Chest pain and burning: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

A variety of factors can cause pain and burning in the chest. Often, such symptoms cause diseases that require urgent, and sometimes even surgical treatment. If the symptoms have been haunting for a long time or have noticeably intensified over the past few hours, you need to urgently call an ambulance: pain and burning in the chest can be a harbinger of myocardial infarction.

Indeed, the most common association for chest pain is heart problems. Burning in the chest and pain under the scapula is a sign of a violation in the functioning of the heart muscle. At the same time, such a symptom may indicate other diseases, and quite serious ones. To reveal the cause of pain and burning in the chest, it is advisable to go to the doctor. Do not self-medicate, which can only exacerbate a health problem.

If it burns in the middle

If this symptom is felt in the central part of the chest, you need to go to an appointment with a cardiologist. This is how heart failure and vascular disease manifests itself. Particularly alert should be a burning sensation in the chest that has arisen at rest.

The first thing to start is to do an ECG. If the result of the study shows that the heart works like a clock, then the cause may be a violation of the digestive system. With gastritis and reflux esophagitis due to the casting of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus, many patients suffer from a burning sensation in the very center of the sternum, next to the epigastrium. Usually this symptom is accompanied by heartburn.

Gastrointestinal tract disorders are mistaken for many as heartaches. In addition to these diseases, pancreatitis can cause pain in the middle of the chest. Inflammation of the pancreas can only be treated with medication, and the treatment regimen has much in common with the treatment of gastritis and reflux esophagitis. So, for stopping heartburn, the doctor can prescribe "Gaviscon", "Maalox", "Ranitidine", "Rennie." In parallel, preparations of the proton pump, pancreatic enzymes "Creon", "Mezim", "Festal" are prescribed. For acute heart pain, a nitroglycerin tablet should be taken.

coughing pain and burning in chest

Left-sided chest discomfort

Pain and burning in the chest on the left side again suggest a heart problem. With these symptoms, heart attack, coronary disease and angina pectoris make themselves felt. They can be distinguished from other diseases by enhancing the unpleasant sensations on the left during physical exertion. Climbing the stairs, long walking, carrying heavy bags - all this affects the well-being and is manifested by increased burning sensation. During the rest, the pain can go away, but this is not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor in the near future.

In addition, in stressful situations, the symptom may return. In addition to pain and burning in the chest, patients feel depressed, become suspicious, irritable or, conversely, aggressive. To restore the psycho-emotional background, a full sleep, walking and taking light sedatives on a natural basis (tincture of motherwort, valerian, peony, Persen, Novo-Passit, Sedaten) are required.

By the way, inflammation of the pancreas can also cause pain on the left side, radiating to the chest. Burning and pain on the left side are often accompanied by aching pain in the stomach. And although most often the pain in pancreatitis is herpes zoster, in some patients it occurs in any part of the upper abdomen. In addition to taking medications, with pancreatitis, a hungry diet is recommended for two days, and then the patient is transferred to a strict diet.

What does the pain on the right mean?

Coughing, pain and burning in the chest on the right side often indicate the presence of cholecystitis. The thing is that stagnation of bile leads to its reflux into the stomach and esophagus. As a result, heartburn occurs, a burn of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and larynx occurs, which leads to the appearance of cough. With inflammation of the gallbladder, the patient also has a noticeable yellowish coating on the tongue and yellowing of the sclera of the eyes. In the period of exacerbation of cholecystitis, it is better to abandon fatty, spicy and fried foods - such dishes will only aggravate unpleasant symptoms.

To get rid of right-sided burning pain, you need to establish not only the diet, but also the diet. The longer the interval between meals, the more subsequently the gall bladder will develop bile. With excess, it begins to stagnate actively, so you need to eat at least once every 3-4 hours.

