Beetroot salads: recipes with photos

Beetroot is a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, it is used not only for stew and borsch. Also, it makes a variety of delicious salads. The various components of beetroot salad can easily change the sound of the main ingredient. Beets will taste sweetish when combined with nuts and prunes. Absolutely different notes will be revealed when combined with radish and garlic. Beetroot salads are very easy to prepare, so they invariably become the complement of both a festive and everyday table.

beetroot salad with carrots

The benefits and harms of beets

The popularity of beets can not be exaggerated, because this vegetable is certainly there in almost every home. There is nothing surprising here, because beets are one of the few vegetables that, when stored, do not lose the vitamins and minerals that make up its composition in large quantities. It is especially good in boiled form. For the human body, its benefits are simply undeniable.

Beetroot contains vitamins PP, P, fiber, folic acid, iodine, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and many more useful elements.

100 grams of boiled beets contain only 40 calories, which makes the vegetable not so harmful to the figure. When cooking, beets do not lose their beneficial properties.

beetroot salad with onions

Simple recipes for beet salads with photos

Often experienced housewives include healthy and simple beet salads in their family’s daily diet. The peculiarity of such dishes is that they are small-component, which makes their preparation quick and affordable. But at the same time, they are able to significantly diversify the everyday menu, and will be especially relevant during Lent.

Simple Beet Salads with Fruits

Fruits are often used as a worthy addition to beets. Any beetroot salad, the recipe of which is presented below, can be prepared using 500 grams of this vegetable. So recipes:

  1. Apple and beetroot salad. To prepare this dish, beets, 3 medium apples (choose sweet and sour varieties) and parsley are used. Apples with beets need to be cut in equal slices, add parsley (previously it needs to be finely chopped). You need to fill the salad with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Salt to taste.
  2. Salad with apple and garlic. Grate beets and 1 apple. Grind a clove of garlic (this can be done with a knife). Garlic can be replaced with the 1st spoon of French mustard. Dress with vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Beetroot salad with prunes. The first step is to prepare dried fruits. For this salad, 100 grams of dried apricots, raisins and prunes are usually used. If desired, you can change the list of dried fruits, choosing instead of the indicated your favorite treats. They need to be steamed for several minutes with boiling water, and then drain the water. Grate the beets, add chopped dried fruits to it and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Thus, the ingredients are soaked in beetroot juice. Season with mayonnaise. Shredded walnuts can be added to taste.
  4. Pineapple salad with beets. Boil 200 grams of beets, cool and grate. Cut about the same amount of pineapple into cubes, add chopped walnuts. Season the salad with sour cream.
  5. Beetroot Orange Salad. One large cooked beetroot, sliced, must be mixed with sliced ​​orange (slices must first be removed from the films). Season with a mixture of wine vinegar with vegetable oil, add finely chopped green onions. If desired, you can add a bunch of arugula to beetroot salad.
beetroot salad with fruits

Simple salads with beets and vegetables

Beetroot goes well not only with fruits and dried fruits, but also with various vegetables. There are many recipes for beet salads, the taste of which is revealed quite differently in combination with other vegetables. Here are some of them:

  1. Beetroot salad with pickles. Pre-boiled 500 grams of beets and 2 medium pickles must be cut into cubes. After mixing these ingredients with a finely chopped bunch of green onions and a small head of onions. Add a pinch of caraway seeds and salt the dish. Dressed with vegetable oil salad.
  2. Beetroot salad with walnut and cucumber. For this salad, which is original in taste, you need to cut 2 cucumbers and beets into strips, chop a handful of walnuts (in the already peeled form). Add parsley greens to the mixture, which must first be finely chopped. Season with 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
  3. Onion salad from beets and sesame seeds. A very simple recipe for which you need to fry 2 chopped onions in a pan, add the beets grated (or diced) to them, sprinkle with sesame and caraway seeds. When serving, the dish can be decorated with greens.
  4. Beetroot salad with garlic and carrots. First you need to grate carrots and beets in equal amounts. Salt, garlic and walnuts are added to taste. Season salad with mayonnaise.
  5. Cucumber salad with beets and peas. Cut two boiled beets and three pickled cucumbers into cubes, mix with three tablespoons of green peas (canned peas are suitable). Season with mayonnaise, which, if desired, can be mixed with chopped garlic clove.
  6. Salad with beets, celery, carrots and seaweed. Mix chopped celery, grated beets, carrots and seaweed in a separate bowl (about 100 grams of each component will suffice). Season with wine vinegar mayonnaise (one tablespoon of the last ingredient is enough to not spoil the dish). Salt to taste.
beetroot salad with vegetables

Simple Beet Salads with Cheese

Cheese is a great addition to a variety of dishes. Beetroot also was no exception, and culinary experts from around the world skillfully supplement salads from this vegetable with various types of cheeses:

