During the preschool years, some children are prone to the syndrome of obsessive states. This is such a reaction of the child to some psychological injuries or situations of various kinds. Why preschoolers? At this age, children already strive to become independent, and adults, in their opinion, are extremely hindered by this. Due to this condition, the behavior of the child worsens greatly. Also, the syndrome adversely affects its mental development. What should parents do in this case? How to understand what it is - a neurosis of obsessive states in children? Let's try to answer these and other exciting questions.
The causes of neurosis
If parents do not know the causes of the obsessive syndrome in children, then they will not be able to prevent the occurrence of this problem. The degree of manifestation of the syndrome directly depends on the age of the child, on the nature of the situation that caused it to appear, on how deeply this situation injured the child. Psychologists believe that the most common causes are as follows:
- Various psychological injuries that could occur both in the family and in kindergarten.
- Adverse family situation (too frequent quarrels, divorce).
- Perhaps the parents made a mistake in the upbringing.
- A change of residence may affect the occurrence of such a condition (moving to a new apartment, changing a preschool).
- The syndrome occurs if the childβs body is subjected to excessive physical or emotional stress.
- Perhaps the child suffered a severe fear.
This classification can be called conditional, since all children are different. Each of them reacts differently to one or another life situation. But experts are sure that these are the causes that cause serious changes in the behavior and psyche of preschoolers, and later lead to neurosis. Parents need to pay attention to any changes in the behavior of the child. If you do not start treatment on time, then it will be more difficult to cope with a neurosis.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that children who have an increased level of anxiety are especially prone to the occurrence of such a condition . Their main features are: timidity, suggestibility, resentment, suspiciousness. If you make excessive demands on such a child, you can hurt his pride. It will be extremely difficult to bear any failures, even the smallest.
How does neurosis manifest
What are the symptoms of neurosis of obsessive states in children? How should parents respond to them? Psychologists say that a neurosis can manifest itself as follows:
- A child often has the same disturbing thought.
- He commits involuntary actions repeatedly.
- So-called complex behavioral actions can be observed.
Having noticed such actions on the part of your child, it is better to contact a specialist to confirm or refute your fears.
Obsessive thoughts
Most often, children have an obsessive fear. A child can be very afraid of the dark or visiting a doctor, some are afraid to go to kindergarten, thinking that their mother will not pick them up from there. Many babies have a fear of confined space. Some cannot be left alone in the room. Quite often, the baby may have the idea that his parents do not like him at all and want to quit. Against the background of such thoughts, they refuse to attend kindergarten. Some, getting into the new team, think that no one wants to be friends with him.
Repeatedly repeated actions
Repeatedly repeated actions are quite common in preschool age, which gradually develop into a neurosis of obsessive movements. It is not difficult to notice such actions, since the child quite often stamps his feet, waves his head or shudders. Such a syndrome can manifest itself in frequent sniffing. Some children wind their hair around their fingers or bite their nails, blink frequently or snap their fingers. There are preschoolers who are very keen on personal hygiene: sniff more often to wipe their nose, wash their hands, even if this is not necessary, constantly adjust their hair or clothes.
It is impossible to list all the symptoms of obsessive movements, since each child manifests himself in different ways. But parents should know that often repeated movements are an occasion to watch their child and help him in time.
Obsessive rituals
Some cases of neurosis of obsessive states in preschool children are particularly difficult. At this stage, obsessive movements become a real ritual for the child. Usually, these are certain movements that are repeated from time to time. For example, a child can walk around an object only on the right or only on the left, or before eating, he needs to clap his hands several times, etc.
With such complex forms of neurosis, a deterioration in the general condition of the child is observed. The baby loses peace, becomes irritable, cries a lot, often rolls hysteria to parents. His sleep worsens, he is tormented by nightmares. Also, appetite and working capacity are noticeably reduced, the child feels unwell, becomes lethargic, has little contact with others. All this leaves its mark in relations with relatives and friends, the baby risks being left alone with his problem.
Is therapy needed
If some parents think that the problem will go away on their own, they are deeply mistaken. On the contrary, the lack of response to children's problems exacerbates this condition of babies. Experts from this field argue that you need to start an immediate fight against the causes that caused the syndrome of obsessive movements and thoughts. After all, this is not a disease, but a mental disorder. If you do not overcome it in childhood, then it will surely remind of itself later. If the parents are really interested in the fate of the child, then already in the early stages they will notice changes in the behavior of their child and seek help. An experienced psychologist must determine the causes of this condition, and then prescribe a course of therapy.
Neurosis treatment
Techniques for the treatment and prevention of such ailments have been known for a long time and show good results after application. But a positive outcome is possible only if the parents turned to the specialist in time for help. During treatment, the psychologist gets acquainted with his patient, studies his personality and psychological characteristics. It is important for a specialist to know the type of temperament of a child, the level of his mental development, and perception. The time it takes for a full treatment is determined by the degree of the disorder.
If the form of the neurosis is mild, then the specialist does general strengthening exercises with the child and uses various psychotherapeutic techniques in his work. With neurosis, the childβs mental and behavioral reactions are disturbed. To restore them, complex treatment is necessary. It will include not only psychotherapeutic techniques, but also various medications. The sedatives Glycine, Persen, Milgamma as a source of vitamin B, Cinnarizine and Asparkam, which improve blood supply to the brain, can be prescribed.
