Why is sand painting useful on glass?

Sand painting on glass is a new and at the same time well-forgotten old art technique. Now it is popular all over the world due to its expressiveness and ease of execution. Even a child can create incredibly beautiful, and most importantly, lively patterns with the help of ordinary dry sand. Nowadays, sand painting on glass has become affordable for everyone, and at home. Therefore, we consider a few basic aspects that relate to the mentioned art form.

sand painting on glass

What is useful for such activities

Undoubtedly, it is interesting to create sand paintings for every person, both a child and an adult. However, in reality, this type of creativity is not limited to just getting pleasure. Mainly, the technique of drawing sand on glass develops your imagination, the ability to quickly change familiar forms, create metamorphoses. With all this, first of all, your brain is actively working, which is adapted to think faster. Abstract thinking, spatial perception, fantasy, imagination also develops, a person begins to think wider. In addition, due to the fact that while painting in the sand you mainly use your hands, technically they begin to work on the same wavelength with the brain. This allows you to calm down, find a certain balance, which subsequently affects a more coordinated implementation of any actions.

sand painting on glass equipment

Sand treatment

Continuing the previous paragraph, I would also like to note the healing properties of sand. People have long known that this natural material has calming properties. It is able to relieve a person of a stressful state, cure depression, and tune him to a more positive and balanced wave. That is why sand painting on glass is doubly a healing therapy. At the same time, a person is busy with his beloved business, which develops his brain and subconscious, and at the same time his nerve cells return to normal. If you deal with this matter regularly, then the mental excitability that is characteristic of many modern people will gradually recede, and it will be replaced by a balanced and soft character.

sand painting art on glass

We start painting sand on glass

Equipment is the first thing that will be useful to the future sand artist. This list includes only three components: a table with certain parameters, a lamp and the sand itself. The surface of the drawing table should be made of glass. It is also desirable that the coating is matte and allows only light to pass through itself and not the whole picture of what is under the table. For beginners, an ideal option would be a table whose glass has a small frame that forms the sides. So the sand will not wake up on the floor, and any picture will become more accurate and clear. The height of the legs is determined by your preference. Someone likes to create such masterpieces, squatting, someone prefers to stand. Under the table is any lamp or flashlight. Having prepared all this, you can begin to select sand, which will form the basis of your paintings.

sand painting technique on glass

The quality of sand will determine the beauty of your creations.

Many say that the art of painting with sand on glass does not depend on what kind of natural material you choose for this. Perhaps this statement is suitable for professionals or amateurs, but if you are a beginner, it is still worth choosing the best quality material that will be easier and more enjoyable to work with. So, if you decide, without further ado, to type a sand in the yard, near the house, then you have to do a number of procedures with him. First we sift the sand to clean it of debris and black grains. Then we rinse under running water, eliminating unnecessary dust and street dirt. After it dries a little and the main part of the water drains, we glow it in the oven for two hours. When the sand has cooled down, it can be used to create patterns on glass. If you have the opportunity to collect sea or river sand of various shades and structures, then the pictures will turn out to be more original and expressive.

What is characteristic of sand painting on glass

Learning this type of art always begins with the fact that everything here is done very simply. If in a standard art school children are first taught to make sketches, then to create a silhouette, a play of shadows, and many other nuances, then the whole task is only to grasp the course of the lines and convey correctly all the proportions of what you are trying to draw. That is why sand painting on glass is somewhat animated in nature, moving. Varying the position of each grain, you can revive the images, change the faces of people and the shapes of objects, create both real still lifes and surreal landscapes. By focusing more or less sand in one place, you create more shadows or more light, which makes any composition even more interesting and lively.

sand painting on glass training

Short afterword

Undoubtedly, paintings painted on a glass table with sand are works of art. However, alas, they can’t remain like Gioconda or other picturesque masterpieces. A human memory or a camera can capture such a picture, but the latter still cannot convey the fullness of the lines and transitions that can be seen live. Therefore, drawings created with the help of sand are most often called momentary brilliant creation, which can leave only an impression in your memory, only emotions and a sense of beauty.

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