In the article, we consider the reviews of women about the "Iodomarin 200" and a brief instruction to it.
The medication is an iodine preparation for the treatment and prevention of thyroid pathologies. This trace element is considered vital, necessary for the normal functioning of this body. Thyroid hormones perform many important functions, including they regulate protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body along with brain activity. They support the nervous and vascular system, genital and mammary glands, and the growth and development of the child depends on them.
What is the use of "Iodomarin 200" for women?
Importance of Iodine in Early Pregnancy
The endocrine system in humans cannot perform its functions without iodine. It is required to produce the necessary amount of hormones that affect the whole body and systems. The thyroid gland is directly connected in the body with metabolism, the work of the cardiac and vascular, lymphatic systems. The lack of an element affects the overall performance of people, their emotional state, as well as their appearance. Here are the symptoms that can prove that a person is deficient in this trace element:
- The presence of drowsiness and fatigue.
- The presence of apathy, indifference to what is happening around.
- The presence of dull and dry skin, brittle nails and hair.
- The appearance of problems with concentration and attention along with a decrease in intelligence.
Unfortunately, such problems are currently encountered in 56 percent of the population. The situation is even worse in iodine-deficient regions, where food is not enriched with minerals. In our country, such areas, alas, the majority. In addition, Russians rarely use seaweed, and fish from the seas are fried, destroying iodine in it.
Few people buy iodized salt in the store instead of the standard table salt. That is why it is recommended to use this trace element in the form of the drug for absolutely all age categories of people, from infants to senior citizens.
"Iodomarin 200" in early pregnancy is especially necessary. The need for this substance is increasing, since for nine months the future mother’s own supply has been participating in the formation of the young organism. But the compensatory possibility of women is not unlimited, so one day she risks suffering from a lack of iodine and thus endanger her baby. It is for this reason that almost all specialists who conduct pregnancy are advised to start taking the medicine to replenish the reserves of the missing element from the very beginning of gestation.
Reviews of women about "Iodomarin 200" will be presented at the end of the article.
The active substance of this drug is potassium iodide in an amount of 0.2 milligrams of iodine. Excipients are lactose monohydrate along with magnesium carbonate, gelatin, sodium salt, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.
This drug should be used in the following cases:
- As part of the prevention of endemic goiter (especially in children, in women during pregnancy, in adolescents and during periods of feeding).
- Prophylaxis of relapse of goiter after surgical removal or on the background of the completion of drug therapy with thyroid hormone preparations.
- Therapy of euthyroid diffuse goiter caused by a lack of iodine in children, adolescents and adults under the age of forty.
It is forbidden to use the medication in question against the background of such diseases:
- With hyperthyroidism.
- In case of toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland, nodular goiter when used in dosages of more than 300 micrograms per day (except for the time of preoperative treatment in order to block the functions of the corresponding organ).
- Against the background of herpetiform (senile) dermatitis DĂĽhring.
- With increased sensitivity.
This drug should not be used for hypothyroidism, except in situations where the development of the disease is caused by a pronounced lack of the element in question. Prescribing of this drug should be avoided during therapy with radioactive iodine, if there is or if thyroid cancer is suspected.
What is the price of “Iodomarin 200”? This is interesting to many, consider this question below.
Instructions for the treatment and prevention of diseases
So, how to take "Iodomarin 200" for prevention? As part of preventing the development of endemic goiter, newborns and children under the age of twelve are given half or one pill, which corresponds to 50 to 100 micrograms of iodine. Children over twelve and adults are prescribed two pills, which corresponds to 200 micrograms of the element.
What does the instructions for use with "Iodomarin 200" report? For pregnant and lactating women, there are the same rules for taking the drug. During the expectation of the child and during lactation, women are prescribed two tablets (that is, 200 micrograms).
To prevent relapse of goiter, you need to take one or two tablets (from 100 to 200 micrograms). For the treatment of euthyroid goiter, newborns and children from one to twelve years old are prescribed one or half a pill, that is, 50-100 micrograms.
How to take "Iodomarin 200" for an adult? It is advisable for patients up to forty years of age to take from three to five tablets as part of the treatment, which corresponds to 300 to 500 micrograms of iodine. The drug is taken after a meal, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. When used in children, it is recommended to pre-dissolve the medicine in milk or juice. Prophylactic administration is carried out for several years, and if indicated, it is carried out for life.
