Veronika Itskovich. Personal life, movie roles.

The first basics of the dance mastery of the famous director and choreographer Yegor Druzhinin, without whose participation there is now almost no one bright show on central television channels, was taught by his wife, theater and film actress Veronika Itskovich.


Veronica became a sought-after actress only after marriage and the birth of two children, so she is better known as the wife of Yegor Druzhinin.

The actress was born on May 21, 1970 in the Georgian city of Tbilisi, where she graduated from high school, and then a choreographic school. In 1993, she entered the acting department of LGITMiK, where she met her future husband - a year later, on April 12, 1994, the marriage was officially registered. It was a discovery for the girl that many enter the institute several times, sometimes even six or seven. She was not configured for this and passed the contest right away.

Veronika Itskovich

Work in America

The couple began to master acting together. Veronika Itskovich was more experienced - years of study in a choreographic school were left behind. Yegor had talent from God, so after graduation he was invited to work in America. For the couple, this was the most difficult period. Three years they practically did not see each other. Papa Veronica came to the rescue: he found a way to contact the consul and received a visa to America for his daughter. They spent two and a half happy years in the United States and, having coped with all the trials and gained experience, returned to Russia again.

Family life

Veronika Itskovich never aspired to a smart life. The family settled in a comfortable two-room apartment, where everything spoke of the presence of two kids. The plans were already the third son Plato, the young mother was in the eighth month of pregnancy, when the question arose sharply: "Where to put the bed for the baby? Then it was decided to build a large house. The dream came true, a large friendly family settled in the northern part of the capital near Prospect Mira.

Movie roles

After the birth of two children, Veronica began to be actively invited by directors. The debut took place in 1994 in the film "Iron Curtain". The work lasted two years, followed by a long break.

In 2001, the actress was invited to the film "NLS Agency", then work followed in the film "Snow Leopard" and the series "Streets of Broken Lights-3". Veronica recalls that her husband often took care of all the children.

Ysya is improving more in acting Veronika Itskovich. The filmography continues with such films as “The Myth of the Perfect Man” (2005), “Just Lucky” (2007), “Stepmother” (2007-2008). Work on the last film lasted more than a year.

Veronika Itskovich Biography

The picture "Adult Games" was shot when Veronika Itskovich was already pregnant with her third son Plato. Filming went on until the eighth month of pregnancy. Then there was a break, but too short: when the baby was only a month old, the actress was invited to play the young Messing's mother in the TV series “Wolf Messing” (2009). According to Veronica herself, the role she did not succeed as well as she would have liked, even makeup did not help - she looked too young for a woman of sixty.

In 2014, the actress played the role of a fortuneteller in the movie "Craftsmen".

Veronika Itskovich filmography

Friendly family

Druzhinin in his interviews notes that he has nothing against being called "henpecked." Veronika Itskovich, on the contrary, claims to provide him and the children with complete independence. Their comments about each other always show pride. The couple’s children are talented: Plato and Tikhon go to music school, Alexandra sings well and has already completed journalism courses. Now the old daughter of Veronica and Yegor was interested in clinical psychology and she went headlong into the study of this science. Boys, imitating dad, started to dance well, and parents are already thinking about hiring professional choreographers for them. In this family, they are accustomed to respect the opinions of everyone and always find a compromise.

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