"Cavinton": reviews, indications, instructions for use, release form, analogues

Why is Cavinton prescribed? This is a common question. We will understand it in more detail.

It is a drug designed to improve the blood circulation in the brain. In addition, it can affect platelet adhesion processes, and in addition, an indicator of blood viscosity. This tool also finds application in ophthalmology. For example, this medicine is introduced into the complex treatment of vascular pathology of the ocular apparatus.

Reviews about the "Cavinton" are abundant.

Cavinton counterparts

The composition of the drug and its release form

In pharmacies, this medicine is sold in the form of tablets and ampoules for drip administration. The main active ingredient of the tabletted drug is the substance vinpocetine. Each pill contains 5 milligrams of the active ingredient. Colloidal silica along with magnesium stearate, food starch, medical talc and lactose are additional components. Fifty tablets are in one pack of Cavinton.

As for the ampoules, they contain 10 milligrams of vinpocetine. Their composition is supplemented with ascorbic acid, benzyl alcohol, water for injection, sorbitol and sodium metabisulfite.

Therapeutic dosage of tablets

Cavinton tablets are intended for oral use. According to the instructions for use, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • The average daily dose is 15-30 micrograms.
  • Start taking this medicine with 15 micrograms per day.
  • The daily dosage should be divided into three doses.

The therapeutic effect of "Cavinton", as a rule, manifests itself a week after the start of a course of treatment. A feature of the Cavinton medication is its inability to accumulate in brain cells. This feature makes it possible to use this medicine for a long period of time. In this case, the probability of an overdose is almost completely eliminated.

Cavinton Pills

Using ampoules

Cavinton, which is used in this format, is used as part of an intravenous drip. The input rate is 80 drops per minute. It is strictly forbidden to use this drug in its pure form intravenously or intramuscularly, without using means for dilution. In order to prepare a medicine, a classic saline solution or drugs that include dextrose in their composition are used.

The initial daily dosage will be as follows: for 500 milliliters of the base, 20 micrograms of Cavinton are used (these are two ampoules). An increase in dosage should be carried out gradually, not more than 1 microgram of the drug per day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology itself.

Upon completion of the intravenous administration of the drug, treatment is continued using the tablet form of Cavinton. In this case, take two pills three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Indications for use of the drug

The drug "Cavinton" is indicated for people to take in the presence of the following health problems:

  • The presence of transient ischemia.
  • The development of deterioration against the background of a stroke.
  • Post-stroke rehabilitation.
  • The presence of vascular dementia.
  • The appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the brain.
  • The development of hypertensive and post-traumatic encephalopathy.
  • The appearance of various disorders accompanying cerebrovascular insufficiency.
    What is Cavinton prescribed for?

Cavinton tablets are also used as part of an ophthalmic practice. In this case, the medicine is prescribed for use in the presence of vascular pathologies of the ocular apparatus:

  • The development of retinal angiospasm.
  • The occurrence of embolism and thrombosis.
  • The appearance of secondary glaucoma.
  • The development of degenerative changes in blood vessels and retina.
  • The presence of atherosclerosis.

Cavinton is widely used in the framework of complex treatment in the treatment of otolaryngological pathologies:

  • The presence of hearing loss of various origins.
  • The appearance of Meniere's syndrome.
  • The development of cochleovestibular neuritis.
  • The presence of tinnitus.
  • The appearance of dizziness due to the inflammatory process of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

Reviews about the Cavinton are mostly positive.

Cavinton for adults


This medicine is completely forbidden to use in the following cases:

  • The presence of ischemic heart disease in severe form.
  • An acute period of hemorrhagic stroke.
  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
  • The presence of lactose intolerance in the patient.
  • Individual reaction in the patient to the component composition of the drug.
  • The patient's age is up to eighteen years.

Appointment of "Cavinton" during gestation and breastfeeding

Drinking β€œCavinton” when carrying a child is prohibited, since the active substance of this medicine can penetrate the bloodstream of the fetus. Significant dosages of Cavinton can provoke the development of placental abruption, which may result in spontaneous abortion. While breastfeeding, treatment with this medication is also completely prohibited.

The Cavinton analogs should be selected by the doctor.

The drug "Cavinton"

Drug Interactions

Cavinton treatment can be combined with the use of drugs such as beta-blocker drugs along with Clopamide, Glibenclamide, Digoxin, Acenocumarol and Hydrochlorothiazide.

The combined use of Cavinton with alpha methyldopa can cause an increase in the hypotensive properties of the latter, that is, with such a combination, a decrease in patient pressure is possible. With caution, Cavinton is used while used with antiarrhythmic drugs and drugs that affect the nervous system.

Adverse Reactions

According to reviews of Cavinton, there are almost no side effects during treatment with this drug, but nevertheless, it is possible:

  • The work of the heart and blood vessels. In this case, deviations can be recorded when removing the electrocardiogram. Patients may experience increased heart rate. It can also be diagnosed with a decrease in pressure along with redness of the skin due to a rush of blood. Phlebitis is not excluded.
  • The nervous system may be accompanied by sleep problems. Against the background of taking this medication, people can develop insomnia along with daytime sleepiness. There are also complaints of dizziness, headache, and malaise.
  • The digestive system is accompanied by the development of dry mouth. Attacks of nausea and heartburn are not ruled out.

Other side effects include the development of skin allergies along with the active work of sweat glands.

Cavinton ampoules

Special recommendations

The following recommendations are for use with Cavinton for adults:

  • Course medication requires mandatory control of the electrocardiogram.
  • The composition of the drug includes lactose, which must be taken into account in the presence of a diagnosed patient intolerance to this substance.
  • The composition of the Cavinton ampoules includes sorbitol, therefore, for problems with sugar, control over the glucose value is required.
  • Against the background of fructose intolerance in the patient, intravenous administration of the drug is prohibited.
  • The tool does not cause hepatotoxic effects.

It should also be borne in mind that it is allowed to enter this drug in hemorrhagic stroke only on the fifth day. This medication is not used in pediatric practice. Renal, and, in addition, hepatic pathologies do not require dosage adjustment. The presented remedy cannot be combined with alcohol intake.


Pharmaceutical companies offer the following Cavinton analogues, which have a similar principle of action: Vinpocetine along with Bravinton, Corsavin, Cinnarizine, Actovegin, Mexidol, and so on.

Why is the drug prescribed?

Cavinton Reviews

Reviews about this drug are mostly positive. The following benefits are noted by patients:

  • The tool perfectly copes with disorders of the nervous system.
  • The effect manifests itself already a week after regular intake.
  • There are different formats of release, allowing you to make the best choice within the treatment.
  • Availability of the drug (the cost is approximately two hundred rubles).

By cons, people attribute the fact that this drug does not have an instant effect, and it does not always eliminate increased irritability. In addition, people complain of some side effects, mainly headaches and nausea.

What is Cavinton prescribed for, now it’s clear.

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