  1. Beetroot salad with cheese. The usual Russian cheese is suitable (50 grams will be enough). It and one boiled beets need to be grated, and then mixed with chopped walnuts. Salad dressing can be chosen at your discretion. For example, it can be sour cream or mayonnaise. Chopped garlic can be added to taste.
  2. Salad with green onions, feta cheese and beets. Boil two beets and cut into cubes, and then mix with onions. Salt and pepper the dish to taste. Season with olive oil mixed with lemon juice. Important: do not add too much lemon juice so that the salad is not too acidic. Two teaspoons will be sufficient. Garnish the salad with crumbled feta cheese.
  3. Salad with cheese, eggs and beets. Grate two eggs, two beets and 100 grams of cheese and mix thoroughly in a separate bowl. Add chopped garlic to the salad (two cloves will be enough) and a few tablespoons of canned peas. Season with sour cream mixed with mayonnaise in equal proportions.
beetroot salad with cheese

Beetroot salads for the festive table

Useful beetroot salads can be used not only for everyday menus, they also decorate festive tables with great success. For such dishes, baked or boiled beets are most often used, very rarely it can be a raw vegetable. It will be the most fragrant in baked form. It is very easy to cook it - you just need to wrap the washed and dried beets in foil, and then send them to the oven. Bake at the middle level of the oven, setting the temperature to 180 degrees, about 40-50 minutes.

beetroot puff salad

How to prepare raw beets for a salad?

If raw beets are used for the salad, then it must first be marinated in lemon or lime juice. 15-20 minutes for this procedure will be enough. Important: before pickling, beets need to be cleaned, washed and finely chopped. The best ingredients for raw beets are:

  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • greens;
  • cucumbers.

The best gas stations are:

  • vegetable oil;
  • a few drops of fruit vinegar;
  • vinaigrette sauce (olive oil with wine vinegar);
  • balsamic vinegar.
Beetroot Salad Recipe

Beetroot salad with nuts and carrots

For the dish you need the following ingredients:

  • one large raw beet;
  • one large raw carrot;
  • garlic;
  • Walnut;
  • frozen berries of black and red currants;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise.

For this salad, raw vegetables (beets and carrots) are used, which you need to grate, and then mix them with thawed berries and chopped nuts. Season with mayonnaise, add the garlic passed through the press and add salt to the dish.

The salad can be varied with grated horseradish, fresh herbs, raisins or prunes. It is allowed to experiment with dressing, mixing mayonnaise with lemon juice and grated horseradish.

Cheese and Beetroot Salad


  • three apples;
  • three beets (raw beets are used);
  • 50 grams of cheese;
  • greens;
  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sour cream.

Grate raw beets and an apple, previously peeled, then add garlic and grated cheese to them. Season with mayonnaise and sour cream sauce. Decorate better on a flat dish, decorating with roses from boiled beets. You can put fresh greens on top of this beetroot salad with mayonnaise.

Beetroot Salad with Avocado and Herring


  • 200 gr. slightly salted herring;
  • one onion;
  • one boiled small beetroot;
  • one big tomato;
  • one avocado;
  • two boiled eggs;
  • greens (dill is ideal);
  • lemon juice;
  • mayonnaise.

All ingredients (except eggs and beets) are cut into small cubes. Grate beets and eggs on a coarse grater. Lay out the salad on the dish in layers in the following order: beets, then herring, then mayonnaise, and then avocado, onion, tomato, grated eggs, again layers of herring and beets. Garnish with greens on top. Before serving, the salad must be soaked.

Beetroot Salad with Egg and Salmon

Such beetroot salad can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • three eggs;
  • one can of salmon;
  • one medium boiled beet;
  • greens;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

From canned food, it is necessary to drain all the liquid, remove the bones and skin, and then thoroughly knead the salmon fillet with a fork. Grate boiled eggs and boiled beets. You need to spread it in layers in the form of a square in the following sequence: first is the beets, after - the salmon, only then the eggs. Each layer should be well smeared with mayonnaise. Salt to taste (also each layer separately). Garnish with finely chopped green onions.

Beetroot Salad with Egg and Garlic

This dish can equally well be used for a festive table, as well as for everyday meals. To prepare it you need:

  • boiled eggs (3 pieces);
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • boiled beets (2 pieces);
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

Grate the beets on a medium grater, and then mix them with the garlic passed through the press. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater. Spread in layers on a flat dish, using a round shape (if there is none, then you can use thick paper, which should be folded into a ring and fixed). Lay out the layers in this order: half the beets, eggs (you need to leave a little to decorate the salad), beets again. When decorating, use the remaining beets and greens.

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