"Posterisan", ointment: instructions for use, reviews

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is important to choose the right and effective drugs to prevent deterioration. One of the most popular products is Posterisan ointment. Due to its unique composition, this drug has a wide range of effects and helps to build immunity at the local level. Let's consider in more detail what this medication is and how to use it.

Description of the drug

Speaking aloud about such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids is not accepted. Even with the appearance of the first symptoms, not everyone will seek the help of a specialist, although this disease poses a rather serious danger and can significantly complicate life. In fact, the disease is a varicose vein in the rectum. Treatment is selected depending on the stage of development of the pathological condition.

hemorrhoids ointment posterized

Currently, local drugs in the form of ointments, suppositories and gels are widely used to treat inflammation of hemorrhoids. With an uncomplicated degree, the use of Posterisan ointment will bring a positive result.

Instructions for use indicate that the product is combined and has a powerful immunostimulating effect. The medication is unique in its kind, because it has no analogues in active ingredients. The medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical company Dr. Kade, located in Germany. The cost of the drug ranges from 450-670 rubles.

Release form

The German manufacturer produces a remedy for hemorrhoids in the form of ointments and rectal suppositories. The beige ointment has a specific phenol odor. It is packaged in tubes of 25 g. One cardboard package contains a tube with medicine, an instruction and an applicator for the convenience of using the drug.

reviews about ointment posterisan

Suppositories also have a phenol odor and a slightly yellowish tint. They are placed in blisters. One package contains 10 candles.


The main active ingredient of the drug for hemorrhoids are inactivated pathogenic microbes Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli).

1 g of ointment contains approximately 350 million cells of pathogens that phenol has acted on. Auxiliary components are lanolin and petroleum jelly.

Drug action

The instruction of ointment "Posterisan" describes in detail its properties and mechanism of action. Inactivated Escherichia coli cells have an immunostimulating effect and contribute to the activation of the leukocyte phagocytic activity, thereby enhancing the acquired immunity.

the composition of the ointment is posterized

Upon contact with the mucous membrane of the anorectal zone, the cells and their metabolic products form an environment in which the resistance of tissues to the negative effects of pathogens is significantly increased. In addition, Posterisan ointment helps eliminate itching and inflammation in the anus, and also stimulates regeneration processes.

Under the influence of the medication, positive changes in the state of the blood vessels occur and the tonus of smooth muscles rises. This allows you to eliminate puffiness, congestion, itching and burning.

Indications for appointment

Hemorrhoids ointment is intended for local use only. The manufacturer recommends using it to treat the following ailments:

  • with anal fissures;
  • with eczema in the anus;
  • with hemorrhoids in the initial stage;
  • with dermatitis;
  • with anal itching;
  • with pararectal fistula.
when ointment is prescribed

Posterisan ointment can be used both as a single agent and as part of complex therapy. She effectively fights with various pathologies that affect the anarectal region. The drug is often recommended for use in the postoperative period in order to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection by pathogens.

How to use?

Perhaps the external use of ointment "Posterisan" or its introduction into the rectum using an applicator. Before using the medication, it is necessary to clean the treatment area and wash your hands. A small amount of ointment is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area of โ€‹โ€‹the epidermis in the anorectal region. Repeat the procedure twice a day. The recommended duration of therapy is 5-7 days. In order to consolidate the result, a specialist can recommend an extension of the course of treatment for another 7-10 days.

Can I prescribe to pregnant women?

Expectant mothers are prone to the formation and development of hemorrhoids. This is due to hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the rectum, thereby impairing its blood supply. Therapy in this case is selected only by a specialist and will depend on the specific stage of development of hemorrhoids. Usually at the initial stage it is recommended to adjust the diet and establish regular stools.

the use of ointment

If there are obvious signs of an ailment, the doctor may prescribe the use of local drugs. Absolutely safe for the expectant mother and fetus is Posterisan ointment for hemorrhoids. It was found that this medication does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, but therapy is necessary only under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, an ointment based on inactivated Escherichia coli cells is also used after childbirth.


It is forbidden to use Posterisan ointment for treatment in the presence of intolerance of phenol and other components of the drug in the patient. The manufacturer recommends not prescribing a remedy for hemorrhoids to children under 12 years of age. Do not use the drug if the patient is diagnosed with specific lesions in the anus or genital area. Ointment is not prescribed for syphilis, mycoses, tuberculosis, gonorrhea and viral infections.

Side effects

Posterisan ointment (in most cases) is well tolerated by all patients. Due to the presence of a minimum of components, the appearance of unwanted reactions is almost completely eliminated.

ointment instruction posterized

Only in rare cases, with a predisposition to the appearance of skin allergic reactions or intolerance to certain substances from the composition, symptoms such as itching, rash, skin irritation, urticaria can occur. If similar symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Reviews about ointment "Posterisan"

The unique composition Posterisan received many positive recommendations not only from proctologists, but also from patients who used this ointment to treat hemorrhoids. The drug quickly and efficiently solves the problem of inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes. It acts gently and is completely harmless. A huge advantage is the fact that the medication can be used by expectant and nursing mothers.

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