Dizzy when I lie down and get up. Dizzy, normal pressure

All of us in life experienced a slight dizziness. For example, when riding a carousel or spinning in a dance. And this is considered the norm. But in some situations, dizziness is considered a sign of a disease. Some patients complain: "I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up." However, other symptoms may not be observed.

Dizzy when I go to bed and get up

Diseases are different, but one symptom

Dizziness in itself is not a diagnosis. This is one of the manifestations of another disease. Dizziness can be found in some diseases: cervical osteochondrosis, insufficient blood supply to the vessels of the brain, infectious diseases, brain tumors, drug intoxications, skull injuries, neurosis.

Often dizziness is confused with visual disturbances. This is a fog or veil before the eyes or a glimpse of "midges". If unpleasant sensations occur when flickering of transport, this is not dizziness, but a disorder of the vestibular apparatus.

My head is spinning. The pressure is normal.

How does real dizziness manifest

Real dizziness is a violation of the vestibular apparatus. It seems to the patient that everything revolves around him, shakiness and instability appear.

Vestibular dizziness

Occurs with damage to the central section or peripheral section of the vestibular analyzer. This type of dizziness occurs with a sensation of rotation not only of objects, but also of their own body. Quite often it is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, hearing impairment, sweating, false movement of the floor. With this kind of dizziness, patients complain: "Dizzy when I lie down and get up."

Non-vestibular dizziness

Patients describe it as a feeling of intoxication, approaching loss of consciousness, instability when walking and lightness in the head. People suffering from neurosis, cardiovascular or endocrine diseases are so dizzy. Pressure is normally observed in 60% of patients.

when I go to dizzy

Why dizziness occurs

Dizziness symptoms are often associated with many factors. Do not take into account the dizziness that occurs from time to time under certain circumstances. For example, in women before menstruation, mild dizziness may occur. The same thing happens with smokers. Tightening another cigarette, they feel dizzy.

However, one should sound the alarm when dizziness is accompanied, for example, by tinnitus. This may be the beginning of the manifestation of the disease. If you feel dizzy during inclinations, this may also indicate the onset of a mental or neurological disease.

Dizziness can be accompanied by headaches. This may indicate the onset of inflammation of the inner ear, which often goes away with purulent discharge and hearing loss.

Dizziness can be one of the symptoms of vestibular neuritis. It begins suddenly, usually after sleep. A person begins to complain: "Dizzy when I lie down and get up." Symptom may be accompanied by vomiting.

With constantly recurring dizziness, we can talk about diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypotension. They can be repeated with a sharp rise from bed and be accompanied by cold sweat, pressure surges and fainting. Quite often very dizzy in the morning with a hangover.

Vegetative dystonia is another reason dizziness is possible. After all, with this disease, the well-functioning work of the nervous system and the blood circulation process are disrupted.

when bending, dizzy

Persistent dizziness may occur with an impaired circulation in the brain. Quite often, it is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, double vision and a violation of sensitivity.

It is also necessary to exclude brain tumors. At the first symptoms of unilateral hearing loss and dizziness, consult your doctor to get an examination. These types of dizziness can be accompanied by headaches, which can increase over time. Basically, patients complain: "Dizziness intensifies when I go to bed." Dizzy in one patient while lying on his back, and in another - on his side.

Cervical osteochondrosis is an insidious disease in which compression of the vertebral artery occurs, which causes insufficient blood circulation in the brain. Very often, patients with osteochondrosis in the morning experience severe dizziness.

In rare cases, dizziness may indicate inflammatory processes in brain tissue. In these cases, it is quite strong and requires immediate hospitalization.

Mild dizziness should not be regarded as a serious illness. Indeed, during pregnancy, strict diets or fasting, people often feel a little dizzy (pressure is normal or slightly reduced). This is manifested during physical exertion or walking.

very dizzy

Motion sickness in vehicles is another cause of dizziness.

Psychogenic disturbances occur in people who are too prone to emotions. They occur in a stressful situation, for example, with a large crowd of people. This symptom is accompanied by a cold sweat, a sensation of sore throat or an attack of suffocation.

A frequent migraine companion is also the condition in question. Before the onset of an attack, some people experience such sensations.

What to do if dizzy

  1. If you feel dizzy, you should not panic. To avoid falling, sit down or lie down. If this is not possible, find a support in the form of a wall, a tree or a handrail.
  2. For dizziness caused by motion sickness, close your eyes or focus on a stationary object.
  3. Do not make sharp turns of the head, they only increase dizziness.
  4. If possible, measure your blood pressure. At high pressure call the ambulance, at low - drink strong coffee or tea with sugar.

Dizziness treatment

“I feel dizzy when I lie down and get up,” - do not try to treat yourself with these complaints. To begin with, you should identify the true cause of your ailment. Consult a neurologist or otoneurologist. In some cases, consultation with an endocrinologist, general practitioner or otolaryngologist may be necessary.

In case of sudden severe dizziness, accompanied by other symptoms, immediately call an ambulance. Before the brigade arrives, measure your blood pressure. With an increased value, do not try to bring it down yourself, taking drugs without a prescription. Be more attentive to your health!

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