It is believed that moles in the fate of a person play no less important role than the lines on the hands. These spots can appear, change in size and even disappear on their own. Moles on the stomach, face and back can tell a lot about the future of a person and his character. Unfortunately, sometimes they can carry a threat to life, degenerating into malignant tumors.
Birthmarks in history
In the Middle Ages, people were not able to explain the reasons for the appearance of moles on the body. Therefore, they did not come up with anything better than declaring harmless spots as devilish marks. Most of all, the fair sex suffered. They were forced to carefully hide such marks on their bodies. It is good that the clothes of that time contributed to this.
In the event that a detractor found a mole on the belly or thigh of the beauty, all that was necessary for the physical elimination of the victim was to report the label to the Inquisition Tribunal. Fighters with heresy and witchcraft quickly received all the necessary confessions. Although even they were not particularly needed in order to send the woman marked by the devil to the stake.
At the beginning of the XVIII century, the concept is changing dramatically. At this time, in the upper circles of the French nobility, a legend spread that the face of the goddess Venus was decorated with a mole. It was believed that a woman with a similar speck above her lip or cheek is a passionate nature. All the beauties deprived of natural moles began to use artificial ones. They were made of velvet, black leather and taffeta. Then glued to the face, shoulders and chest.
In 18th-century Europe, artificial moles were considered not only decoration or makeup. It was a way to flirt and communicate. A mole placed above the lip indicated that the woman was free. If the fly was glued to the right cheek, it was a sign that the beauty was not free.
Causes of Mole Formation
Moles are acquired or congenital pigmented formations on the skin. They either rise above it, or are located on the same level. Moles can be of different colors: black, red, purple, brown and others. Doctors call all these formations nevuses.
Moles are divided into two main types:
- Pigmented. Occur due to an excess of melanin.
- Vascular Occur when capillaries grow too fast.
Pigmented moles are found even in newborns. But they are so small that they are almost invisible on the skin. Already during the first year of life, they increase in size and darken. The number of nevi begins to grow rapidly during puberty.
Scientists have been arguing about the causes of moles on the stomach, face, chest, and other parts of the body for a long time. Some adhere to the theory that information on the quantity, color, shape and location of nevi is embedded in DNA. For this reason, medicine is not able to predict or prevent their occurrence.
According to the second theory, there are several main factors that affect the formation of moles:
- Ultraviolet.
- Infection and injury to the skin.
- Heredity.
- Hormonal changes.
- Chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, vitamin K and C deficiency, other internal pathologies.
Scientists from the UK have discovered an interesting fact: the DNA of a person who has a large number of moles has a unique mechanism of protection against aging. Signs of wilting in such people appear much later than in their peers. In addition, they live much longer.
Types of Dark Moles
Moles can be located on any part of the body and even the mucous membrane. There are many varieties that are classified based on the nature of their origin. They vary in color, size and shape.
There are several types of pigmented formations:
- Flat nevus. It is an accumulation of melanocytes in the upper layers of the epidermis. Most often, such moles are located on the abdomen in women and men, hips and breasts.
- Birthmark. This is a pigmented formation of light or dark color. Birthmarks are divided into three types: lentigo, coffee and Mongolian stain. Their number and size hardly change over time.
- Convex mole. Typically, such formations have a rough surface. Color can be yellow, brown and black. Often, a hair can grow from such a nevus. Convex moles are most often formed in intimate areas, on the palms of the hands and on the soles.
- Blue nevus. The formation has the appearance of a smooth and dense hemisphere with a light blue or saturated blue color. Appears most often on the buttocks, face and limbs.
- Organoid or warty moles. The formations have a convex structure on a thin stalk. In appearance they resemble warts.
Types of Red Moles
Owners of very fair skin, whose age is more than 30 years, often appear spots of red. These are angiomas consisting of blood vessels. In 75% of cases, red moles form on the abdomen, face, neck and arms.
Angiomas are divided into several types:
- Capillary. There are bright red and blue-purple colors. Consist of dilated capillaries.
- Cavernous. Formed under the skin, they look like a cavity filled with blood.
- Pineal. Such an angioma protrudes above the skin. Most often located on the head or neck.
- Branched. It looks like a winding ball of blood vessels. It is quite rare. It can be located on the face, legs and arms.
