The drug "Ditrim": instructions, indications, analogues

For the treatment of domestic animals, the drug Ditrim is often used. Instructions for use of this tool, indications and special recommendations will be presented in this article.

Ditrim instruction

The form of medicine for animals, its packaging, composition

The drug “Ditrim”, the instruction of which is enclosed in a package of cardboard, is available in the form of a light yellow sterile solution. It is packaged in glass sealed bottles.

The composition of this medication includes sulfadimesin and trimethoprim, as well as additional ingredients.

Features of a veterinary product

What is a Ditrim solution? Instructions for use states that it is a very effective antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of action.

Due to the active components, this drug adversely affects the metabolism of acids that are contained in microbial cells.

This product is intended for the treatment and protection of pets from various bacterial infections. It has a fairly low toxicity and completely eliminates resistance in carriers of the disease.

Veterinary Properties

How does the Ditrim solution work? The instruction states that trimethoprim and sulfadimezin, which are part of the drug, enhance the effects of each other. This is due to the sequential effect of folic and n-aminobenzoic acid on metabolism in microbial cells. This drug is active against gram-negative microorganisms and gram-positive bacteria.

Ditrim instructions for use for chickens

When administered intramuscularly, this agent is resorbed and reaches a peak concentration after 3 hours. “Ditrim” preserves its antibacterial properties throughout the day. In lactating animals, the drug is excreted in milk, and in the rest, in urine.


What diseases is Ditrim indicated for in animals? The instruction reports that this remedy is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial infections that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to it.

For different animals, the drug in question is used for different indications.

  • Cattle are small - with infections of the respiratory tract, diarrhea, metritis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, eimeriosis and others.
  • Cattle cattle - with bronchopneumonia, paratyphoid, colibacteriosis, metritis, vibrious diarrhea, etc.
  • Horses - with bacterial pneumonia, septicopyemia, paratyphoid and diarrhea.
  • Pigs - for infections of the respiratory tract, metritis, bacterial dysentery, pasteurellosis, paratyphoid, colibacteriosis, MMA syndrome, eimeriosis, malignant edema, isosporosis and others.
  • Dogs - with pulmonary and intestinal infections, cystoisosporosis.
  • Rabbits - with eimeriosis and others.
  • Hens, turkeys and ducks - with eimeriosis, etc.
    Ditrim instructions for use


When can’t you use Ditrim? The instructions for rabbits and other animals say that a contraindication to the use of this tool is the increased sensitivity of livestock and birds to sulfa drugs. It should also be noted that this drug is not used in relation to pregnant females, with diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Medication for animals "Ditrim": instructions for use

For chickens and other poultry, this drug is prescribed (for prophylactic purposes) at a dosage of 1 ml / l of water for 3 days. For treatment, the drug in question is used in the same dose, but only for 5 days. The same goes for rabbits.

How else do they use the Ditrim medication? The instruction states that this drug is prescribed to farm animals in the form of intramuscular injections (horses are better off intravenously). Its dosage is calculated according to the following scheme: 1 ml per 10 kg of weight, once a day.

In acute infections, in the first three days, the drug is administered in a loading dose in the amount of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight twice a day every 12 hours.

Treatment with the drug in question is continued for two days after the disappearance of all clinical signs of the disease.

It is highly undesirable to continue therapy for more than 8 days. In the same place you can not enter more than 20 ml of the drug.

Ditrim instructions for rabbits

Side effects and overdose

Now you know how to use the drug “Ditrim”. Instructions for use for chickens, rabbits and other livestock have been described above.

With proper use of this drug, side effects are not observed. In some animals, against the background of the use of this drug, redness at the injection site and rapidly passing swelling can be observed.

With an overdose of this drug, dysbiosis is possible.

Special recommendations

Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed after 29 days after the last use of the drug.

In case of forced slaughter of cattle (earlier than the aforementioned period), meat should be fed to fur animals or for the production of bone meal.

The milk of lactating animals is prohibited for food use for 6 days after the last injection of the drug. Such a product can be used only after heat treatment as animal feed.

Ditrim for animals instruction

Analogs of a veterinary drug

Far from always, the drug Ditrim can be found in veterinary pharmacies. In this case, it is recommended to replace it with analogues. The most similar medications include drugs such as Triprim and Ultradiazine. However, their method of application and dosage may differ from those of Dietrim.

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