Trichomonas in men: symptoms and treatment methods

Trichomonas in men is a fairly common problem, because today trichomoniasis can be called one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, many are interested in questions about what are the causes and symptoms of this disease.

Trichomonas in men

Trichomonas in men and transmission

The reason for the development of trichomoniasis is a microorganism of the protozoa group called "vaginal trichomonas". The causative agents of the disease, as a rule, settle in the tissues of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system. Transmission occurs during intercourse with an infected person. Infection through household items, although possible, is unlikely, since pathogenic microorganisms can survive outside the host's body only for several hours and only in a humid environment.

Trichomonas in men photo
Trichomonas in men: photos and symptoms

In fact, static data confirm that men are much more likely to become hidden carriers of infection - patients do not even suspect the presence of the disease. Nevertheless, the pathogen lives on the mucous membrane of the urethra. The main symptoms begin to appear if the number of microorganisms increases sharply, for example, during a weakening of the immune system. In such cases, trichomonads in men lead to the appearance of white discharge from the urethra. In addition, many patients complain of discomfort during sexual intercourse. Often urination and ejaculation cause pain.

What is the danger of Trichomonas in men?

The most dangerous is the latent course of the disease, since trichomoniasis quickly becomes chronic, causing a lot of disorders. Recent studies have shown that the presence of Trichomonas in the genitourinary system increases the body's susceptibility to other infections. In addition, pathogens can often spread to the testes and prostate gland, so infected men often suffer from prostatitis. Trichomonas also damage the tissue of the testicles, affect the process of production and development of sperm. Often, such a disease gradually leads to the development of infertility.

treatment of trichomonas in men

Treatment of Trichomonas in men

In no case can you ignore the disease or take it seriously - a sick person needs medical attention. Fortunately, today there are drugs that can rid the body of infection. As a rule, patients are prescribed special antiparasitic drugs - this can be either a single dose of a large dose of the drug, or a five- or seven-day course of treatment. In any case, it is worthwhile to realize that it is important to strictly follow the doctorโ€™s recommendations and the schedule of drug use, as otherwise the therapy will be ineffective. It should be understood that the course of treatment is necessary immediately for both partners, since otherwise the risk of reinfection is high. At least two weeks should be kept from sexual intercourse, even with the use of means of protection against infection. In addition, after completion of therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination again and pass the necessary tests - only then you can consider yourself healthy.

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