"Trimetazidine": instructions for use, indications, analogues, reviews

The article describes how to take "Trimetazidine".

The key to the success of the cells is the continuous supply of the necessary elements, and, in addition, energy substrates. They are required to maintain the performance of ion pumps and to ensure enzyme activity. If the energy supply to the cells is not enough, then this usually results in various diseases. Trimetazidine tablets are a drug whose action is aimed at restoring, and at the same time maintaining the energy systems of the body in order to ensure its proper functioning. Next, we will figure out what heart diseases are required to take this remedy. In addition, we learn what cardiologists and patients write in their reviews about this drug.

drug analogue trimetazidine

Instructions "Trimetazidine"

The article provides detailed instructions for the use of this medication. In it you can find data on the cost, indications, rules of administration, existing analogues, side effects, the desired dosage, and, in addition, on the combination of "Trimetazidine" with other drugs.

In addition, here you can find information on what should be done if an overdose suddenly occurs. It is advisable to carefully study all these issues in order not to subsequently encounter any negative consequences.

The instructions for "Trimetazidine" are attached very detailed.


The absorption of the drug into the blood from the digestive system occurs, as a rule, in a short time period. This medicine is usually absorbed by ninety percent. The maximum concentration of the drug can be achieved in the blood two to three hours after administration.

The presented drug belongs to the pharmacological category of drugs that improve the metabolism of muscles and other neurosensitive organs in the presence of insufficient blood circulation. It is due to circulatory deficiency in the body that oxygen starvation occurs. This medication is used for complex therapy of pathology of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

trimetazidine medicine

This medicine can have a direct effect on cardiomyocytes, and, in addition, on neurons in the brain, in addition, it improves their metabolism. Due to the rationalization of oxygen consumption, as well as due to an increase in energy potential, a cytoprotective effect is produced. The effectiveness of the described tool may not be noticed immediately. This usually takes at least two weeks.

Properties of the drug

According to the instructions, Trimetazidine can support the energy metabolism of sensorineural organs and the heart in the presence of ischemia in the patient. This tool is also able to reduce the value of intracellular acidosis along with the degree of changes in transmembrane ion fluxes resulting from ischemia. The drug "Trimetazidine" reduces the level of infiltration and migration of polynuclear neutrophils in ischemic tissues of the heart. Among other things, this medicine reduces the degree of myocardial damage, without having a direct effect on hemodynamic parameters.

Indications for taking the drug

As indicated by the instructions for "Trimetazidine", the presented drug is allowed to be taken for the following purposes:

  • As part of long -term therapy for coronary heart disease.
  • For the prevention of angina pectoris. In this case, the drug is used for monotherapy or as part of a combination treatment.
  • For the treatment and prevention of chorioretinal vascular disorders with ischemia.
  • During the treatment of vestibular ischemia disorders. For example, against the background of tinnitus and dizziness.

Indications "Trimetazidine" should be strictly observed.

The method of administration and dosage of a medical device

The duration of therapy with Trimetazidine tablets can only be selected by the attending physician. According to the attached instructions, this drug must be taken twice, maximum three times a day. In this case, it is very important that the water with which the patient is going to drink the medicine is non-carbonated. Take this drug in a dosage of one tablet.

trimetazidine instructions

Trimetazidine pills are not recommended to chew or grind. In exceptional cases, the dosage can be increased to two pills. If there is a violation of the kidneys by the doctor, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of one pill, which is required to be taken only once a day immediately before breakfast. For older people, the dosage should be adjusted.

The composition of the medication and its release form

The described drug is released in the form of tablets. The main component in the medicine is trimetazidine dihydrochloride. The auxiliary components are silicon dioxide, along with hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, titanium dioxide, macrogol and polyvinyl alcohol.

It is worth noting that today there are no officially confirmed data on the interaction of the drug "Trimetazidine" with other drugs.

Adverse reactions from the use of the drug

Against the background of the use of these tablets, patients may begin to develop certain negative consequences. Such symptoms include the following manifestations:

  • The occurrence of a sharp decrease in pressure as a result of a rapid change in the position of the human body. Against this background, a sharp rush of blood to the face can be periodically noted along with general weakness of the body.
  • The occurrence of nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • The occurrence of dizziness, akinesia, tremor, pain in the head.
  • The appearance of urticaria, a rash on the skin, and, in addition, itching.
  • The occurrence of pain in the legs along with sleep disturbance, insomnia, nightmares at night and so on.
  • The development of pustulosis, Quincke's edema, asthenia and so on.
  • The occurrence of thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, or purpura.
  • The development of hepatitis.

