The best sedative for breastfeeding. What sedatives can be taken with breastfeeding?

While expecting a baby, a woman, as a rule, imagines how wonderful everything will be after the birth of the baby. But not always everything turns out as planned. After birth, many women become irritable or even aggressive. There are understandable reasons for this. To cope with such a pathology, a sedative will help with breastfeeding. It is about such drugs that will be discussed in this article. You will find out what means you can or even need to take newly made mummies. We will also tell you which sedatives are best for breastfeeding.

sedative with breastfeeding

Why does a woman become irritable after giving birth?

To begin with, it is worth saying what is the cause of constant anxiety, anxiety and stress in a recently born woman. The thing is that during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother undergoes tremendous changes. After childbirth, the reverse process begins. The hormonal background changes dramatically, milk production begins. The body spends all its strength on this particular procedure. Plus, the woman’s body after childbirth is far from in perfect shape. The newly made mother with horror discovers saggy skin, stretch marks and other imperfections in her appearance.

The woman who gives birth spends all her time on the baby. If there are no helpers in the house, then the fairer sex has to combine household chores with caring for the baby. All this is quite difficult. Accumulating over time, negative emotions develop into depression, stress and aggression.

what sedatives can nursing mom

What to do in case of a similar situation?

Many doctors argue that you can not be in this state for a long time. If you can’t recover on your own, then you need to start drinking the prescribed sedatives when breastfeeding. It is these drugs that will help to improve the functioning of the nervous system and restore lost strength. There are a number of tools that can be used by pregnant women and already held mothers. So, let's consider what sedatives can a nursing mother. They should not only help the woman, but at the same time not harm the child.

sedatives for breastfeeding

Pills "Valerian"

This sedative with breastfeeding is allowed. Many women are prescribed this drug while carrying a baby.

Valerian tablets help calm down, restore sleep and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. If the newly mummy suffers not only from nervousness, but also from sleep disorder, then this drug will be ideal for treatment.

This remedy is prescribed most often in one tablet two or three times a day. In some cases, it is recommended that you take Valerian Evening Pills. Such a preparation contains a large dose of plant extract. Tablets "Evening Valerian" when breastfeeding are taken exclusively at bedtime in the amount of one capsule.

This drug does not have a negative effect on the child. Plant extracts are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and practically do not react with breast milk.

sedatives for babies and mothers while breastfeeding

Motherwort Pills

What sedatives can a nursing mom still have? Of course, those that contain only natural plant components. These include the drug "Motherwort". This tool acts quickly, having a sedative effect. However, unlike Valerian tablets, Motherwort practically does not affect a woman’s sleep.

If you need a fast-acting resolved sedative for breastfeeding, then Motherwort tablets will be the most suitable option. Most often, doctors prescribe newly made mothers one tablet of the drug twice a day. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to drink the medicine constantly. You can take it as needed.

Sedative Herbs

What are sedatives for breastfeeding? It is most correct to take those drugs that the doctor prescribed. Often, doctors recommend replacing conventional sedative pills with natural herbs. You can purchase the collection of ingredients in the pharmacy network or mix the components yourself.

Permitted sedatives for breastfeeding (in the form of herbs) can be as follows: valerian root, motherwort inflorescence, passionflower grass. Mint or lemon balm can supplement this collection.

These plants are usually sold in dried and crushed form. You just need to combine the same proportions of the ingredients and pour hot water. Insist this fee is about half an hour. After this, it is necessary to strain the drink and take it in half a glass twice a day. Store the broth only in the refrigerator.

what sedatives are possible with breastfeeding

Modern medicine

There are also modern approved sedatives for breastfeeding. These include preparations "Persen" and "Novo-Passit." It is worth noting that many mothers are very wary of such funds. And it is right. Only a doctor can prescribe these drugs. With self-medication, the wrong dosage can be selected, which will lead to the appearance of an allergy in the baby.

The preparations "Persen" and "Novo-Passit" are created on the basis of plant extracts. They include mint, lemon balm, valerian, passionflower and other components. With the right dosage, they do not cause any harm to the child.

Baby teas

There are special sedatives for children and mothers (with breastfeeding). They come in the form of teas and are more suitable for babies. However, many mothers drink these teas and feel great.

Soothing children's decoctions include: "Grandmother's basket with mint", "Hipp with lemon balm" and others. Also perfectly calms the decoction of fennel or dill. In addition to a mild sedative effect, it also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. You can drink such teas in unlimited quantities.

valerian breastfeeding

Glycine tablets

This tool is also quite safe. Infants are prescribed this medicine for sleep disorders or restless behavior. Newly made mothers can also take such a drug. However, before that, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

sedative medications for breastfeeding

The drug "Glycine" is prescribed most often one or two tablets three times a day. The peculiarity of the reception is that the capsules can not be washed down with water. They must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. Only in this case will the effect of the treatment be noticeable.

What is the best sedative for breastfeeding?

Many women are interested in doctors, what tool is better to choose? Doctors have a consensus on this. So, experts say that in order not to cure the nerves, you do not need to waste them.

After the appearance of the baby, the woman is recommended to relax more and spend time with the baby. Transfer your household chores to the rest of the family. For the proper production of milk, the woman who gave birth needs to sleep more. At least one third of the day should be allocated for sleep.

If you are very tired, leave your child with a grandmother or dad. Take care of the procedures that are pleasant for you. Do not forget about yourself, shouldering all the work on fragile shoulders. In the first months after birth, you will simply need outside help. Only with all the rules you can stay calm. In this case, you do not have to look for the answer to the question of what kind of sedatives you can drink during breastfeeding.

sedative with breastfeeding


Now you know what drugs you can use when breastfeeding. Remember that it is forbidden to take potent tranquilizers and tinctures of herbs for alcohol. Otherwise, they can adversely affect the condition of the child.

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