Some parents are interested in reviews about the treatment of neurosis of obsessive states in a child. More precisely, they are interested in the work of a certain specialist. And it is right. After all, every psychologist works according to his own methods and builds his work individually.
The great danger of a neurosis of obsessive states is that the disease lasts quite a long time, and also has some complications. More often this happens with those children whose parents did not consider it necessary to seek help. Due to such adult behavior, a child will have serious personality changes, which will no longer be possible to get rid of. And some symptoms can harm the baby and his physical health.
- There are children who begin to bite their nails during a neurosis. Many gnaw their nail plate to the blood.
- Other babies prefer to bite their lips.
- Some pull lightnings, twist buttons, thereby spoiling clothes.
Features of the technique
When conducting methods using certain techniques:
- The specialist models various situations that greatly frighten the child so that he can "live" his fear and understand that there is no reason for concern. So the alarm is removed.
- The child is taught how to manage their emotions. The specialist teaches him to suppress his anxiety and deal with emerging aggression. This is necessary to save the baby from obsessive thoughts and movements.
- The child is placed in the company of peers, parents, educators, so that he learns to communicate with others.
- Be sure to consult for parents to eliminate the source of neurosis. Indeed, in most cases, the problem lies precisely in the family. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the relationship between relatives, to revise the methodology of education.
- There is a need to adjust the thoughts and emotions of the preschooler, as well as his behavior. For this, psycho-gymnastics is performed.
In order to quickly cure a neurosis and eliminate all its consequences, parents and competent specialists need to work together.
Parent Actions
In solving this problem, you should not rely only on the help of a specialist. It is also necessary to take some action and the parents themselves. You can try the treatment of neurosis of obsessive conditions in children at home, using folk remedies to combat such ailments, but this can only be done after consultation with specialists.
- It is recommended to prepare decoctions of mint, chamomile, valerian root, to bring the baby's nervous system back to normal.
- Before going to bed, a child can be given a honey drink so that his sleep is stronger and calmer.
- In the evening, a soothing bath with the addition of chamomile or calendula is prepared for the child.
- Parents should also constantly work on their own behavior, to review relationships in the family.
- It is recommended to read fairy tales with a good ending to the child before going to bed.
- You can turn on music for your child and invite him to dance. So he will be able to throw out all the emotions accumulated during the day.
- Try to draw with the children. Many children like to state their inner state on paper.
- Please the child with his favorite dishes.
I would like to dwell on the preparation of decoctions and infusions.
To make a honey drink you will need: 500 milliliters of boiled warm water and sixty grams of natural honey. One hundred and fifty grams of the resulting liquid must be drunk in three divided doses. The first results can be seen in a week.
Herbal infusions. For one teaspoon of mint, you need a glass of boiling water. Pour the grass and let it brew for about twenty minutes. Take half a cup of infusion twice a day. To slightly improve the taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey.
An infusion of valerian is also effective. To prepare it, take two tablespoons of dry crushed valerian roots and pour two glasses of cold water, and then put on fire. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let stand for about twenty minutes. The resulting strained infusion is taken twice a day. At one time you need to drink half a glass of funds.
Chamomile is brewed like regular tea. For the bath you need to pour 3 with a slide of Art. tablespoons of dry grass in 500 ml of boiling water, let stand, filter out fragments of grass, and add the remaining liquid to the bath.
When diagnosing a neurosis of obsessive states, reviews, how to get rid of an illness on your own, can come in handy. Having studied them, parents will be able to learn a lot from people who have already gone through this. In women's forums, a topic is often raised regarding the treatment of this ailment. Moms leave good reviews about the treatment of folk remedies.
Many of them recommend using infusions of mint and valerian, as they help well. Parents also advise regularly giving their child honey vodka before bedtime. Since it calms the baby, normalizes sleep, eliminates anxious thoughts. Even mothers of healthy children who have never suffered from neurosis, recommend giving such water. She will not be able to harm, but it will be a good prevention of neurosis and other mental disorders.
Also, in their reviews, parents speak well of the psychologist's activities with their child. Some mothers note that consultations with a specialist helped them to establish a trusting relationship with the baby, which favorably affected the microclimate in the family.
Scold or not
Some mothers and fathers, when they notice obsessive actions in a child, begin to scold him for this. Do not do this. If a child bites his lips or bites his nails, then at that moment something is very worrying or scary. Try to talk to him calmly, ask that he was so saddened. No need to scold him for other movements or actions. After all, they are repeated involuntarily.
Give your child more time, limit his stay at the computer and in front of the TV. It will be better if you spend time with the whole family. You can go together to the park or go outdoors, in the evening, invite the child to play a board game or draw a joint picture. He will be very happy to do something with mom and dad. This will certainly benefit family relationships. Such actions often bring together not only children and parents, but also mom and dad.
Neurosis of obsessive states is really a cause for concern. Parents should pay attention to the mental state of their children, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. If you seek the help of a specialist in time, you can completely get rid of the problem. The doctor will tell you how to build relationships so as not to return to a similar situation again. But do not engage in amateur performances. Treatment of neurosis of obsessive states at home is possible, but only under the supervision of a specialist and in parallel with the conduct of his techniques. Otherwise, this can not only not give a result, but also exacerbate the situation.