Three novels by Ivan Barzikov

How many times can you come to the show “House 2” to find your true love? Ivan Barzikov can answer this question. For several years he tried to become a family man, but fate repeatedly proved to him that the time had not come yet. How does the television star live now, and what happens in his personal life? Find out!


Ivan Barzikov was born on August 7, 1991 in Zaporozhye. He does not like to spread his life to the project, so no interesting facts about his childhood and youth are yet known. He came to the frontal place with a friend who did not hide the fact that he worked in a nightclub for ladies. However, Ivan himself said that they are connected only by a common gym, and not work.

Barzik Ivan

Ivan Barzikov at "House 2"

The first appearance on the project was truly enchanting. A pretty and confident man came to rid Katya Tokareva of the hated Wenceslas Wengrzhanowski. Despite the fact that young people had already been appointed a wedding day, Vanya immediately rushed into battle. Catherine appreciated the ardor of the newcomer and asked to leave it to the project. Poor Wentz tried to intimidate her in the usual way - he terribly bulged his eyes and turned them with incredible speed. At the sight of such a competitor, he already began to doubt the strength of his position as the groom. Muscular Vanya could easily take away the brunette. Wentz replaces anger with mercy and temporarily ceases to fight with his future wife. But at the same time categorically forbids her to see Barzikov.

Ivan Barzikov and Lisa Polygalova

Katya in spite of the groom accepts courtship from a fan. The white magician realizes that he has little chance, and even promises to insert the missing teeth before the wedding. It is not known whether this fact influenced her decision, but she gave Ivan a turn from the goal and went down the aisle with eccentric Wenceslas. Although at that time there were rumors that he had accumulated a considerable fortune and was an enviable groom. This did not stop the girl, and soon they divorced.

First love

Having been refused by Catherine, Ivan began to pick up a girlfriend from among the free girls. His eyes fell on the hot mulatto Liberg Kladona. The girl knew how to conquer the guy, because before she danced in a nightclub. She responded to the courtship, and soon they became the brightest pair of the project. In their relationship, Ivan immediately took a leadership position. He was not satisfied with the bad habits of his girlfriend, and he forbade her to smoke. The girl became nervous and scandals gradually began. He forced her with a cigarette; she accused him of cruelty. Soon, fights began.

House 2 Ivan Barzik

After another scandal, Barzikov collects bags and leaves the project. But after talking with Ksenia Borodina, she promises to return soon and admits that she loves Liberge very much. The girl herself does not know how to be anymore - it’s bad without him, and worse with him. After returning, they again declare themselves a couple, but after a few days the old story repeats itself. In fights, scandals and showdowns, they lived for several months. Ivan put the final point in the relationship when he saw how at the party Liberzh frankly flirts with Mikhail Galustyan.

Ivan Barzikov biography


The point has turned into an ellipsis. Very little time passed, and the lovers were together again. These swings so tired the hosts and all the inhabitants of the television set that they were given an ultimatum - they are forbidden to build relationships with each other on the perimeter. This twist led the young people crazy and they proudly left the show. For six months they lived in a rented apartment in Moscow. After the final break, Ivan immediately returned to the project. This time he expressed sympathy for Tatyana Okhulkova. The girl reciprocated, and they spent the night together. The next day, the guy was kicked out of the project for a fight.

Ivan Barzikov and Lisa Polygalova

The third coming to the project was not long in coming. Passion calmed down, and management graciously allowed the guy to return to the show. He immediately began to look after Irina Pinchuk. Their romance was beautiful, but short-lived - the incompatibility of the characters divorced the young people.

Ivan Barzik with anyone now

But the guy did not get bored for a long time and soon already found a replacement in the person of Lisa Polygalova. Ivan Barzikov never had a calm character, but this time decided to smooth the angles in the relationship. Fans enthusiastically accepted their decision to declare themselves a couple. Quiet, modest and incredibly beautiful Lisa was supposed to bring peace and comfort to the life of a badass.

People meet, people fall in love ... getting married?

When the contest “The Millionth Wedding” started on the project, Ivan immediately expressed a desire to participate. Although his actions showed that he did not tear at the crown. Lisa humbly agreed, but the audience did not believe in their sincerity. The guy hastened to accuse his soul mate of failure and deafening failure at the competition. Ivan Barzikov and Lisa Polygalova break up. But not for long. Soon, they again embraced and whispered words of love to each other. Then it became clear to everyone - this is for a long time.

Ivan Barzikov biography

As in previous relationships, everything went according to the scenario - Vanya is jealous, Lisa is traveling on business and does not inform about her plans, ratings are growing. The scandal followed the scandal. After six months of exhausting relationships, the couple finally parted. Ivan is going to pick up his things from a rented apartment, where they once lived with Lisa, and learns that her ex-boyfriend lives there. This news literally freaks out the guy. He is recording a video for fans in which he calls his ex-girlfriend the last words. The girl, in response, also posted a video in which she urged Vanya to be a man and not to make dirty linen in public. After a grueling showdown, the young people came together again and only in November 2017 did they finally put an end to it. Ivan Barzikov is not meeting anyone now and took a break to comprehend his total unluckiness with the female sex.

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