The analogue "Calcium D3 Nycomed" - cheaper, does not mean worse. Description, prices and reviews

Calcium is a very important element for the proper functioning of some systems of the human body. From childhood, grandmothers and mothers used to say that you need to eat cottage cheese and eggs so that the bones are strong and that they grow faster. In addition, a lack of calcium negatively affects the appearance of a person. The skin fades, the hair loses its vitality, and its nails break. To make up for the deficiency of this element in the body, you can buy a specialized drug in the pharmacy - Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte. It is not difficult to find cheaper analogs at all.

Brief description of the drug

It is a combination agent with a high content of calcium and vitamin D3. Designed to make up for the deficiency in the body of these two elements. Available in the form of chewable tablets with the flavors of orange, menthol and lemon.

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pharmachologic effect

The effect of taking "Calcium D3 Nycomed" (cheaper analogues also work) is determined by the content of active components in it. Once in the human body, these substances, in addition to making up for the deficiency of elements, regulate the process of phosphate exchange with Ca, increase bone density, reduce resorption and promote bone mineralization. Thanks to calcium and vitamin D3, absorption of substances in the intestine improves. What is also important, the Ca element is involved in processes that are essential for human life:

  • blood coagulation;
  • bone formation;
  • regulation of the cardiovascular system;
  • transmission of nerve impulses.

The question may be of interest - why does the drug contain vitamin D3? The fact is that many substances cannot independently spread through organs and tissues and are absorbed. Calcium also has this feature, so D3 comes to its aid. In a pair, elements inhibit the production of parathyroid hormone in the body, which causes bone destruction.

Indications and contraindications

Like the analogue "Calcium D3 Nycomed" (cheaper in cost in comparison with this drug), it can not be taken with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (including peanuts and soybeans), as well as with hypervitaminosis D3. Other contraindications:

  • renal failure;
  • high calcium in the body;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • children's age up to five years.

The drug is indicated for the prevention of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency and replenishment of the lack of substances, as well as in the treatment of osteoporosis and in order to prevent the development of complications of this disease.

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"Calcium D3 Nycomed" - cheaper analogues

The average cost of the drug is 430 rubles. It depends on the number of tablets in the jar. But there are situations when a similar drug may be required not because of the relatively high price, but, say, because of intolerance to the components that make up the composition. The simplest thing that can be done in this case is to purchase calcium and vitamin D3 separately, but take them together. Only it is better not to experiment and consult a doctor.

Another analogue is Calcid. The price does not fluctuate around 50 rubles. A little more expensive (130 rubles) "Complies with calcium D3." These two drugs are no worse, just remember to ask your doctor for advice.

Almost all girls in an “interesting” position lack calcium. Some will probably remember how much during this period they wanted to chew on the chalk. "Calcium D3 Nycomed" analogues for pregnant women are the same as those described above. The tablets should be drunk strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the dosage indicated in the annotation, or that which the gynecologist or therapist will advise.

calcium d3 nycomed analogues are cheaper for pregnant women

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" (analogues are cheaper) - reviews

Opinions differ on this drug: someone writes that it helped to get rid of brittle nails and hair loss, others negatively relate to the product, considering its useless. The same reviews from pregnant women, in addition, some gynecologists refuse to prescribe it to girls in a position, since they do not notice any effectiveness.

Comments on “Complivit Calcium D3” and “Calcid” are similar. Perhaps because of the characteristics of the body, it so happens that for one person they are good, and for another they are absolutely ineffective. If it becomes necessary to take calcium preparations, it is worth trying some of them with a time interval between courses to understand which remedy is more effective.

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For prevention, it’s better to first try to change the diet, adjust it so that all the necessary substances enter the body along with food, and then, if problems with nails, skin and hair persist, start taking “Calcium D3 Nycomed”. Cheaper analogs differ slightly in composition, but as drugs to make up for the lack of these elements in the body, they will fit no worse, or maybe even better. It is impossible to say unequivocally about any medicine or dietary supplement that it will help everyone, since each organism has its own characteristics.

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