Women's Health Features

In women, headache and burning in the chest often serve as a harbinger of PMS. And although at first glance it seems that there is no connection between premenstrual syndrome and chest discomfort, in fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Shortly before the start of the cycle, the ratio of hormones in the female body changes, the breast is poured, and pain can occur due to overstrain of the mammary glands. This is a completely normal reaction of a woman's body to the beginning of the menstrual cycle. You do not need to do anything: as soon as the menstruation is over, all the symptoms will go away on their own.

Often, burning in the upper chest appears in pregnant women. The reason is the hormonal processes that prepare the body of the expectant mother for the birth of a baby. Pain in the mammary glands is a natural reaction to hormonal changes. During pregnancy, a woman's body prepares for childbirth and lactation. In recent months, a woman can observe in her discharge from the nipples, an increase in the volume of the breast, an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples. Thus, a slight burning sensation is not a sign of deviation - on the contrary, everything is going according to plan, the body is preparing for upcoming motherhood.

Sometimes in pregnant women, along with a burning sensation in the chest, back pain appears. Typically, this problem occurs in the second or third trimester. The cause of discomfort and pain is an increased load on the spine. In this case, it is better not to ignore the discomfort, but try to make your health easier. Since painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is possible to alleviate well-being with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women.

pain in the left chest

Severe pain and burning in the chest in a woman can talk about mastopathy. Such a serious disease is accompanied by a visual change in the mammary glands. The breast can change its shape, and fluid will be released from the nipples. In some cases, the treatment of mastopathy is carried out surgically. If surgery can be avoided, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs.

Spinal problems

In some cases, pain and burning in the chest indicate diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sometimes myalgia, which intensifies with motor activity, also joins the burning sensation. Often, such complications occur against the background of scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis. No drug will really help get rid of discomfort in the sternum. The key here is to correct posture. The patient needs to monitor the position of his body when walking, sitting. Keep your back straight all the time, do exercises for better plasticity, flexibility and stretching. When the spinal column is curved, pain and discomfort appear due to pinching of the nerve endings that are in the chest area.

chest pain burning

Pain only when inhaling

If pain and burning in the chest area are felt when inhaling, it is very likely that we can talk about problems with the respiratory system. Most often, such a clinical sign indicates the development of a respiratory viral disease. It burns in the upper chest against a cold and a viral infection. The manifestation of this symptom provokes inflammation in the airways. Soreness can increase with an increase in body temperature, an increase in physical activity.

Bronchitis often provokes a burning sensation in the chest. In addition to the indicated discomfort, the ailment is manifested by other symptoms: high body temperature, cough, general weakness. The stronger the cough, the more it will hurt in the chest. The thing is that during the period of sputum discharge, the inflamed bronchi overstrain and are partially injured, this causes a burning sensation when coughing. It is possible to treat bronchitis with the help of antibiotics, thinners, expectorants, in the recovery period, vitamins are required. If you start treatment on time, then for a full recovery it will take no more than 10 days.

It is worth noting that the cause of pain in the upper sternum is often arterial hypertension. Since jumps in blood pressure adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, hypertension indirectly provokes the occurrence of these symptoms. In this case, you can stabilize your well-being with the help of drugs that correct blood pressure.

Neurological diseases

One of the symptoms of intervertebral hernia and intercostal neuralgia can also be pain and burning in the chest. Patients are prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Depending on the severity of the disease, patients may be advised to use novocaine blockade. It is possible to alleviate well-being with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. Regular massages and physiotherapy exercises also have a positive effect on health.

burning in the chest back pain

It is important to understand that all drugs that are prescribed for such pathologies are not able to cure. They are designed to eliminate painful symptoms and discomfort at least for a while. To stop the development of the disease, a more thorough approach to treatment will be required. Physiotherapy, physical therapy and a special massage help a lot.

Osteochondrosis and chest pain

In some patients, burning sensation is felt not only in the chest, but is transmitted to the back. Most likely, we are talking about the thoracic spine. Osteochondrosis provokes this problem. Regardless of the localization of the degenerative process, osteochondrosis can lead to the appearance of protrusions and the formation of a hernia. Pain in this disease, as a rule, is paroxysmal in nature and intensifies after intense physical exertion.

