Instructions for use "Piracetam". Basic information

Instructions for use "Piracetam" characterizes the drug as a nootropic, acting directly on the brain agent. The medication helps to improve cognitive (cognitive) processes: learning ability, attention, memory, mental performance. The drug has an effect by acting on the central nervous system in various ways. So, for example, due to a change in the rate of distribution of excitation in the brain, metabolic processes in nerve cells intensify, microcirculation increases, and rheological characteristics of the blood improve.

piracetam instructions for use reviews
In this case, the medicine does not have a vasodilating effect. During treatment (the instructions for use of Piracetam indicate this), an improvement in the connection between the hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures is noted. The tool inhibits platelet aggregation, restores configuration properties in the outer membrane of rigid red blood cells, reduces the duration and severity of vestibular type nystagmus.


The medication (the instructions for use of Piracetam contains such information) is recommended for adults as a symptomatic treatment of the psycho-organic syndrome, complicated by memory impairment, decreased activity, concentration, attention, mood changes, gait disorders, and behavior. Indications include vertigo (dizziness) and related disturbances in balance, except for the vertigo of a psychogenic and vasomotor type.

instructions for use piracetam
The medicine β€œPiracetam” is prescribed (instructions for use, reviews indicate this) in combination with other agents or as monotherapy in the treatment of cortical myoclonia. The indications include sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis. For children, the medication is recommended for dyslexia. The drug is prescribed from eight years. The indications also include manifestations of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis.

Dosage regimen

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Instructions for use "Piracetam" recommends starting treatment with parenteral administration (drip, intravenous, jet). With psycho-organic syndrome , 4.8 g is prescribed for the first week. Subsequently, they switch to maintenance treatment - from 1.2–2.4 g. For dizziness accompanied by imbalances, 2.4–4.8 g are prescribed. With cortical myoclonia, the initial dosage is 7.2 g. With an interval of three to four days, the dosage is increased by 4.8 g to a maximum of 24 g Treatment continues throughout the entire period of the pathology. It is recommended every six months to try to reduce the amount of medicine or to cancel the drug, reducing the dose gradually every two days by 1.2 g. In the case of an insignificant therapeutic effect or in its absence, use is stopped. In the case of acute or severe conditions, therapy is started with parenteral administration, followed by (after alleviation of the condition) transition to oral administration. Means "Piracetam" (capsules) instructions for use recommends appointing in accordance with the nature of the pathology personally.

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