Dry "Bifidumbacterin": description, instructions for use and reviews

The human lifespan directly depends on the performance of organs and systems of the human body. The body of the inhabitants of the Earth is densely populated by various microorganisms. When the number of one of the types of bacteria decreases, the life support system fails.

It can be expressed in indigestion, decreased immunity, indigestion, hair loss and brittle nails. To improve the condition of the body as a whole, the attending physician can prescribe bifidobacteria in the form of "Bifidumbacterin" dry in ampoules.

What are bifidobacteria?

Bifidobacteria are one of the beneficial anaerobic bacteria found in the human intestines. Due to their presence in the digestive tract, and this is not less than 80% of the flora, young children are more easily reconstructed to take solid foods, in addition to mother's milk.

Microorganisms help break down carbohydrates, accelerating their absorption. And their lack becomes the cause of intestinal upset and prolonged diarrhea. Bifidobacteria inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestine, and also stimulate:

  • The production of amino acids and proteins.
  • "Production" of vitamin K and B vitamins (B1, B6, B5-pantothenic acid; B3-nicotonic acid; B6, B9-folic acid).
  • Intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D.

At the pharmacy, live bifidobacteria can be bought in the form of a dry “Bifidumbacterin”.

dry bifidumbacterin


First of all, “Bifidumbacterin” is used to enrich the intestinal tract flora with prolonged diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology in both adults and children. Bacteria can also be used to combat conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic intestinal microflora (staphylococcus, protea, E. coli, shigella, yeast-like fungi).

Bifidumbacterin dry is an ambulance in complex therapy for newborns with disorders of the digestive tract: poor absorption of food, colic.

In addition, the instructions for use of Bifidumbacterin dry indicate that it can be used in gynecology to restore vaginal microflora. For this, it is prescribed not only inside, but also intravaginally in the form of tampons.

bifidumbacterin dry instruction

Storage conditions

It should be noted that the temperature normal for storage of the drug is not more than + 8 0 C. Therefore, when buying in a pharmacy, pay attention to where it is stored.

This is especially true in the summer, when the air temperature exceeds 30 0 C. High temperature contributes to the death of bacteria, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the drug.

How to breed dry "Bifidumbacterin"?

The Bifidumbacterin package contains ten glass or plastic bottles with dry powder sealed with a metal lid. Before use, the lid must be removed, and if necessary, grind the powder with a clean spoon or knife.

According to the instructions, dry "Bifidumbacterin" is diluted in a teaspoon of boiled chilled water per dose of the drug. Each vial contains five doses of live bacteria, respectively.

To make the suspension homogeneous, you need to measure four teaspoons of the liquid in a clean glass, and add a fifth to the vial to dilute the bacterium lyophilisate. The resulting solution is poured into a glass and shaken. It should result in a cream or slightly yellowish suspension with the smell of kefir.

Divorced "Bifidumbacterin" must be used immediately. Its medicinal properties are lost during prolonged storage in the finished form.

bifidumbacterin dry use


For the smallest patients (up to six months), pediatricians are advised to give three teaspoons half an hour before feeding, three times a day.

Newborns from six months of age and adults receive five doses at least three times a day.

The duration of the use of dry Bifidumbacterin is at least twenty days. If necessary or as prescribed by a doctor, the treatment period can be extended to three months.

Patients using a solution to restore vaginal microflora in the form of tampons are prescribed a course from five to ten days, once or twice a day. To do this, a tampon is moistened in a solution of 5-10 doses, and then injected into the vagina for 2-3 hours.

In case of inflammation of the mammary glands and cracks in the nipples, nursing mothers, in addition to healing ointments, also use lotions from dry Bifidumbacterin. Nipple cracks can be lubricated with the resulting solution for fifteen minutes.

bifidumbacterin dry instructions for use


Thanks to the living bacterium, which is part of Bifidumbacterin, many doctors from various branches of medicine use it in their medical practice: pediatricians, neonatologists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, and infectious disease specialists.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • For the treatment of intestinal dysfunctions of an unknown cause.
  • Acute infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, Escherichiosis, diarrhea, arising from a viral disease, staphylococcus).