- Knotty. It does not have a capillary branch; it looks like a small red dot. It is formed due to the exit of a blood vessel to the surface of the skin.
- Flat. Red seal. Sizes can be any. Most often found on the face and neck.
- Point. The smallest in size of those listed. Able to appear anywhere. It is quite common on the stomach and back.
Such formations are almost not found in children. But there is a high probability of detecting red moles on the stomach in an adult. The reasons for their appearance:
- Heredity.
- Disorders of the growth of blood vessels.
- Skin aging.
- Long exposure to the sun.
- Improper nutrition and prolonged poisoning by toxins.
- Hormonal imbalance. For example, pregnancy or menopause.
- Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
- The development of oncology.
- Improper functioning of melanocytes.
The danger of moles
Most birthmarks are completely safe. But under the influence of external factors, the pigment formation can degenerate into the most dangerous malignant tumor - melanoma. This can be affected by ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and frequent rubbing with clothing. Removing the nevus helps to reduce the risk.
Moles on the stomach, neck, back and soles are most often injured by clothing. Therefore, it is recommended that they be examined first. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as signs of mole activation have been noticed:
- A sharp increase in size.
- Changing the correct form to the wrong one.
- Discoloration of a black mole or darkening of a light one. The appearance of inclusions of other colors.
- Sensitivity development. For example, itching or pain.
- Bleeding.
- Sprawl around a mole with papillomas.
Living with moles can be long and safe, but for this you need to follow them. It is extremely important to consult a doctor at the first alarming sign.
Removal Methods
Doctors are able to quickly remove convex moles on the abdomen and elsewhere if the patient is afraid to damage their clothes or they look ugly. If the procedure is performed in a medical facility, it is completely safe. In addition, the specialist will be able to send the removed tissue for analysis.
Doctors use such methods to remove moles:
- Laser. The most effective method, which is characterized by minimal blood loss. It is not used if malignant degeneration is suspected.
- Cryodestruction. It is used for convex formations. Since it is impossible to precisely control the process of tissue freezing when nitrogen is removed with nitrogen, several attempts may be required.
- Electrocoagulation High frequency current is used for removal. Unfortunately, there is a risk of burns.
- Surgical excision. The most reliable way. The possibility of tissue research remains, therefore, this method is always used in case of suspected melanoma. It is possible that after removal of the nevus, a scar will remain on the skin.
- Radio wave therapy. Contactless mole removal occurs within five minutes. The possibility of bleeding is completely ruled out. Scars do not remain.
Treatment by folk methods
Traditional medicine also knows ways to deal with moles. But, before proceeding to independent treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor and make sure that this is a regular mole, and not a malignant formation. Melanoma is capable of killing the strongest person in a short time, so you should not experiment with it.
In the event that there are moles on the abdomen or in other areas where they can be injured by clothing, they can be eliminated with the help of traditional medicine. The most secure are the following methods:
- Several times a day, lubricate the formation with natural honey. After a few weeks, the mole will decrease in size, dry up and disappear.
- Grate black radish on a fine grater. Apply mass to a mole and hold for at least three hours. Perform the procedure daily until the nevus disappears.
- For a month, the mole is daily lubricated with onion juice. Over time, education will completely disappear.
The value of moles on the stomach
It is believed that moles are able to talk about the nature of a person and predict his future. Moleosophy (the science of moles) states that each has a specific meaning. For moles on the stomach, for example, the following:
- The yellow nevus is a favorable sign, no matter in which part it is. It guarantees prosperity and well-being.
- Education on the stomach on the left will protect its master from all the difficulties of fate.
- A large birthmark in the center of the abdomen is a double sign. She says that everything will be fine with finances, but family life will not work out.
- A mole below the navel in a man indicates that he is unstable in his desires. The same education for a woman guarantees her difficulties in raising children.
- A mole above the navel is a favorable sign for both sexes. It indicates that all the efforts of a person will be worthily rewarded. He is waiting for financial well-being and happiness.
According to ancient beliefs, a mole on the stomach is a sign of gluttony. A person with such a mark is a slave to his passions. Often, in addition to gluttony, he abuses alcohol, and is also immoderate in carnal pleasures.
Extremes are inherent in such people. They are able to abandon all bad habits at one time forever. At the same time, they begin to lead an ascetic lifestyle.