"Pineamine": reviews, purpose, instructions for use, composition and contraindications

In medicine, menopause is characterized as a chain of physiological processes that occur over time. As a rule, this condition can last up to ten years. The correct organization of life, diet, as well as psychological assistance, in rare situations, drug treatment create a good quality of life for the representative of the fair half of humanity who are experiencing temporary problems.

What is menopause?

This is such a period in the life of a woman, which, as a rule, occurs at forty-eight years (plus, minus three years). Hormonal restructuring is accompanied by a decrease in the level of sex hormones and the loss of reproductive function.

The first difficulty a woman faces is psychological. At this time, changes in character are noted, which are manifested by increased irritability, as well as suspiciousness and vulnerability.

Medical experts unanimously consider such a critical period a problem of people around them. Friendly, relaxed atmosphere in the family, proper nutrition make life easier.

pineamine from menopause

Any woman who has reached a certain age, thinks about her health in the postmenopausal period. This time must be considered a natural process, which is characterized by the extinction of reproductive function. After unpleasant symptoms occur, a representative of the fair half of humanity needs safe drugs to alleviate menopausal syndrome. One of the medicines that helps to improve well-being is Pineamine.

Symptoms of hormonal changes

Menopause is a period when the body is rebuilding to a new stage, that is, there is a gradual transition of the hormonal system to a new state. Doctors say that this time is considered one of the most difficult faced by the female body. There are a number of signs that indicate the onset of menopause: anxiety and loss of joy in life. The mood fluctuates every second and increases excessive tearfulness, as well as fear of old age.

These unpleasant signs can characterize those events that occur in a woman’s life, but also indicate menopause. The most obvious symptom is insomnia. At night, a woman cannot fall asleep and suffers from frequent urges to urinate.

Nervousness and irritation, which affect communication with loved ones, lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system and to jumps in blood pressure. Violations of the thyroid gland provoke an improvement or, conversely, a deterioration in taste. There is an increase in weight, a decrease in activity in an intimate plan with men, all this occurs in almost seventy percent of women.

Interest in men disappears, as does the joy of intimacy. A decrease in the level of working capacity is manifested, which is provoked by reduced attention and memory impairment.

pineamine patient reviews

What is the medicine?

"Pineamine" is a medicine that is classified as an anti-climacteric. Its effectiveness and spectrum of exposure in the body consist in stabilizing the functioning of the pituitary gland and normalizing the balance of gonadotropin.

It is with these processes that the appearance of a rapid pulse is even in a calm state, the manifestation of heat, increased emotional excitability, hot flashes and migraines. After taking the pharmacological agent, all the symptoms gradually disappear (this is due to the positive effect of the substances on the neurovegetative disorders of menopause syndrome).

The drug was created in order to use it intramuscularly. In their reviews of Pineamine, patients narrate that the result of using the drug is considered to be an increase in sex drive, as well as a sedative effect. The medical specialist decides on the appointment of a remedy to eliminate problems of neurovegetative origin, as well as for the treatment of other concomitant signs of menopause.

As a rule, he is prescribed in those situations when a woman is prohibited from hormonal treatment or she wants to refuse such an effect on her body.

pineamine drug for menopause reviews

The benefits of medicine

The main advantage of the drug is the lack of hormonal components in it, so most women like its effect. This is especially necessary for lesions of the cardiovascular system and varicose veins.

According to reviews, the drug "Pineamin" helps prevent the following conditions:

  • insomnia;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • increased heart rate;
  • improves sexual desire.

It must be remembered that this medication is considered poorly understood and was produced relatively recently, so the disadvantages are associated with this factor. In addition, it is worth considering that such treatment increases the likelihood of oncological diseases.

Most women believe that the price of a medicine hits the wallet, since its cost in drugstores starts from twenty thousand rubles and more.

pineamine reviews of doctors

Action spectrum

The principle of influence of "Pineamine" is to stabilize the hypothalamic-pituitary relationship, as well as normalize gonadotropins, the concentration of which in the body during menopause decreases sharply. Subsequently, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity has a decreased heartbeat at rest, as well as heat and excessive excitability, and tides and migraines are no longer disturbed.


The composition of "Pineamine" includes cortexin or, in other words, the secretion of the pineal gland. This substance is obtained from cattle whose age does not exceed one year. Glycine acts as a stabilizing component.

pineamine reviews of doctors and patients

How to apply the medicine?

According to reviews and instructions, "Pinamine" must be administered intramuscularly. The solution from the vial must be diluted in one to two milliliters of half-percent novocaine, in sodium chloride or water for injection.

The drug must be administered once every day for ten days. The active ingredient should be ingested by a woman at a concentration of 10 milligrams.

It is important to remember that if a medical specialist decides to take an additional course to alleviate unpleasant symptoms during menopause, then the medicine is prescribed again, but after three or six months of break.

From the female reviews of Pineamine, it is known that if, for any reason, one procedure was missed, it is forbidden to administer two injections at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the established schedule for the use of the drug and spend it on the scheduled day according to the scheme.

pineamine instruction reviews


"Pineamine", like other drugs, has a number of restrictions on use, which must be adhered to. It is strictly forbidden to administer an injection without familiarization with them.

The main conditions include the following conditions:

  1. Age is less than eighteen years.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Breast-feeding.
  4. Individual intolerance to the substances that are in the medicine.
  5. The presence of a condition in which there is an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood.
  6. Women who have estrogen-dependent neoplasms.
  7. Metrorrhagia (different etiology of blood discharge from the uterus that occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle).
pineamine drug reviews

"Pineamine": reviews of doctors and patients

Doctors tell that they are prescribing this drug to eliminate menopausal symptoms. Pineamine quickly and effectively copes with this task. Medical specialists, as a rule, recommend it when hormonal treatment is contraindicated.

In addition, "Pineamine" is a modern and effective medicine in gynecology. The drug is liked not only by medical specialists, but also by patients, since its course is only ten days, when other similar medicines have a much longer treatment duration.

In their reviews of "Pineamine" (a drug for the treatment of menopause), women say that the drug does not contribute to weight gain, which can not be said about other medications. Very rarely causes adverse reactions, as a rule, they are allergic in origin.

The drug perfectly eliminates hot flashes, insomnia, headache. The positive effect of "Pineamine" reaches up to six months, which is an undoubted advantage over other drugs in this area.

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