Surely everyone has heard of such a drug as boric ointment. Instructions for use of this tool, its properties, adverse reactions and indications will be described later.
Packaging and composition of local products
What packaging is boric ointment sold in? Instructions for use of this drug are enclosed in a cardboard box. It also contains an aluminum tube with a medicinal substance or a dark glass jar.
The composition of the medication in question includes boric acid, as well as ordinary petrolatum.
Properties of the local drug
Boric ointment, the instruction of which is presented below, is an antiseptic drug that is actively used in dermatological practice. This tool exhibits antifungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties.
Treatment with this ointment is permissible only with the permission of the doctor. The main component of this medication is boric acid. It is contained in the preparation in an amount of 5%. As for the rest of the medication, it is a regular petrolatum.
What properties does boric ointment have? Instructions for use reports that this drug is intended to destroy parasites, fungi and bacteria. This is an antiseptic that has mild fungistatic and bacteriostatic properties. In addition, it has an anti-pedicular effect.
When this drug is combined with oxyquinoline sulfate, it exhibits a contraceptive effect.
Boric ointment easily penetrates the blood through such injuries as wounds and microcracks, as well as mucous membranes and skin. In this case, the medication accumulates in the tissues, and leaves the body with urine a week after the last application.
Indications for use of external ointment
When is boric ointment used by patients? Instructions for use (with psoriasis, this remedy helps very well) claims that this drug is often prescribed for:
- diseases of the visual organs, including conjunctivitis;
- parasitic diseases, including pediculosis;
- skin diseases, including dermatitis, various types of eczema, diaper rash, pyoderma and others;
- gynecological diseases (for example, with colpitis);
- diseases of ENT organs, including with otitis media.
It can not be said that the medication in question together with oxyquinoline sulfate is often used for contraception.
Contraindications to the use of ointment
When is boric ointment not used? Instructions for use (with eczema, this tool should be prescribed only by a doctor) reports that the medication in question is not recommended for people with personal intolerance to its components. In addition, chronic renal failure is a contraindication to this medication.
This medication should not be used in the presence of inflammatory skin diseases that are in the acute stage. For babies returned up to one year and pregnant women, this drug is also contraindicated.
When breastfeeding, the ointment should not be applied to the nipples. If a person has extensive areas of the body damaged, then the drug in question is applied to them extremely carefully, bypassing the areas of damage.
Boric ointment: instructions for use
Use this drug only externally. Its dosage and frequency of use is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the stage and type of disease. As a rule, for the treatment of conjunctivitis, this drug is injected into the conjunctival region, and otitis media into the ear canals.
If dermatitis is detected, this medication should be used only in places where the rash appears. For the treatment of head lice, boric ointment is applied to the head in a dosage of 10-30 g, after which it is held for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water.
Having performed this procedure, the hair is combed well with a comb-comb.
Adverse reactions after application
When using this drug, patients may experience negative effects such as:
- dyspeptic manifestations: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
- headache;
- rashes on the integument;
- desquamation of the epithelial layer;
- shock condition;
- a decrease in the daily amount of urine;
- confusion.
With prolonged use of the ointment or its absorption into the blood through existing wounds and cracks, undesirable reactions such as:
- excretory system: chronic or acute renal failure;
- heart and blood vessels: arrhythmia and lowering blood pressure;
- menstrual irregularities;
- nervous system: lethargy, shock, fever, coma;
- baldness;
- inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes (including stomatitis, eczema and erythema).