Intestinal flu: symptoms, treatment, prevention, danger

The occurrence of intestinal flu contributes to a rotovirus infection. Therefore, the signs of the disease at the initial stages resemble those in relation to the common cold: there is a flow from the nose, pain in the larynx, and body temperature rises. After 2-3 days, the gastrointestinal mucous membranes become inflamed, the pathology begins to resemble gastrointestinal disorders. This disease is manifested by viral gastroenteritis, which occurs in the membranes of the stomach and small intestine.

Cause of intestinal flu


Intestinal flu in adults is much less common than preschool children. This is due to the following reasons:

  • compliance with the standards of heat treatment of food products;
  • greater attention to personal hygiene;
  • tracking the expiration dates of goods.

The main source of infection in this case is poor-quality food due to improper storage or non-compliance with thermal conditions, especially in relation to meat products. Also, do not use expired dairy products, which externally may look completely normal.

These same sources can cause infection with intestinal flu in children. Pathogens often enter their bodies through dirty hands or toys that have been in the patient’s hands.

For all categories, tap water can be a source of infection, so it is advisable to boil it, as most filters allow these microorganisms to pass through.

In addition, intestinal flu is introduced into the human body in other ways:

  • inadequate hygiene;
  • airborne penetration;
  • work with soil infected with pathogens.

In the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, microflora actively multiplies. Part of it is excreted during acts of defecation, settling in the sanitary rooms. Therefore, if there is a patient with such an intestinal infection in his home, he needs to disinfect the toilet daily to prevent infection of other family members.

Intestinal flu treatment

Symptoms of intestinal flu on the first day

As noted earlier, in the early days to identify that this is such a disease is very difficult. The incubation period for intestinal flu can be from several hours to 5 days, depending on how much pathogen got into the human body during infection, what is the state of its immune system, what is the degree of activity of microorganisms.

The first symptoms are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • increase in body temperature to 38 ° C and above;
  • chills and fever;
  • pain in the throat when swallowed;
  • initial signs of dry cough;
  • headache;
  • friability and redness of the tissues of the nasopharynx;
  • pain in large joints and muscles.

They can occur in single symptoms or in combination. The latter is more typical for people with reduced immunity and bad habits. In this case, intoxication of the body occurs at a high speed. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Muscle discomfort with intestinal flu in adults can turn into pain, which is especially typical for people over 55 years old.

Symptoms on the 2-3rd day

2 days after the onset of the disease, the virus enters the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. The following symptoms of intestinal flu appear:

  • diarrhea with a watery stool having a foamy consistency;
  • periodically occurring vomiting, having the usual color of products without impurities of bile acids, mucous veins and blood, without a fetid odor;
  • the pain resembles intestinal cramps and is acute;
  • bloating and heaviness in the stomach, flatulence;
  • about 30% of patients receive a conjunctivitis problem, as a result of which the eye sclera reddens, burning and itching appear, transparent discharge is observed from the eyes.

Danger of disease

Due to severe diarrhea and vomiting, it often leads to dehydration. This is especially dangerous with intestinal flu in children. Together with water, the necessary mineral elements are lost, such as sodium, chlorine, potassium, as a result of which the condition of the child worsens sharply.

Intestinal flu in children

The nervous system is affected, convulsions appear that can lead to respiratory arrest. The lungs may be affected, with the result that there is potential for the development of pneumonia. It is one of the typical complications of intestinal flu.

Forms of the disease in a child

There are three of them in relation to children:

  1. Easy. The condition of the child worsens slightly. There are complaints of discomfort in the abdomen, mainly in the stomach. The temperature does not rise very much. Feces are mushy, the intestines are emptied 3-5 times a day.
  2. Medium. The temperature rises to 37.5-38.5 ° C. The child complains of abdominal pain and weakness. A watery stool appears, which has a yellowish tint, bowel movement - up to 10 times a day.
  3. Heavy. Pediatricians register this form in children quite rarely. It is characterized by a strong degree of intoxication of the body. The child refuses food, drink, he is sluggish, the temperature can rise to 40 °. There is severe pain in the abdomen. The stool is watery, foamy, emptying more than 10 times a day, accompanied by repeated vomiting. The skin is flabby, urination is rare.

Treating children

The main method used today is rehydration. In this case, the child must be given saline solutions. The doctor may also prescribe drugs to eliminate intoxication in the treatment of intestinal flu:

  • Attapulgit;
  • Activated carbon;
  • dioctahedral smectitis.

As antipyretic, syrups or rectal suppositories are used. The elevated temperature lasts up to 5 days, which is especially difficult for children to tolerate. Therefore, along with drug treatment, an increase in heat transfer is carried out by undressing the child, a shin is wrapped with a wet rag or a bandage is applied to the forehead, previously moistened with cool water.

A good immunity to this disease in a child is developed after two transferred ailments.

Drugs for intestinal flu

Medication in adults

It is symptomatic, mainly produced on an outpatient basis. In order to cleanse the blood and intestines of toxins, sorbents are used:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb;
  • "Smecta";
  • Neosmectin.

