Maryin root: medicinal properties, reviews, photos

Among the well-known plants, to which we often do not attach particular importance, there are real healers. Using them as decorative flowers, planting around the site, we should think about what benefits can be obtained from different parts of these representatives of the flora.

marin root healing properties reviews

Ranunculaceae plant

The representative of this family is the marin root. In addition to this name, the plant has others:

  • peony dodging;
  • extraordinary peony.

However, no matter what you call it, Maryin root has medicinal properties, reviews about which are simply booming, it is very obvious.

The plant belongs to the ranunculaceae family, a class of dicotyledons. Very beautiful, has spectacular and large leaves, beautifully blooms in bright colors. Popular as decoration of garden plots. Unpretentious, easy to grow and care. Maryin root, the photo of which is presented in this article, is an example of a harmonious combination of beauty and benefit.

General characteristics of marin root

The morphological characteristic of the plant is as follows:

  1. The root system is powerful, fibrous type. There are thickenings on the main roots.
  2. The height of the stem reaches one meter.
  3. Leaves densely wrap around the stem, especially at the base. Their shape is dissected, openwork, very beautiful. The location is next.
  4. Peony flowers are large, reaching 13 cm in diameter. Bright, painted in pink, purple, dark pink. In some species, the blue color of the corolla is found.
  5. They grow by powerful bushes, occupying a fairly vast space.
  6. Typically, the flower includes dozens of stamens and many pistils. Ovary upper.

Almost all the elements of the plant structure are important in the way marin root exhibits healing properties. Reviews of its features appeared a long time ago. We used peony as a medicine in ancient times.

marin root medicinal properties

Places of growth

This plant under various names, the main of which is peony, marin root, is found in the botanical descriptions of Altai, Sayan, the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Urals. Almost everywhere, today it is listed in the Red Book.

Biocenoses, of which peony evades in nature, are part of the following:

  • forest meadows;
  • glades;
  • forests;
  • edges;
  • thickets in afforested stripes.

The marin root blooms from May to June, after which a fruit - a leaflet is formed in place of the corolla. At this moment, a plant is useful. From July to August, marin root is collected and used for various purposes. The healing properties are clearly manifested precisely during the fruiting period.

Valuable parts of the plant for humans

There are several of them:

  • root;
  • leaves;
  • flowers
  • fruit.

Obviously, marin root exhibits medicinal properties in any of its parts. That is why people harvest rhizomes, dried stems and leaves. Different infusions, ointments are prepared from flowers.

marin root reviews

Peony for Nervous Disorders

The most common property of a plant is a sedative effect on the body. That is, the best sedative for a person is precisely marin root. The healing properties, reviews of which from people of different ages and sex are almost always positive, are explained by the component composition of the plant.

So, it includes:

  • various essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • Sahara;
  • starch;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannin;
  • alkaloids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pionol (alcohol);
  • methyl salicylate;
  • carvacrol;
  • sterols;
  • resins and other compounds.

With this component composition, it is not surprising that the marin root is so useful. Reviews of people confirm that the sedative effect when taking alcohol tincture of peony is fully realized. Sleep is restored, irritability is eliminated, fatigue is reduced and strength is restored. The mood improves, the acute reaction to problems is smoothed out.

peony marin root

Doctors usually prescribe tincture of peony from its grass (leaves and roots) for use. However, the rhizome is more effective in this matter, since it contains the maximum number of useful compounds. The calming effect is not all that marin root can do. The healing properties, reviews of which are mostly uniform in their positive characteristics, can also occur in other areas of human exposure.

Maryin root for other diseases

You can give an example of a number of diseases that this miraculous plant helps to cope with:

  1. Insomnia and nervous breakdowns.
  2. Cough and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Rheumatism.
  5. Inflammatory processes on the cervix and other diseases of the female reproductive system.
  6. Hypertension.
  7. Headaches.

This is not all the ailments from which the marin root is able to rid us. Reviews from people clearly make it clear that this plant is just a panacea. However, you should carefully approach the process of preparing the medicine. After all, if this is not done by professional doctors, then a peony can become a poison. Due to the constituent alkaloids, marin root is also classified as a poisonous plant.

marin root photo

You should pay attention to the recipes, the correctness of the methodology and the shelf life of the drugs. Also, contraindications should not be neglected, because all organisms are different and for someone this plant may not be suitable for treatment.

Peony as a tool for external use

Thanks to the essential oils, organic acids, alcohols and other components that are part of the peony is able to provide analgesic and sedative effects. Also characteristic of it are the properties of an antiseptic, bactericide.

This allows you to use its infusion for grinding, treating wounds, improving the condition of joints and skin on the face. The main areas of application as an external agent are as follows:

  • gout;
  • purulent diseases of the ears;
  • tumors;
  • carbuncles;
  • lupus.

If you independently collect, process and prepare medicines based on peony, you can be cured of many joint diseases, female ailments, and even impotence.

Contraindications to plant treatment

Like any other plant, a peony has its drawbacks. There are a number of cases where the use of drugs based on it is undesirable. In which cases the marin root is not suitable? Contraindications are as follows:

  • low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • allergic reactions (rashes) to the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • personal intolerance to components;
  • alcoholism (when it comes to the use of alcohol tincture);
  • children under 12 years old.

In addition, as already mentioned above, one should be extremely attentive to the preparation methodology and to the dosage during use. Any remedy for treatment can become poison if used improperly.

marin root contraindications

Prescriptions for the preparation of medicines from the peony evading

Alcohol tincture can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. If you make it from the rhizomes of the plant, it will be most effective. To do this, collect the peony roots in August, rinse them thoroughly. Then grind in a glass or enameled container, pour a strong solution of alcohol or vodka (it is better to take a stronger solution). Shake well several times, cover and put in a dark place for 10 days. After this, the infusion should be filtered and applied according to the treatment method.

From rhizomes, you can make a decoction. You just need to boil them for 5 minutes in water. Then strain the solution - and the broth is ready. It should be used no more than two weeks, a teaspoon three times a day.

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