cause may be a blockage of blood flow in the cerebral arteries with blood clots (blood clots).

Brain ischemia can occur due to vasospasm from emotional shocks (fear, pain), as a result of physical trauma or the influence of low temperatures, under the influence of chemical poisonous substances. It is especially worth noting the influence of the most common and often used by man chemical poisons when smoking tobacco (there is a sharp spasm of blood vessels) and drinking alcohol (blood clots form that block microcapillaries and thicken the blood).

Symptoms of cerebral ischemia

The first symptoms of cerebral ischemia are manifested in a decrease in attention, memory impairment, increased fatigue and impaired functioning of the nervous system. Excessive nervous excitability, causeless irritability, sudden mood swings can also mean that a person develops ischemia of the brain. Symptoms of coronary artery disease of the brain are manifested in disturbance of night sleep, which becomes shallow and restless.

Sudden headaches, changes in blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, impaired coordination, disorders of the senses, speech, and vision are also characteristic signs that a person’s brain ischemia is progressing.

Brain Ischemia Treatment

In modern medical practice, two main methods of treating ischemic brain disease are considered: medication and surgical. With medical treatment, ischemia is based on the use of drugs that stimulate blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

With surgical intervention, cerebral ischemia is treated by the operative extraction of a blood clot or atherosclerotic plaque from a blood vessel, as well as the restoration of blood flow through damaged vessels through reconstruction and prosthetics.

One of the new methods of restoring blood supply is the unique treatment of ischemia with stem cells, which, after double introduction into the circulatory system, create new collateral networks of blood vessels that compensate for the full delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area, and also return the vessels to normal thickness and elasticity, eliminate their blockage. restore tissue cells of the damaged brain.

In addition, in the treatment of cerebral ischemia and the prevention of stroke, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out aimed at creating conditions for the development of a network of collateral vessels suitable for the brain, bypassing sick and damaged blood vessels. To reduce severe pain, with acute ischemia, pain medications are prescribed for use.

Brain ischemia is a deadly enemy to human health. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of ischemia, from a very early age it is necessary to protect yourself from the main factors of its occurrence: remove foods rich in cholesterol from your menu, do not smoke and never try cigarettes, do not abuse alcohol, avoid stressful situations and enjoy life.

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