How or with what to drink whiskey is the difference of opinion.

Whiskey is a light golden to brown aromatic alcoholic beverage. According to some sources, its roots go to Scotland, and according to others, to Ireland. To date, this drink is produced in Japan, USA, Canada, Austria, Russia. It is made from different grains by distillation and long infused in barrels. There are different types of whiskey: malt, it is made from barley malt; cereal, almost without aroma and rarely found in free sale; mixed, or blended, a mixture of malt and grain species; bourbon made from corn.

Whiskey is drunk all over the world, and its price starts small, which allows to increase the purchasing power of the population with incomes below the average. Throughout the centuries-old history of whiskey, experts have not been able to agree on how to drink or what to drink whiskey with. The Irish drink whiskey without diluting, and the Scots use the rule of five "P": see (evaluate the consistency and color), smell, sip (sip to taste), swallow (drink the first sip), pour water (dilute so that the aroma revealed completely). Whiskey is a noble drink, so if you decide to try it, you need to put aside all things, rush and vanity, get comfortable and indulge in dreams, fantasies or pleasant memories. The aromatic taste of whiskey will complement all these pictures. How or with what to drink whiskey? You can drink whiskey with ice or dilute a little with water. So the fragrance will reveal itself more and will fully enjoy it. There are many cocktails based on whiskey.

You can drink coffee with whiskey. For example, in Americano you can add twenty grams and a few tablespoons of sugar so that the taste of alcohol is not felt. You can add whiskey to a cup of regular coffee, only coffee should be at least good, and not simple, cheap. Otherwise, the harmony of taste will not work, and you will not be able to enjoy such a "work". Viennese coffee is perfect if you brew coffee and add Art. a spoonful of whiskey. And enjoy the aroma and taste. What else to drink whiskey with? Add to cocktails.

There are many cocktails in which the aroma is perfectly revealed. There are cocktails such as Fifth Avenue, Al Capone, New Yorker, Snake Bite, Soccer Player, and many others. Their recipes can be found in special editions for the preparation of cocktails, and it will be easier to try in some drinking establishment.

Whiskey can be prepared at home by yourself, it is not necessary to buy. The recipe for whiskey can be found on the Internet, books about alcohol and its manufacture. For example, to make Bourbon type whiskeys at home, you will need corn grits, eight kilograms, a kilogram of wheat flour. Yeast can serve as a substitute flour. In a fifty-liter bowl, mix corn and wheat flour. Add three liters of boiled hot water. Stir well. Simmer for four hours. After which, the resulting mixture must be cooled to 60 degrees Celsius. After that add barley malt. Gently mix everything and add the yeast. Next, cover the dishes and put in a warm place. After about a week, when the mixture fermented, distill the mixture through a distillation apparatus. Then it will be necessary to clean the alcohol, for example, using a charcoal filter. While the alcohol is being refined, you can prepare containers for future whiskey. You will need to pour the alcohol in clean jars, at the bottom of which you need to put a piece of wood (preferably oak, in extreme cases, pine). After cleaning the alcohol, pour the liquid into jars and insist a year (or more). Only in a year it will be possible to try the first whiskey. On this occasion, you can call guests.

And if you have no idea what to drink whiskey with, then drink it clean, the aroma will tell you later.

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