Diet for hepatitis C: a daily menu

It is extremely important to follow a diet for hepatitis C. This is a very serious and dangerous disease. It is imperative to follow all the doctor's recommendations, take the necessary medications, monitor your diet. The latter factor is one of the key to a full recovery.

Hepatitis C disease

No wonder many experts say that this is one of the most dangerous viral hepatitis. Not only tissues, but also the liver parenchyma are significantly damaged. So the diet for hepatitis C is the key to good health.

For patients suffering from this disease, specialists draw up a special diet, which is based on the fact that it is necessary to minimize the load on the liver, strengthen cell defense, and prevent the possible development of cancer. In this case, the diet for hepatitis C is meticulously verified, so that the body receives in full the necessary daily intake of all vitamins, minerals and nutrients. When compiling it, it takes into account how much a person needs proteins, carbohydrates and fats, depending on his energy costs.

Diet features

Menu for hepatitis C

Interestingly, the diet for hepatitis C is suitable for patients suffering from chronic hepatitis, and for patients with cirrhosis of the liver, as well as problems due to gallstones, cholecystitis, ulcers and gastritis. It should be emphasized that nutrition in these diseases is significantly different from normal.

During a diet for chronic hepatitis, it is important to limit the consumption of any fats, as well as foods that contain oxalic acid, cholesterol, and all kinds of essential oils. In general, everything that can irritate the liver. It is also necessary to minimize the use of soy and coarse fiber, categorically refuse foods that even theoretically can cause fermentation in the patient's intestines or activate the secretion of bile. Observing a diet for liver hepatitis, it is necessary to exclude fried foods from the diet. It is important to eat in small portions five times a day.

Eating properly, the patient will be able to establish the process of his digestion and liver function. It is not necessary during the recovery period to load the stomach with heavy food.

Calories and Organic

Diet for chronic hepatitis

A patient diagnosed with hepatitis C should receive approximately two thousand 400 calories daily. In his diet should be 100 grams of protein, mainly of animal origin, about 400 grams of carbohydrates and about 80 grams of fat.

Do not also forget that the minerals and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body can be obtained not only from products, but also by taking various vitamin complexes.

It is also important to drink at least two and a half liters of water. The basic principles of such a diet are the use of products that will be most beneficial for the body, and can also be easily digested.

What is possible and what is not?

Every day diet

The diet that should be followed with hepatitis, contains a large number of restrictions, therefore, to comply with it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to rebuild your body. First of all, this applies to everything related to the heat treatment of products.

The hepatitis C diet menu excludes fried foods. Food can only be steamed, boiled or stewed. In addition, liquid food must be consumed in a warm form, this will greatly contribute to the outflow of bile unnecessary to the body. From this article you will learn what you can’t and what you can eat. The diet for hepatitis C, on the one hand, is strict, but on the other - very diverse.

Product Categories

From meat you can eat only dishes from low-fat varieties. For example, meatballs or meatballs are welcome, and doctor's sausage is not rejected.

From fish it is best to opt for zander, pike or cod. Fats must be easily absorbed by the body. The products containing them include vegetable oil and creamy fats.

From dairy products, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cheeses are suitable, only the latter should not be sharp.

Eggs can only be eaten boiled. And no more than one piece per day. But pasta and cereal will suit all varieties.

From raw vegetables during diet 5 for hepatitis C, you can eat cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Beets, zucchini and cauliflower must first be boiled.

It is also allowed to include sweet fruits, weak coffee, tea, juices and compotes, flour products, white bread, and lean cookies in the diet.

One of the important components of the hepatitis C diet menu is milk. It must be present in the patient's diet every day. This product perfectly helps to restore the liver and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

In this regard, all cereals are recommended to be cooked strictly in milk. So they will become not only more satisfying, but also useful.

It is strictly forbidden to eat everything fatty, salty, as well as treat yourself to sweets. Sour cabbage soup and soups are not allowed. During cooking, you can not use lard, margarine, very fatty meat and lard.

It is also worth saying goodbye to thoughts about canned meat. They have too much cholesterol, which can trigger a change in liver cells. Sauces, garlic, onions and spices, most spices should be excluded from the menu. All this can greatly irritate the mucous membrane of the liver and only exacerbate the development of the disease.

Garlic is dangerous because it contains essential oils, so it is dangerous even when stewed. The ban includes radishes, sauerkraut, sour fruits, mushrooms, nuts, almonds and all citrus fruits.

It is not recommended to drink strong black coffee, cocoa, any cold drinks, especially alcohol and soda.

Now you know that it is possible with hepatitis C. A diet with these recommendations will be much easier to follow. For convenience, there is a special menu with a detailed description of each meal throughout the week. We will study it carefully.


Hepatitis C recipes

Remember that the daily diet for hepatitis includes five meals.

On the first day of the diet, for example, it will be Monday, for breakfast it will be useful to eat a plate of buckwheat porridge in milk seasoned with butter. For porridge - one piece of bread. A little cottage cheese, not more than 70 grams, washed down with black tea and milk.

