We prepare the second dishes: buckwheat in a merchant style

That buckwheat is very good for health, much has been said. Therefore, its popularity in each house is quite high. It can be prepared as a side dish or a separate dish, and in either case, you will get a hearty and healthy porridge. Recipes can be found in large quantities with both vegetables and meat products. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on how buckwheat is prepared in a merchant way, as this is a very aromatic and tasty second dish that will appeal to many.

The main ingredient of this dish is, of course, buckwheat. In addition to it, this includes meat (often they take pork, but other types, for example, chicken or beef) and vegetables (onions and carrots) are also possible. One of the recipes will be as follows.

The meat is cut into small pieces, fried in a preheated pan until golden, laid out in a deep saucepan. A glass of buckwheat is poured on top, everything is poured with water to cover products by 3 centimeters above, cooked until the cereal is ready. The carrots are grated, the onions are chopped into small pieces, the vegetables are passaged on fire, added to the porridge. Everything is mixed, salted, peppered, spices added. Before serving, leave the dish for a few minutes to brew in a warm place (you can use the oven at the lowest temperature). Spices are either prepared on their own, or buckwheat is taken in a merchant-like magga for second courses (an already prepared seasoning mixture), which is simply added to the dish.

No less tasty and aromatic than with pork, buckwheat is obtained in a merchant style with chicken. For this dish you will need chicken, buckwheat, carrots, sweet peppers, onions, soy sauce, tomato paste, seasonings. For cooking, it is better to take a deep pan, as the whole dish will be cooked in it. Chicken is cut into small portions, fried in vegetable oil, sunflower or olive, and pepper. Shredded onions and grated carrots are added to it, everything is passaged for a while on the fire. Diced Bulgarian peppers pour out here. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce are combined with the same amount of tomato paste, salt and seasonings. The resulting mixture is well mixed, poured into chicken with vegetables. To make buckwheat merchanty more aromatic, here you can add finely chopped greens. The cereal is washed, poured into a pan, a glass of broth or boiled water is poured. Everything is brought to a boil and stewed under a lid for 10 minutes. By the time it is ready, the liquid should completely evaporate. After the dish is removed from the fire, it is given a few more minutes to sweat, and can be served.

Buckwheat is prepared conveniently and quickly in a merchant style, like other cereals, in a pressure cooker. For this, the necessary ingredients (chopped meat, carrots, onions, cereals) are laid out in layers, and the necessary temperature regime is set.

Also, buckwheat can be prepared in a merchant way as follows. Pork is cut into cubes, fried in a pan, a small amount of water is added, the meat is stewed until cooked. Separately, carrots, onions, chopped garlic are fried, vegetables are laid out in meat. The cereal is poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, the water is drained, buckwheat is added to the meat with vegetables, it is poured with water so that all the ingredients are covered about one finger in height. The porridge closes with a lid and simmers over low heat until the liquid evaporates and the cereal becomes soft and crumbly. You can put a little butter here and mix, and then serve. To prepare such a cereal, you can put it in the oven at medium temperature, while you should not cover the dishes with a lid.

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