Pear jam - recipe for sweet tooth

Summer always pleases with an abundance of berries and fruits. Few people know that the pear is considered the queen among them. It boasts high palatability and great benefits to the human body. Pear is a real storehouse of vitamins and energy. Therefore, you must be able to harvest it for the future in the form of a delicious dessert. Pear jam , the recipe of which I would like to bring to your attention, is an unusually aromatic, mouth-watering, delicate amber-colored treat.

pear jam recipe

Advantages and benefits

We almost never think about the benefits or dangers of foods that we eat. In vain. It turns out that not everyone can eat fresh pears. But if you cook them, then there are no contraindications. In addition, the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties during heat treatment, moreover, it becomes even tastier.

Pears have a lot of advantages. Do not neglect the recommendations of nutritionists who argue that pears are able to fight overweight people. The face mask made of pear pulp works quite effectively, making the skin supple and supple. This wonderful fruit has also found application in traditional medicine. It is an excellent antipyretic and diuretic. For preventive purposes, a pear is used for diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver.

How to cook pear jam ?

Each mistress has her own special secrets for preparing pear treats. Pear jam, the recipe of which is simply impossible to ignore, occupies a special place. In order not to be disappointed, if you are cooking for the first time, you need to take pears in summer or autumn varieties that have a persistent aroma of honey. Never use greenhouse fruits on jam. It should be noted that pear jam can be cooked in slices and pasty. Pear jam with slices is often cooked for the reason that practical housewives use slices to decorate pies and cakes.

pear jam with slices

Cooking process

Pear thoroughly and cut into slices. Remove the core of the fruit. We start cooking the syrup. For 2 kg of pears, you need to take 300 g of water and about 1 kg of sugar (maybe a little less, it all depends on the type of pear). Heat everything over low heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Next, we lower the pears into slices, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook on a small flame for about 10 minutes. Remove, let cool completely.

When the jam has completely cooled, cook a second time on low heat for about 15 minutes. Some housewives put the berries of aronia in pear jam. Jam then acquires a certain piquant astringency and a beautiful, rich emerald color.

how to cook pear jam

If you take small fruits as a whole, even with ponytails, then you can also make pear jam from them, we use the same recipe. The main thing, choosing fruits for dessert, is to adhere to one proven rule: the pear is more fragrant, the higher its taste and useful properties.

Your family will definitely appreciate the autumn efforts in the cold season, because pear jam is a recipe for true connoisseurs and real sweet tooth.

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