How to draw a solar system? Step-by-step instruction

If you have children, then you will again learn the world around them. Remember what stars are, how the moon turns into a month, why it is cold in winter and warm in summer. And, of course, sooner or later it comes to exploring the solar system. To better understand this topic, it’s useful to make a mock-up or draw a drawing of all the planets with your own hands. Of course, kids will need the help of moms and dads in this difficult matter. Therefore, today we will talk about how to draw the solar system in stages.

Solar system how to draw

Preparation for work

We will need simple and colored pencils, sparkles, eraser, pair of compasses, a piece of paper and some theory. To understand how to draw the solar system correctly, remember the school curriculum. This will help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. In the picture, it is impossible to convey the true sizes and distances between cosmic bodies. After all, if the Sun is depicted the size of a tennis ball, then the Earth must be drawn with a small dot at a distance of 4 meters from it. Therefore, for clarity, the proportions will have to be distorted.
  2. At the center of the solar system is a star called the Sun. Around it, various cosmic bodies, large and small, rotate in ellipsoidal orbits. The pictures usually depict the largest of them - planets.
  3. When we were in school, we remembered by heart: there are nine planets in the solar system. However, in 2006, Pluto was officially deprived of this title. He took his place in a series of dwarf planets, which include, in addition to him, four more cosmic bodies.

How to draw a solar system with a pencil

How to draw the solar system with a pencil? Sketch

Getting to the drawing. Put a simple pencil dot on the left side of the sheet, placing it approximately in the middle. We draw a slightly rounded line to the center, moving it a little up, as shown in the diagram. Then we continue the line to the right, closer to the end of the album sheet, raising it again. The orbits of space bodies will be located on this line. Denote them with dashes, remembering the size.

As you can see in the pictures, the smallest planet is Mercury, the largest - Jupiter. Decide whether you will portray Pluto or, following scientists, remove it from the list.

Using the compass, draw a large circle on the left. This is the Sun. It should occupy about a third of the sheet, although in reality its size is even larger in comparison with other bodies.

How to draw the planets of the solar system?

In those places where the orbits of cosmic bodies were planned, we draw a circle with compasses or by hand. First, little Mercury, then Venus and a larger Earth. Where the rounded line rises, there is Mars. It is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Earth and Venus. All these are the planets of the earth group. After them comes the asteroid belt, which we will depict later.

Draw the solar system in stages

We start drawing giant planets formed by their gas. Jupiter is denoted by a sufficiently large circle. Saturn is a little smaller; we draw rings around it. They consist of both small particles of dust and whole blocks of ice rotating around the orbit. In fact, other giant planets of the solar system also have such rings, but they are much weaker expressed. We will designate uranium in a circle smaller, Neptune - a little larger, but both planets should be much larger than our native Earth. If you want to draw Pluto, make it very tiny. Now erase all the auxiliary lines.

Add colors

How to draw the solar system in colors? Follow our instructions and you won’t be mistaken! Paint the sun a bright orange color with the addition of red spots. Mercury - in gray. For Venus, you need a yellow pencil, for the Earth - blue. Mars is famous for its red-orange soil rich in iron.

Gas planets do not have a solid surface. They are covered in clouds. On Jupiter, in addition to white clouds, there are also orange. With these colors and colorize it. Saturn will need yellow, but not bright, but pale. Color uranium in blue, almost without pressing on the pencil. Neptune is exactly the same, but it seems darker, since it is located further from the Sun. Pluto is denoted by light brown. Our planets are ready, it remains to add the finishing touches.

How to draw planets of the solar system

Finish the drawing

The time has come to portray small celestial bodies. Between Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt. In total there are more than 600 thousand. In the figure, asteroids can be identified using a variety of points uniformly distributed in an ellipsoidal orbit.

Behind the planet Neptune, there are also many ice fragments that make up the Kuiper belt. Pluto is one of the largest objects in this cluster. We take a pencil and use the dots to depict this phenomenon. From here comets sometimes fly into the solar system. They look like a ball, from which many straight lines of different lengths depart.

Outer space is painted in black. It remains to decorate the picture with tiny shining stars. For this purpose, you can use sparkles. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw the solar system with a child and astonish a school teacher with astronomical knowledge. We hope that joint work will bring you a lot of pleasure.

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