The second meal should be at 9-10 in the morning. It should be limited to one sweet apple. For lunch, eat a small plate of vegetarian noodle soup seasoned with chicken breast. Wash it down with a glass of fruit jelly.

In the afternoon - a few biscuits with green tea. Dinner is more thorough: 150 grams of boiled fish with mashed potatoes with the addition of cauliflower, two slices of rye bread. Drink a glass of mineral water.

Before bedtime, a glass of low-fat kefir is recommended.


Daily menu

The first meal on the second day, you can start with a bowl of oatmeal with meat and a cup of tea with milk. The hepatitis diet table should not be very plentiful, but hearty and nutritious.

Three hours after breakfast, eat no more than 100 grams of cottage cheese, washed down with compote.

For lunch, rice cereal soup cooked on potato broth is suitable. For the second, you can afford two cabbage rolls with beef with three slices of stale white bread. For dessert - a glass of jelly cooked from sweet berries.

With liver diseases, it is important not to forget about afternoon tea. On Tuesday, allow yourself one large ripe apple or pear. For dinner - 200 grams of rice porridge, boiled in milk, with a slice of fresh cheese.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of homemade kefir, not very oily.


With hepatitis, be sure to eat vegetables

The third day of a strict diet, start with a plate of millet porridge with boiled fish. It’s better to drink everything with a glass of broth made on rose hips. For lunch, limit yourself to three tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese and do not forget to drink. Remember to drink at least two and a half liters of fluid per day.

For lunch, prepare a bowl of vermicelli soup in milk. In addition, eat at least 200 grams of dietary meat with stewed carrots and a slice of white bread. For dessert - a glass of uzvar.

It is worth noting that there are many diet recipes for hepatitis. For example, to make milk soup, which will be very useful for liver diseases, take:

  • half a glass of noodles;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • some butter.

Cooking such a soup is not difficult at all. It will not take you much time. Pour water and milk into the pan, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Put the future soup on the fire. Once it boils, feel free to add the noodles. You need to cook for ten minutes, without giving a strong boil, so it is better to make a small fire. After that, turn off immediately.

Remember that milk soup will turn out to be especially tasty and healthy if you let it brew for several hours. Before you sit down at the table, you can add a piece of butter to the soup.

For dinner there is a lot not worth it. It should be a light meal. On the third day, nutritionists advise drinking a glass of mineral water with three dried apricots.

Drink a glass of yogurt at night.


Start the fourth day with a portion of omelet made exclusively from one protein, as well as a plate of rice porridge. Drink a cup of tea with milk. For lunch, it will be enough to eat half a pack of cottage cheese seasoned with one false low-fat sour cream. And also a sandwich with bread and a slice of boiled sausage.

For lunch: a serving of vegetable soup, a plate of mashed potatoes and a few chicken meatballs. Do not get carried away, eat no more than three. Wash it all down.

The optimal afternoon snack will consist of five crackers and a cup of green tea. Hepatitis C patient dinner on the fourth day may consist of a plate of noodles seasoned with butter. It can be sprinkled with grated mild cheese. Then drink a glass of still mineral water. Before going to bed, take 100 ml of warm kefir.


So it's Friday. For breakfast, eat a vegetable salad with grated apple, two steamed meat patties, a beef sausage sandwich. Drink a cup of weak black tea.

For lunch, bake an apple with a teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: mashed soup of zucchini and potatoes, a portion of stewed cabbage with a slice of boiled fish, as well as any two fruits that your doctor will allow in your condition.

For a mid-morning snack, take four sweet crackers and drink a rosehip broth. Dinner should consist of a plate of buckwheat porridge with butter and a slice of rye bread, you can put a slice of mild cheese on the bread. Before going to bed, drink kefir.


On the sixth day of the diet, start with a serving of boiled potatoes with two beef meatballs in milk sauce. Add two slices of bread and a cup of black tea with sugar. The second breakfast on the sixth day should take place in four hours. Eat one apple.

For lunch, prepare vegetable soup with cabbage, a plate of vermicelli with butter and two steamed cutlets from any minced meat. Drink a glass of compote. An afternoon snack can consist of a glass of biscuit and five unsweetened cookies.

hepatitis diet

For dinner, make a protein omelet and some cheesecakes. Before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt.


For breakfast on the seventh day of the diet, prepare a plate of wheat porridge with butter and two chicken fillet cutlets, three slices of white bread and a cup of weak black tea. For lunch, grate one carrot and mix it with berry jam.

In the middle of the day, eat borscht cooked in vegetable broth, only without beans. A serving of pudding with semolina and cottage cheese and one baked apple will not hurt.

For an afternoon snack - jelly from sweet berries. Dinner is semolina again, only this time porridge in milk with chopped prunes. Wash down with mineral water.

Before going to bed, traditionally drink a glass of kefir.

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