Russian theater and film actor Sergei Shkalikov

He was a young and talented artist. His life was short, and his roles were vibrant. His theatrical works and film roles brought him success and many fans. Unfortunately, like many gifted people, Sergei Shkalikov was tempted and ruined his life. You can learn about the biography of the actor and his creative life from this article.

The biography of the actor and work in the theater

Sergei Valerievich Shkalikov was born in September 1963 in Moscow. In 1990, Sergei graduated from GITIS, where he studied at the Tabakov course. After that, a talented actor joined the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. Everyone who saw his theatrical works admired Sergei's outstanding acting gift. The most famous works of Sergei Shkalikov in the theater are: “The Cherry Orchard” (role - Trofimov) 1989, “Ivanov” (role - Skew) 1990, “Wedding Night, or May 37” (role - Tolya) 1991.

Hobbies of the actor

shooting a movie

The scale, as many friends called it, wrote poetry. Several of them became lyrics for the songs of the popular rock band “Chayf”, with whose musicians Shkalikov was friends. In 2001, a collection of poems by Sergei Shkalikov was published under the title "If I Were ...". Shkalikov was very popular among theatrical bohemia. There were a lot of rumors and stories about him. According to the recollections of acquaintances and friends, Sergei was unpredictable and, unfortunately, drank alcohol.

Work in the cinema

The debut of actor Sergei Shkalikov in the movie took place in 1986 in the film "Jaguar", Shkalikov received the role of a Boa in the film. After that, Sergey starred in 6 films: “The Story of a Billiard Team”, “Our Man in San Remo”, “Racket”, “Cool. Case No. 1: Deadly Show "," D. D. D. (Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky). ”

Personal life of Sergei Shkalikov

While still a student of GITIS, Shkalikov married his classmate Galina Churilova. In 1987, a son appeared in the family, who was named Semen. Later, the boy followed in the footsteps of his parents and also became an actor. Alcohol addiction and irresponsibility of Sergey destroyed a short marriage with Galina Churilova, and Shkalikov got along with journalist Maria Slonim. Maria was 17 years older than her lover. Their relationship lasted more than ten years.

The brightest roles

frame from the movie

In the theater, Sergei Shkalikov played many different roles. However, the role of the actor in the play “Toybel and her demon” is considered the most tragically vivid. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Sergey performed the role of a demon brilliantly. In 1998, the role in the production of Maximilian Stolpnik brought Sergey Shkalikov the title of laureate of the prestigious theater prize The Seagull. 1998 was the most successful in the career of an actor. Ironically, at the end of this productive year, Shkalikov passed away at the age of 35. The last two films with the actor’s participation were released after his death, and Sergei, unfortunately, did not manage to voice his role in Basov’s film “Instead of Me”. She had to be duplicated to another actor.

Leaving life

actor biography

December 6, 1998 the body of the artist was discovered in his apartment. Doctors diagnosed heart failure, but Sergei’s relatives believed that heart failure had nothing to do with it, and the addiction to drugs became the cause of the actor’s death. The body of Sergei Shkalikov rests in a cemetery in the village of Nikolina Gora.

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