In the event that such side effects from Trimetazidine began to appear in a person, then it is best to refuse to use this remedy, since in this case, taking it will not bring any benefit.

trimetazidine how to take

What should be done in case of drug overdose?

In a similar situation, it is necessary to refrain from the subsequent intake of this drug. Against the background of this condition, it is recommended to immediately contact the hospital for further action in order to stop pathological symptoms.

Contraindications to the use of a medication

The presented medicinal product should in no case be taken if the patient has the following diseases and conditions:

  • The presence of allergies to certain components of the drug.
  • The patient's age is less than eighteen years.
  • The presence of Parkinson's disease.
  • Renal failure, which is severe in a patient.

With great caution, "Trimetazidine" can be prescribed to the patient in the presence of severe liver failure. In addition, the dosage of the drug should be adjusted for elderly patients whose age is more than seventy-five years.

trimetazidine compatibility

Use of the drug during pregnancy

During pregnancy, this medication is not recommended for women. In the event that a woman is in position and forced to take these pills, she must consult a doctor. But still it is better to refrain from taking this medicine. The same applies to breastfeeding. Therefore, if the patient needs to take this drug, then the natural way of feeding the baby must be abandoned for a while.

Storage of medication

This medicine must be kept indoors at a temperature of twenty degrees. The selected storage location must be warm and dry, and at the same time cool enough.

Subject to all of these recommendations related to the content of the drug, Trimetazidine can be stored for three years. An expired medication should never be used.

Drug cost

The approximate average cost of this medication in Russian pharmacies is, as a rule, one hundred and thirty rubles. The price depends on the region and the pharmacy chain.

Analogues of the drug "Trimetazidine"

The medicine can be replaced by a large number of all kinds of analogues. These drugs include drugs in the form of Antisten, Deprenorm, Carditrim, Medarum, Predizin, Metagard, Precard, Trimet, Rimecor and Triductard. In addition, the Trimektal analogues are along with Vazonat, Proteflozid, Fosfaden, Cytochrome, Neocardil, Rimekor, Neoton, Kardazin, and, in addition, many other medicines .

drug trimetazidine

Trimetazidine or Preductal: Which of these drugs is better?

According to many reviews, a drug called Preductal is considered by consumers to be a more effective drug, but at the same time it costs much more than Trimetazidine.

Next, we find out what cardiologists and patients write about this medicine in reviews.

Reviews of cardiologists about the drug

According to reviews by cardiologists about Trimetazidine, it can be concluded that the medicine helps patients quite well in the presence of painful sensations in the heart, and, in addition, increases tolerance to stresses on this important organ.

As the doctors write, relying on their observations, on the third day after the use of this drug, shortness of breath along with tachycardia disappears in patients, and, in addition, the pressure normalizes.

As for the minuses, cardiologists report that this medicine has quite a few side effects. Cardiologists write that patients often take insomnia, urticaria, and diarrhea while taking this medication.

Patient reviews about the drug

Patients, judging by the reviews, like this drug. First of all, consumers are satisfied that Trimetazidine is relatively inexpensive, and this allows it to be bought by all segments of the population.

To the advantages of the drug, people attribute the fact that due to its use in humans, the tolerance of loads increases, the frequency of heart attacks decreases, pressure is regulated, and, in addition, tinnitus is reduced, and manifestations of angina pectoris are removed.

The disadvantages people include adverse reactions, manifested in the form of dizziness, insomnia and diarrhea, and among patients there are complaints of allergic reactions.

Conclusions about this drug

trimetazidine indications

After analyzing the instructions for use of this drug, we can draw the following conclusions and conclusions:

  • To purchase this medicine, people at the pharmacy need to show a prescription from a doctor.
  • Just before driving, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. It is worth saying that when taking a course of treatment with this medicine from transport management, it will still be better to refuse.
  • In the event that a person for some reason skips taking this medication, then in the process of subsequent use, in no case should you use this drug in double dosage.
  • There is no compatibility of "Trimetazidine" with alcohol. They can never be combined.
  • People should not be treated with this medication on their own, since it can only make it worse.
  • In the event that treatment does not give a result within the first 2-3 days, you should refuse to use the medicine. Then you should consult a doctor so that he adjusts the dosage or selects another suitable remedy.

Thus, "Trimetazidine" today is often prescribed to patients as part of the treatment or prevention of various heart diseases. But this medication has contraindications, there are many different adverse reactions that patients often complain about. Nevertheless, cardiologists consider this drug effective in combating heart ailments and often prescribe it to their patients.

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