In order to treat goiter, for newborns, on average, it is enough to take a medicine from two to four weeks. Children and adolescents, as well as adults, usually require six to twelve months, prolonged use is possible. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
Side effects
Women's reviews of Iodomarin should be reviewed in advance. Under the condition of prophylactic use of the drug in patients at any age, side effects are usually not observed.
But it is important to correctly calculate how much to take "Iodomarin 200." The endocrine system when using the drug in question at a dosage of more than 150 micrograms can respond by the development of latent hyperthyroidism. And in the case of using the medicine in a volume exceeding 300 micrograms, the development of induced thyrotoxicosis is possible (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long time).
Allergic reactions in the form of iodism, manifested by a metallic taste, swelling, and, in addition, inflammation of the mucous membranes, are not excluded. Thus, iodine rhinitis may occur in some patients along with conjunctivitis, bronchitis, iodine fever and acne. Among other things, in some cases, Quincke's edema along with exfoliative dermatitis is quite possible.
Drug interaction
The deficiency of the trace element increases, and an excess of iodine, on the contrary, reduces the effectiveness of the treatment of hyperthyroidism with thyreostatic drugs. Thus, immediately before or during the treatment of hyperthyroidism, it is recommended that, whenever possible, any use of iodine be avoided. On the other hand, the thyroidostatic agents inhibit the transition of the trace element to organic compounds in the thyroid gland, and thus, goiter formation can occur.
Simultaneous therapy with high doses and preparations of lithium salts can provoke the occurrence of goiter and hypothyroidism. High dosage of the drug in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to hyperkalemia.
The price of "Iodomarina 200"
The cost of the drug in pharmacies today is 120 rubles for fifty tablets. It depends on the region.
Analogues of the drug
Analogues of "Iodomarin 200" are drugs in the form of "Iodobalance", "Potassium iodide" and "Iodomarin 100". The price of these medicines is around 100 rubles.
According to women, "Iodomarin 200" during pregnancy is simply irreplaceable.
Why are pregnant women given this medication?
Women in position are prescribed to take preparations containing iodine before conception, as well as throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In consultations with gynecologists, this prescription is regularly observed, and they prescribe "Iodomarin 200" to women. Why is this particular drug?
The fact is that this tool has managed to establish itself as an effective and harmless drug against a deficiency of the missing element. This tool is characterized by accessibility, because the cost of its course is not more than three rubles per day. In almost all Russian regions, “Iodomarin” is included in the list of important medicines for women in position, so the patient can get it completely free of charge.
The medication minimizes the risks of pathologies in the development of the brain of the future baby, it forms its nervous and hormonal systems. In addition, in the first weeks in the womb, the baby still does not have its own thyroid gland, so Iodomarin helps the mother’s endocrine system to work immediately for two.
The need for the use of this drug remains for nine months, because thanks to it, the mother will be proud of the mental abilities of the child in the future, who will surely turn out to be a successful student with enviable logic and memory.
Women's reviews about "Iodomarin 200"
Women write that the drug "Iodomarin 200" is an indispensable tool during pregnancy and contributes to the favorable development of the developing fetus. True, some women sometimes have an adverse reaction to this remedy in the form of slight nausea or abdominal pain.
As a rule, such troubles occur only if the recommended dosages are not correctly observed. The problem, as a rule, is solved by strict observance of the daily volume and symptomatic treatment. In the event that the effect of intoxication is chronic, the drug is canceled. But it’s worth saying right away that there are very few such reviews, and in almost all comments women report the effectiveness and usefulness of taking this drug.
Doctors reviews
Doctors unanimously declare that, given the current situation with iodine deficiency, it is obvious that women in position have an increased need for this trace element.
One tablet of the drug for pregnant women contains about 230 micrograms of potassium iodide, which equals 200 micrograms of the substance during adsorption in the body. It is this amount, according to doctors, that makes the daily norm for the expectant mother. But ideally it will be, if you determine the correct dosage for a woman, her doctor will become her. Doctors recommend taking this drug after a meal with water.
Among other things, gynecologists in their reviews emphasize that women planning a pregnancy in advance should start taking "Yodomarina 200" six months before the expected day of conception. When conception is a surprise for a woman, it is worth starting the drug immediately, continuing it until the very birth. Means "Iodomarin 200" is recommended during lactation, but only after passing a consultation with a specialist.
Thus, for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, absolutely every person needs to take iodine. But, unfortunately, modern ecology does not make it possible to obtain the necessary daily allowance for a given substance, which is especially acute in iodine-deficient regions. This problem often worries pregnant women, because the microelement under consideration is extremely important for the formation of the future baby.