They are taken several times a day in the treatment of intestinal flu. In this case, it is necessary to consume a large amount of water.

Rehydration is also performed to eliminate dehydration. Saline solutions normalize the water-salt balance, supporting the work of the kidneys. The most commonly prescribed drug for intestinal flu is Regidron. The contents of one packet are dissolved in one liter of water, which is pre-boiled, and then drunk in small sips during the day. If dehydration has occurred to a large extent, then the patient is hospitalized by injecting saline and glucose into the veins.

In addition, in order to restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme preparations such as “Creon”, “Pancreatin”, “Mezim forte”, and also pre- and probiotics can be prescribed:

  • Linex
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Normobact";
  • Beefiform.

After treatment, the patient should take a complex of vitamin preparations determined by the doctor.

Basic principles of symptomatic therapy in adults

It is not advisable to take antipyretic drugs to a temperature of 38 ° C in case of intestinal flu, since in this case the body independently fights against pathology. If this value is exceeded, you can take medication, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol is suitable.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

In some cases, combination drugs are prescribed for the treatment of intestinal flu, for example, Next.

When a cough appears, antitussive drugs are prescribed:

  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Broncholitin";
  • Bronchipret
  • Sinecode.

In order to eliminate allergies and other side effects due to the use of complex therapy, histamine blockers are prescribed:

  • Claritin
  • "Diazolin";
  • Loratadine.

Immunomodulators and antiviral agents are sometimes prescribed, although their effectiveness is not proven.

Medical nutrition

In the first 5-7 days, the patient must follow a certain diet, excluding the use of any milk protein-based products in food. Dairy products and whole milk can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

In the first 3-4 days, all products are consumed in a finely ground or grated form. The walls of the digestive tract can be enveloped using oat and rice decoctions. Fresh bread for this period should be replaced with crackers made from rye flour.

After recovery and for at least one week, the following foods are excluded from the human diet:

  • alcohol and everything that contains alcohol;
  • vegetables with a high purine content: turnip, cabbage, etc .;
  • cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • sugar-containing dishes;
  • confectionery glaze and chocolate;
  • fatty foods;
  • fried foods;
  • carbonated drinks.

Raw fruits and vegetables and dairy products are returned to the diet gradually, starting with 50-60 g of low-fat cottage cheese, then you can switch to bio-yogurts, and lastly, to whole milk.

Children vegetables and fruits, especially potatoes and bananas, are not contraindicated during treatment.

Intestinal flu

Treatment with folk remedies

As the latter can be used the roots of galangal grass, walnut leaves, pomegranate peels, alder cones, bird cherry, white lilac.

Below are recipes based on folk remedies for intestinal flu.

The roots and rhizomes of the sea otter must be fresh. They are washed, peeled on the same principle as carrots, chopped, and then filled with alcohol based on 200 ml of the last 200 g of roots and rhizomes. You can also prepare a decoction of galangal by pouring 1.5 tbsp. l dry roots with a glass of boiling water, after which it is languished in a water bath for an hour and filtered.

Walnut leaves help stop diarrhea and provide an anti-inflammatory effect. 1 tbsp. l 150 ml of boiling water is poured into the crushed raw material and infused for 15 minutes.

To prepare an infusion of alder cones, the glass is half filled with them, filled to the top with boiling water and infused in the covered state for an hour. Take 1 tbsp. l 3-4 hours, washed down with boiled water. After that, the next portion is prepared.

Infusion can be prepared from 2 tbsp. l berries of bird cherry or 1 tbsp. l crushed dry pomegranate peels, drenched in a glass of boiling water. It is drunk in one gulp or stretched for 3-4 hours.

White lilac flowers are poured with alcohol in a container with a well-screwed lid. The tincture will be ready in 2 weeks. Patients take 1 tsp. ½ cup boiled water 3-4 times a day, children - ½ tsp. per 100 ml of boiled water. Moreover, for children under 7 years old, it is better not to give such a tincture due to the fragile nervous system. They are treated with rhizomes and Kalgan roots, bird cherry berries, alder cones.

Disease prevention

To reduce the likelihood of an ailment getting into the body, you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene and the quality of food consumed.

Prevention of intestinal flu also provides daily exercises in the fresh air, restorative activities, good nutrition.

The most dangerous disease for children. From 1.5 months of age, they begin to vaccinate against this ailment. The drug is recommended. For its implementation, they turn to a pediatrician who will tell you where you can get the vaccine.

Folk remedies for intestinal flu


Intestinal flu is called a rotovirus infection. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that at the beginning of its manifestation it behaves like a cold, and then is replaced by intoxication of the body with an increase in temperature and the appearance of a digestive tract disorder. Children are more prone to illness, although adults can suffer. Treatment consists in following a diet, rehydrating, improving the digestive tract. In combination with medical methods, traditional medicine can be used. Children are preferably vaccinated.

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