Little bit about fish
Everyone will agree that fish days in the diet of people are simply necessary. Middle-aged people probably remember that in all canteens - factory, student, city - every Thursday was always considered a fish day. Fish is rich in various vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. Many grandparents remember the notorious fish oil that their parents gave them for good growth and health. From fish you can cook any dishes: soups, hot, pies, cold dishes.
Products for fish soup
The most delicious is the classic ear. The recipe is simple: as a rule, three main ingredients are used: fish, vegetables, spices.
For this fish soup you will need different types of fish: trout, salmon or any other - from half a kilogram. The main rule - we must remember that river fish cooks faster, and sea fish - a little longer. We will also need vegetables: potatoes - 4 pieces, carrots - 1 pc., Onions - 1 head, sweet pepper - 1 pc. And spices: salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, rosemary, ginger, parsley.
Cooking technology
Get a delicious and rich ear. The recipe is classic, proven by professionals. Pour water into the pan, salted. We clean the vegetables, wash. Dice potatoes. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater, and it is better to cut into small cubes. We chop the onion turnips in half rings. Bulgarian pepper cut into slices. We get homemade ear. First, we throw potatoes into boiling water, then, after boiling, carrots, onions, peppers. There is one trick when preparing a classic ear. Its recipe is that fish should be put not just in boiling water, but in the finished vegetable broth. So in our case, when the vegetables are cooked until half cooked, we lower the fish, cut into small pieces, cook for seven to ten minutes. Everything will depend on the size of the fish and its variety. Five minutes before cooking, add our spices. Arrange on plates and sprinkle with greenery torn to pieces.
Ear in different versions
Different countries, republics, regions have their own methods of cooking fish soup. But almost everywhere the classic ear is prepared equally. The recipe for cooking may differ slightly only in the variety of fish and the use of spices and vegetables. In each method, the common one is that the vegetable stock is initially prepared. In Ukraine, zucchini, cabbage, and beets are added to fish soup . It turns out something like borsch with fish. In Belarus, in the ear they like to add cereals. In Russia, they always laid beaten raw eggs in this soup . We are dear to our Russian classical ear. The recipe is simple. Soup should be cooked with the lid open. Potato diced is initially dipped in salted water. When the potatoes are almost ready, spread the fish, peppercorns, onion turnips, bay leaves. At the end of cooking, beat the eggs and pour into the ear, cook for a couple of minutes. Add a piece of butter and greens. The ideal option is when the ear is cooked over an open fire. For those who prefer a healthy diet, the classic ear is the right solution. The recipe for cooking is such that in this dish there are all the necessary vitamins, minerals, it is low-calorie and nutritious. Bon Appetit everyone!