However, it cannot be said that osteochondrosis is a completely irreversible disease. You can stop the pathological processes with the help of a complex of gymnastic exercises, taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers, B vitamins, muscle relaxants and diuretics.

abdominal pain burning in chest

How is pneumonia manifested?

Some patients believe that a dangerous disease such as pneumonia always necessarily manifests itself as a strong cough. In fact, this ailment is considered one of the most insidious, because it may not give any specific symptoms, except for a feeling of compression in the chest and high temperature, which is taken as a sign of ARVI or a common cold.

At the initial stage of inflammation, the body struggles with the disease with all its might, so a person may not feel any symptoms. In addition, the lungs are deprived of pain receptors. But as soon as pneumonia begins to progress, additional signs of the disease may join. The patient has a cough, pain and burning sensation in the chest, the body temperature rises, and weakness appears in the muscles and joints.

There is only one type of treatment for pneumonia - antibacterial. Folk remedies cannot cure this disease. Inflammation of the lungs can be fatal, therefore, when diagnosing an ailment, it is important to immediately begin treatment.

Dry cough

Diseases of the ENT organs can cause chest pain and burning in the throat. Their list should include pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, so if such symptoms appear, you should definitely ask someone from your family to examine your throat. To see the reddening of the palatine arches or the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, it is not necessary to stand in line with the otolaryngologist. However, self-treatment is still undesirable. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. For example, pharyngitis is rarely treated with antibiotics, but with angina, it is impossible to do without antibacterial drugs.

burning pain in the right chest

In the treatment of these diseases, it is necessary to take antitussive drugs and gargle with antiseptics. If you start inflammation of the upper parts of the respiratory system, the disease can affect the trachea, bronchi, lungs. To prevent this, expectorants in the form of syrups and potions should be taken.

Other causes of discomfort

Sometimes the cause of pain and burning in the chest on the left or on the right is a slight injury, a slight bruise of the chest. With fractures, cracks and displacements of the ribs, intense excruciating pain occurs, which is not so easy to get rid of. Despite the fact that it is possible to determine the severity of an injury even without visiting a medical facility, it is important to verify the integrity of the bones, ligaments, muscles - this is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment.

A slight burning sensation in the chest can provoke an allergic reaction. At the same time as rash, rhinitis, tearing and redness of the eyes, it can manifest itself as discomfort and chest pain. The cause of this symptom is the reaction of the respiratory organs to intoxication. To eliminate the burning sensation that has arisen against the background of an allergy, antihistamines should be taken.

Against the background of stress and mental disorders, some patients experience chest pain. Such symptoms can be provoked by prolonged overfatigue, an experienced emotional shock. Due to feelings of anxiety and strong feelings, it seems to the patient that his heart hurts, he often feels a burning sensation in his chest and abdominal pain. Passing a comprehensive medical examination yields nothing: all tests and diagnostic procedures show that there are no problems at the physiological level. Thus, chest pain can be of a psychosomatic nature. Sedatives, eliminating sources of stress and adjusting the regimen of the day will help get rid of discomfort.

When a burning sensation in the chest can speak of a mortal threat

Pain and burning in the chest on the right or on the left side can talk about pathologies of the aorta and pulmonary artery. These diseases of the vascular system pose a serious threat to the patient's life, since in severe cases they can lead to death. At home, such pathologies are not treated. When diagnosing such diseases, you should seek specialized help. Be sure to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment in a hospital.

severe pain and burning in the chest

A strong and sudden burning sensation in the chest should alert. If this symptom has nothing to do with all of the above diseases, you need to be examined and make sure that the cause of chest pain is not a malignant tumor, because a strong burning sensation in the center of the sternum may indicate the presence of cancer of the lungs, lymphatic system, bronchi, and esophagus. In this case, you can not lose a day, urgently need to start anti-cancer therapy.

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