  • Comprehensive treatment of children of different ages, including premature infants (with pneumonia, purulent infectious diseases, including ulcerative necrotic enterocolitis).
  • For babies born prematurely, by the vital indicators of which in the early life period they use antibacterial medicines.
  • Babies with reduced hemoglobin, rickets, diathesis, as well as a tendency to any allergic reactions.
  • With whooping cough, a violation of the intestines.
  • For babies who are transferred to infant formulas or introduced complementary foods from a common table.


  • For people of different age categories suffering from inflammatory processes of the small and large intestines (colitis, enterocolitis).
  • For people with a lack of bifidoflora.
  • In complex therapy, along with antibacterial drugs to maintain microflora in normal; while taking hormonal drugs, radiation sickness and stress.


  • With a failure of the normal biological flora of the vagina of expectant mothers and women at risk.
  • With bacterial vaginitis caused by staphylococcus and Escherichia coli; prussic inflammation of the mucosa of hormonal etiology.
  • With a combined appointment with mastitis, nipple cracks in nursing.

bifidumbacterin dry price

Contraindications and side effects

This medicine is good because it has no contraindications. It can be used from birth in children, without fear of any side effects. It does not cause allergies, since it does not contain dyes and fragrances.

But nevertheless, it is worth using it with care for people suffering from lactose intolerance. If necessary, you just need to adjust the dosage with your doctor.

how to breed dry bifidumbacterin


Dry "Bifidumbacterin" is in the low price segment, compared to foreign counterparts. Its price for Russia ranges from 85 to 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. For Ukraine - from 70 to 100 UAH.

But it is worth noting that this is the price of "Bifidumbacterin" (dry) per package, in which there are ten bottles. They are enough for a five-day course when applying ten servings per day for babies up to a year or for three and a half days - at fifteen doses for adults.

Accordingly, for a full recovery, six to eight packs are needed. Which significantly increases its price category. And if the doctor decides to extend the course, it’s even more expensive. Although in comparison with similar drugs in this group, it remains the most affordable.

bifidumbacterin dry reviews

What do they say?

Bifidumbacterin is an old-timer drug on the pharmaceutical market of the countries of the former USSR. Doctors, leading active practice for more than a dozen years, are confidently prescribing a drug proven by more than one generation.

Young mothers, women who had problems in the gynecological field, give positive feedback on the dry Bifidumbacterin. A big plus they consider the availability of the drug. After all, most new drugs cost fabulous money, but do not always give the expected result.

Patients who used Bifidumbacterin were at first confused by such a low price, but, trusting in the choice of an experienced doctor, they were satisfied. Positive changes were noticeable already on the second or third day after the start of therapy.

Use in pediatrics, gynecology is the norm. Having tried Bifidumbacterin once, many patients talk about repeated courses, not for treatment, but for prevention, in order to increase immunity and enrich microflora.

But not without discontent. Of course, a significant disadvantage is the inconvenience of packaging. It’s hard to open the iron caps of the factory bottle without cutting, as almost all users note. Dilution of bacteria lyophilisate with teaspoons is noted as uncomfortable and time-consuming.

The specific sour smell and taste of kefir do not always make it possible to use a suspension of persons sensitive to odors. But this suggests that the medicine contains only natural components.

Particularly pessimistic individuals who have not undergone a full course of treatment, and this, as you remember, twenty days, claim that Bifidumbacterin does not work and is an anachronism in modern pharmacy. And the money spent on the purchase of the drug wasted.

Isolated cases of foreign impurities in a dry powder in the form of pieces of glass were recorded. But this is more a factory defect, not a systemic flaw.

To buy or not?

No one says that Bifidumbacterin is a panacea for all diseases. Rather, it acts as a catalyst in the healing process. Increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, you thereby stimulate all metabolic processes in your body.

The work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, there are no stagnations and indulgences in the departments of the large and small intestines. The immune system receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances that are absorbed and produced by bifidobacteria.

If you just need to go to the pharmacy for the treasured box to start treatment, do not waste time. Your health is in your hands!

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