Description of the painting Serebryakova "At Lunch." Painting reproduction

Zinaida Serebryakova’s painting "At Lunch" (second name - "At Breakfast") is one of the most famous works of the artist. The date of its writing is 1914. Today, the original painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery, and its reproduction and description can be found in this publication.

description of the painting silver at dinner

Brief biography of the artist

Before making a description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch,” a few words should be said about her author. Zinaida Evgenievna was born in 1884 near Kharkov. Her parents were graphic artist Catherine Benoit and sculptor Eugene Lansere. She spent her childhood and youth in St. Petersburg. The girl grew up surrounded by creative people and from childhood enthusiastically painted.

In 1905, Zinaida Evgenievna married a railway engineer Boris Serebryakov. The couple had 4 children: sons Zhenya and Sasha and daughters Tanya and Katya. The artist was widowed early and in 1924 left for Paris, remaining in him forever. Living in France, she continued to write, putting her whole soul into her works. The predominant part of her paintings were portraits. Serebryakova died in 1967, leaving behind a solid creative legacy.

picture of Serebryakov at dinner

main characters

All life for Zinaida Evgenievna, the meaning of life remained a picture. Serebryakova at dinner portrayed her children Zhenya, Shurik and Tanya. The youngest daughter of the artist Katyusha at that time was still too small and could not pose. The canvas captures the moment when the children dined (or had breakfast) in the dining room. A beautifully served table indicates that the Serebryakov family adhered to European traditions.

Description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch” is worth starting with a description of her three main characters. The boys depicted on the canvas, the weather, the little sister is several years younger than them. Eugene drinks water thoughtfully. It is evident that he is not so much thirsty as he is simply interested in the contents of the glass. At this time, the grandmother (the picture shows only her hands) pours soup into the bowl with a soup ladle. The remaining children are carefully looking towards the viewer. Before Shurik there is a plate filled with soup. He had already eaten it a little, but something made him tear himself away from food and turn back. Baby Tanya’s plate is empty, and she patiently waits for her grandmother to pour her soup. The girl carefully fixed her gaze at the same point as her brother. Curiosity is read in the large and expressive eyes of the children.

picture of Zinaida Serebryakova at dinner

The nature and appearance of children

Not only a talented artist, but also a subtle psychologist was Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova. “At dinner” is not just a plot picture, in it the author conveyed the inner world of each of his children. Her eldest son Eugene grew up a calm and dreamy boy, Shurik was notorious, and daughter Tanyusha was a very active and curious girl. These character traits of each of the children are clearly visible on the canvas.

Continuing the description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch”, a little attention should be paid to the appearance of the brothers and sisters. The boys are dressed in blue shirts, the girl dressed up in a snow-white sundress, under which you can see a dark blouse. The clothes show that after lunch they gathered for a walk. All kids have very similar faces. Tanya is neatly combed, but Shurik and Zhenya’s hair stick out in different directions.

Dinner table

The description of Serebryakova’s painting “At Lunch” allows you to see how tables were served in Russian intelligent families before the revolution. A snow-white tablecloth, napkins, and beautiful dishes were everyday attributes at that time, without which no decent family meal could have done in decent houses. In addition to a large tureen, bowls and glasses, on the table you can see a carafe of water, a yellow jug, a sugar bowl, a salt shaker and small plates with fresh buns and chocolate chip cookies.

Despite the lack of bright colors, the artist got a very sunny picture. Serebryakova “At Lunch” dedicated to her children, so every stroke on the canvas is made with special motherly love. The picture is warm and cozy. Looking at her, you can understand that the real happiness of any woman lies in her babies.

Other children's portraits of the author

“At Lunch” is not the only work in which Serebryakova painted her children. After the death of her husband, the artist created her most tragic painting, “House of Cards”. Here she portrayed grown up and orphaned sons and daughters. Their faces read undisguised sadness and despair.

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova at dinner

Children's theme glides in the films "Zhenya", "Tanya and Katya. Girls near the piano ”,“ Portrait of A. Cherkesova-Benoit with her son Alexander ”,“ Katya in a fancy dress ”and many others. According to the artist A. N. Benois, uncle Zinaida Evgenievna, in painting portraits of children she had no equal.

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