Everyone knows that hormones are biological active substances that, to one degree or another, affect almost all the vital processes of the body. And many women are interested in the question of how the symptoms of estrogen deficiency manifest . After all, it is these substances that control the processes of puberty, and also provide the ability to conceive.
Why is there a decrease in estrogen levels?
Before you determine what are the main symptoms of estrogen deficiency, it is worth learning more about the main causes of fluctuations in the level of these hormones. Only in this way can a future occurrence of a similar problem be prevented.
- To begin with, it is worth noting that quite often the cause is various diseases of the female reproductive system (especially chronic), which affect the ovaries.
- In some cases, malfunctions and other endocrine glands are observed, in particular the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
- Symptoms of estrogen deficiency can occur against the background of uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs, in particular some contraceptives.
- Improper, malnutrition, as well as insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in foods can lead to the same results.
- In some cases, a deficiency of the hormone estrogen develops against the background of sudden weight loss.
- And, of course, such changes in the hormonal background are observed in women during menopause.
Symptoms of estrogen deficiency
In fact, the signs of such hormonal disorders can be completely different. In this case, it all depends on the woman's age, her state of health, and also the degree of deviation from the norm. For example, in girls, hormone deficiency can affect the normal development of the skeleton and reproductive system. But in adolescents, such violations lead to slower growth of the uterus and mammary glands. In mature women, a lack of estrogens, as a rule, provokes the appearance of the following symptoms:
- Violations of the normal menstrual cycle, as well as severe pain in the lower abdomen, which begin 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation and do not disappear until the end of the discharge.
- Symptoms also include a decrease in sexual desire.
- Estrogen deficiency affects the skin condition - inflammatory diseases and acne are possible.
- In addition, women with a similar problem, as a rule, suffer from depressive states, frequent and abrupt changes in mood, memory impairment, decreased performance, constant tiredness and insomnia.
How to make up for estrogen deficiency?
Of course, first you need to see a doctor and take a blood test for hormones. After all, the present symptoms can indicate different diseases. Only after the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe hormonal drugs. But in no case should you use such drugs yourself, since only a specialist can determine the most effective dose. After all, an excess of estrogen also negatively affects the patient's condition, as their lack.