Early Times: Inspirational Whiskey

Aesthetes and gourmets consider whiskey a very worthy alternative to vodka. Those who do not like its smell or pungent taste join their opinion. It is worth recognizing that many varieties of this drink are actually drunk much softer, and some can even be savored, like wine or good cognac. However, in the types of whiskey, the rules of its “taking on the chest” and methods for determining the quality, you still need to understand it so that instead of the expected pleasure you do not get a spoiled mood, burnt taste pimples and, in addition, a significant gap in the family budget.

early times whiskey reviews

Taste depending on the country of origin

Whiskey can be Irish, American and Scottish. The most affordable (and the most tested - not only by the relevant authorities, but also directly by consumers) at the moment is products from America. And the most popular type of drink in this country remains bourbon, among the variations of which are the "Early Times" - whiskey, reviews of which are always positive.

Bourbon Production Rules

Since 64 years of the last century, the rules for the release of this whiskey are strictly regulated. According to him, at least 51 percent of the base should be corn. The strength in bottles is standard - 40%, but the initial distillation should not exceed 80, and when bottled in barrels, be at least 62 and a half percent.

A unique taste is always provided by a different ratio of types of raw materials in production. Traditionally, there should be at least three of them in bourbon. Specifically, the "Early Times" consists of 79 parts of corn base, 10 percent is given to barley malt, 11 remains to the share of the rye component.

early times whiskey Price

All these subtleties are observed in the production of "Early Times" (whiskey). Reviews about it are favorable because the technology is carefully stored.

Taste qualities

Any whiskey is a sharp drink, although not as strong as the usual Russian citizen familiar with vodka. However, the more pleasant the invention of the Scots in conjunction with the Irish is that the different varieties have distinct aromatic and taste subtleties. According to experts, the “Early Times” bourbon whiskey smells like the well-known “Jack Daniels”, only more sweet and unobtrusive. The aroma reminds some of the fortified white wine, but everyone notes that there is no fuselage at all, and alcohol only sets off the general background.

“Early Times” is being drunk (whiskey, reviews are practically unanimous in this) much tougher than the same “Daniels”, and its taste is not so pronounced, but it doesn’t have a grain aftertaste, and many of the whiskey motives in the language resemble dried grandmother’s apples.

Savoring a drink is unlikely to succeed, but, according to tasters, the finish is decent and does not require a “zapivon”. If you don’t like harshness, use ice, cola or lemon.

early times whiskey

The Secret to Taste Savings is Proper Storage

It is worth remembering that although the "Early Times" - whiskey is not moody, respect for it is necessary to show. Otherwise, you can lose all the pleasures for which money is paid. First of all, no refrigerator! Remember that there should be a bar in a decent house. Otherwise, your drink will simply “die”, become emasculated and will only be suitable for drinking with grief. If you want a little cold, add a couple of ice cubes before introducing into the body. It is also important to keep it standing so that the Early Times (whiskey) itself does not come into contact with the cork. Reviews indicate that non-compliance with this rule leads to a significant deterioration in taste.

Well, and, of course, the right containers for use are important. Classically, they should be thick-bottomed, you can faceted stacks of glasses. But experienced people argue that brandy glasses are no worse.

whiskey bourbon early times

Price policy

The question remains the cost of the "Early Times" (whiskey). Its price is quite affordable compared to some other varieties, but the scatter is sometimes puzzling. Many drink lovers claim that its average cost is 560 rubles, and successful hunters say that if you get a share in Metro, you’ll be poorer by 380. Most specialized stores offer Early Times bourbon whiskey for 850 (true, for a bottle of 0.75). So it’s up to you to decide whether to buy cheaper or trust the seller’s beliefs that it’s for sure. Many advise doing just that to avoid Chinese and Middle Eastern fakes.

In general, if you are just starting to get acquainted with whiskey, try the "Early Times". First of all, it is relatively inexpensive (what if you don’t like it?), Then it has a smack of vanilla (or caramel, or cherry liqueur, or lemon peel - anyone has a fantasy, but it's also nice), it smells like barberry (or pipe tobacco, or apple pie ...) In general, not a drink, but a complete mystery! For the first meeting - that’s it.

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