Bell pepper is a wonderful vegetable in every way. It is extremely rich in vitamin C: one medium-sized pepper contains a daily dose of this element that is most valuable to our body. Borsch and soups, stews and salads are much tastier and more aromatic if pepper is included in the list of products used. Raw, fried, stewed, it is equally magnificent and is considered to be a table decoration. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that housewives try to stock up on plenty of vegetables for the winter.
Baked pepper: preparation, recipe 1
“Preserving pepper in oil” is the topic of our article today. From it you will learn a lot of useful and very tasty recipes, thanks to which you will perfectly diversify your family's everyday and
holiday menu . And we start with the simplest thing: we can preserve pepper in oil, having previously fried it. For this, vegetables that are not overripe, but not green, fleshy, sweet, are suitable. Sluggish, spoiled, padded are not suitable. Wash peppers thoroughly. Grate each with sunflower oil, then bake in the oven or fry in a pan on both sides so that you can peel. Do this carefully so as not to damage the pulp and not tear off the tails-cuttings.
Baked pepper: preservation
Next, we preserve the pepper in oil in this way: put the cleaned products into jars, filling them tightly. Between the peppers, put the garlic squeezed through the press (approximately 1 medium head per liter jar. Be sure to sterilize the jars in advance. Pour salt into each: half a liter - 10 g, one liter - 14, 3-liter - 25 g. Pour vinegar (one and a half tablespoons 0.5 liters, 3 tablespoons per liter jar) and the same amount of vegetable oil. Sterilize half-liter canned food for half an hour, liter - 60 minutes, then immediately roll up. Thus, we can pepper in oil so that it can then be served with tomato or sour cream sauce, grated carrots with garlic or tomato slices.
Baked pepper: recipe 2
The next recipe in the preparatory phase resembles the previous one. Vegetables are also sorted, washed, fried or baked until cooked, peeled. Arrange the peppers in jars, salt (a teaspoon in a half-liter jar). Since we are preparing canned bell pepper in oil, then calcine the sunflower and cool to about 70 degrees. Pour it into jars: in a container of 0.5 l - 3 tablespoons, in liter - five tablespoons. Then sterilize them - half liter 45 minutes, liter for an hour, twist. Let your finished canned bell pepper in oil cool, transfer the jars to the basement and store in a cool place.
Pepper salad
To prepare canned food according to the proposed recipe, you will need vegetables intact, ripe, mild to taste. Wash each instance, cut the stalk and remove the seeds, being careful not to damage the peppers themselves. Boil water in a saucepan and dip vegetables for blanching for 8-10 minutes. Then pack in jars. To make the filling, the canned pepper recipe in oil recommends the following proportions: for every 150 g of water (i.e., in a liter jar), 3 tablespoons of the vegetable oil itself, 15 g of table salt, two tablespoons of vinegar (5%) are consumed. Of spices, you need allspice peas and peas of hot pepper. When pouring the marinade, fill about 1.5 cm below the neck of the jar. The fill must be boiling. Sterilized canned food 35 (half-liter) and 40 minutes (liter), then rolled up. Leave for a day - to cool. Such canned sweet peppers in oil will come in handy for you to stuff cabbage with carrots or minced meat.
Pepper and cabbage
This appetizer is amazingly delicious, it will suit you for a gala lunch or dinner. It is wonderful both in itself and with meat and vegetables. This is
pepper stuffed with cabbage. How to cook it? Take the cabbages, remove the top leaves, remove the stumps, and finely chop the remaining ones. Grate a carrot on a coarse grater (2 pieces per head), put in a bowl, mix, sprinkle with salt and pour vinegar. For every kilogram of cabbage, at least 40 grams of salt and 0.5 cups of vinegar are required. Cover the basin and let the vegetables brew for a day. Then squeeze the juice, and in the cabbage add cumin, peas of allspice and
hot pepper, bay leaf, clove inflorescences.
Now is the time to tackle peppers. You will need fleshy specimens of medium size. Try to pick vegetables so that each jar contains copies of different colors: orange, red, yellow, green. Then canned goods will look more elegant and appetizing. Wash the peppers, cut off the tops, remove the cuttings and seeds. Then blanch for about 5 minutes. Fill each pepper with cabbage and place it tightly in jars. Fill with hot fill. To make pepper, canned whole in oil and marinade, turned out to be tasty, use the following proportions: a tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a glass of vinegar are taken per liter of water. Boil the mixture, pour into jars and sterilize for 30 to 40 minutes, then roll up. When the canned food has cooled, they can be cleaned in the cellar or pantry.
Sweet and Sour Pepper
Whole pepper, canned in oil, can be prepared in such a fairly simple way. You will need: the main vegetable - 3 kg, water - 1.2 l, sugar and vinegar and a half cups, salt - 2.5 tablespoons. And a glass of vegetable oil. From spices, take a handful of peas of hot and
allspice. Wash peppers, cut stalks and seeds. Sterilize the jars. Put peppers in them, cook the marinade. Put all the necessary components in the water, boil for about 10 minutes, tasting it. If, in your opinion, there is not enough acid, salt or sweetness, you can add the missing component. Let the dressing cool, fill it with peppers and sterilize for 35-40 minutes, then roll up.
Salad "Four"
This salad has many names, but most often it is named according to the number of vegetable components. For a batch of spins are taken: tomatoes - 3 kg, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions - 2 kg each. Wash all vegetables. Peel the onion from the husk, pepper - from the seeds and stalks. Now cut directly into jars in layers: first onions (rings), then rather large slices of tomatoes, sliced tomatoes and straws pepper. When about 2 centimeters are left until the neck, pour 2 tablespoons of oil, 1.5 - sugar, 1 - salt, 2 - vinegar into each jar. Fill with chilled boiled water. Sterilize for 30 minutes, then roll up.
Peppers in tomato
This blank is a real lifesaver for housewives. Canned food can be used directly as a snack; soups and borscht, meat and vegetable sauce are cooked on their basis. Wash, peel, and soak 10 minutes in boiling water to make them soft. Arrange hot in jars and pour boiling tomato or mashed tomatoes. Pouring is done like this: pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. For each kilogram of weight, pour 20 g of salt, pour 2 tablespoons of oil. Boil the tomato so that the foam disappears. Pour into jars, sterilize canned food for 35 minutes and close. Turn upside down, leave to cool, then transfer to a cool place. And enjoy the delicious dish!